Current Mood: Mellow
Current Music: "Keep Fishin'" by WeezerOkay, okay, I de-High School Musicalled my Blog. Can you tell that I was excited? 'Cause I was. UBER excited! So I had a big discusssion with two of the kids in choir on Thursday night (this is Kurten choir, not Chapel or Concert...sheesh, my life is complicated.) and they had never heard the word "uber." Does no one else say UBER?!!? I think it's a great word, particularly when coupled with the word "goober." "Uber Goober." 'Nuff said.
Anyway, I am killing time because I should be reading a book for History, but I do not want to even a little bit. I've read 80 pages since I got to Ovilla (there might have been a little nap in there too), so I am telling myself that I earned it.
What. I have. Anyway, moving along.
I don't really have anything to say, so I thought today could be fun with surveys day. The first one showed up as a myspace bulletin (along with the THOUSANDS of others that appear every day) and I clicked on it, for some as yet unknown reason. So here it is...
1) Are your parents married or divorced? Married. Although, I find it intriguing that these are the only two options listed. What if I had been a test-tube baby?
2) Vegetarian? Are you asking if I am a vegetarian? Um...Nooooooooo. How lazy are you? You couldn't be bothered to write out a full sentence?
3) Heaven? See? Here we go again. What are you asking exactly? Do I believe in it? Am I going there? Did you misspell "haven?" And if so, what was meant by asking haven? That's just ridiculous.
4)Come close to dying? Hee hee hee. Define close. I suppose there have been times in my life when people might think I have come close to death. But I never thought so...
5) What jewelry do you wear? Two rings, sometimes a watch, sometimes a necklace, sometimes a bracelet...a tiara, but that's really only when I am at home by myself...
6) Are you eating? Right now? No.
7)Drinking? No. Although my hands smell like margaritas. Mmmmm...
8) Makeup? As in do I wear it? Not if given a choice. You wouldn't think there would be many opportunities in which I wouldn't have a choice, would you? *sigh*
9) Were you the dumper or the dumpee in a past relationship? Dumper. But I was a good dumper. Right, Diana? ;-)
10) Would you ever have plastic surgery? Why? Do you think I NEED plastic surgery? Answer yes to that, and I will make each of your toes hurt in turn.
11) What do you wear to bed? How boring would I be if I wore the same thing to bed each night? WAY boring. I am not boring. I am creative. I plan entire nighttime outfits. With accessories and stuff.
12) Have you ever done anything illegal? Oh, I am sure that I have. I speed a little bit always. 4 mph over. I figure then no one can be mad at me for going too slowly, but police officers are not going to pull me over. I also stole a thing of mints from Kroger once, but I didn't mean to. Then there was the whole bank-robbing thing, but that was really just a bad case of the Mondays.
13) Can you roll your tongue? Yes. Because that makes me cool. In fact, I dare say UBER cool.
15) What kind of watch(es)? TAG
16) Abortion? Um no...I am here, aren't I? Or am I? What is reality, really? Perception can be deceived, so where is the proof? I think therefore I am.
17) Hair color? Brown at the moment. But I take great joy in switching. My name is Sidney Bristow.
18) Future child's name? Well, I would answer, but I think that my current children would get jealous. So, we'll just discuss them. I have two daughters. At least, we think they're daughters. They ran away shortly after birth and I haven't seen them since. Bafufta and Bafoozala are their names. If you see them, would you please give them a message from their loving father? Tell them I want my 20 bucks back!
19) Do you snore? Of course not, I'm perfect. How in the world would I know anyway, seeing as how you have to be asleep to snore?
20) If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would you go? London. Haven't been there yet.
21) Do you sleep with stuffed animals? No. Used to though. There are all still on my bed here in Ovilla. They look lonely. It's very sad.
22) If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Figure out how to tell my friends that I apparently gamble...
23) Gold or silver? Silver.
24) Hamburger or hot dog?Ooooh, a hamburger! I am a bit of a hamburger freak. Red Robin, Kitoks, and Koppe Bridge, you are my heroes!
25) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Geraldine's Bodacious Cheese Straws.
26) Beach, city, or country? Oh, BEACH!!! In Oceanside!
27) What was the last thing you touched? Um, the keyboard, genius. Stupid question.
28) Where do you eat????? My room, the living room, Red Robin, Kitoks, Koppe Bridge, McDonald's, Chipotle, Blue Baker, Starbuck's, the SUB, Chik-Fil-A, Cheddars, TGI Fridays, Chuy's, Chili's, On the Border, Chris-Luke-Brad-Jeff's house, Summer Palace, Hooters *blushes*, Olive Garden, Sonic.
29) When's the last time you cried? Oh good golly, when was the last time I watched Extreme Makeover: Home Edition?
30) have u read any blogs from the person who sent the first? I don't even begin to understand this question. It shall therefore be disregarded.
31) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? I can't think of any circumstance in which I would, but I won't say that I wouldn't EVER...
32) Ever been involved with the police? I don't think I have dated a police officer, no...
33) Have you ever got into a fist fight? I suppose not techincally, because we didn't really use our fists. I am not much a fighter.
34)Current Crush? Whoa....I guess no one. How weird is that? The Bethany Joy messed me all up.
35) Beach or pool? Beach. People who would answer pool make me sad inside.
36) Can you cross your eyes? Yes. Again with the uber coolness.
37) What's your favorite song at the moment? Ooh, good question! At the moment, I think I am still digging "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt. But there is also "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield and I am also loving Brian Littrell's version of "In Christ Alone."
38) Window seat or aisle? Aisle. Gotta be able to run.
39) Ever met any famous bands/singer? Of course! 'Cause I am kindof a big deal, you know? ;-) I used to sing with Matt Fuqua from the Afters. Did you know that? They asked me to join, of course, but I didn't want to steal the spotlight. Also sang with the Judds. Did you know that? They didn't ask me to join. It's okay, though, they were afraid that the constant presence of my amazingness would be too much of a distraction for them. Jo Dee Messina because she was touring with the Judds. Don't know much about her, not really a country fan. And I used to LIVE with Seth Thomas! Can you imagine?? I know, I am famous just by association. Hee hee hee. Seth, do you even read these anymore? 'Course not. He's too busy being Mr. Grown Up in Cali.
40) Do you feel that you've ever had a truly successful relationship? Until I am married, I will have to say no.
41) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl it. Don't be a goober.
42) Rickie Lake or Oprah Winfrey? ELLEN!!!!!
43)Football? Oh, don't make me come over there. Gross. Football would be better if it was hockey.
44) How long does your shower lasts? 10 minutes.
45) Do you drive a stick? Hahaha. Now THERE'S a good idea. There's not enough out there to pull my attention, let's add foot-hand coordination!
46) Cake or ice cream? Mmmmm...cake....Carrot, please.
47) Self-conscious? Well sure, sometimes. Not at the moment.
48) What time do you get up? *sigh* 6:00am in theory. Sometimes 7.
49) Have you ever given money to a bum? No. Because they weren't bums. Just a little down on their luck.
50. When was ur first crush? Bother. I don't know. Before fifth grade, but I don't know for sure. Seth stole her, by the way. That's why I poisoned his cereal one morning. Oops. too much information...
51) Where do you wish you were? California, duh. Like you even had to ask.
52) Have you ever broken someone's heart? I don't know. Ask Diana. HAHAHAHAHA!
53) Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Durn it, NO! I always get hurt in these no-nothing places that take me to the local medicene man in a horse-drawn carriage.
54) Ever gone skinny dipping? Ew. No.
56) Last sport you played? Um, T-ball, when I was 6.
57). Things you spend a lot of money on? My house which they sold and I now have to move out of. Bills. More bills. Food. Nothing interesting. What's left tends to go to CD's that I shouldn't but but I do. Or books that I shouldn't buy, but I do.
58) Are you a virgin? Yes.
59) High School you attend(ed)? First Baptist Academy
60) Last wedding attended? Lisa's, I think. Although at this point, they are all starting to run together.
61) Favorite fast food restaurant? Chik-Fil-A!
62) Where do you work? No where today, but hopefully soon!!!! I'll keep you posted
63) Can you cook? Shells and Cheese, Yeah, BABY!
64) Most hated food: Something from Freebirds. Yuck.
65) Can you sing? EVERYONE can sing!
66) When was ur last kiss? *GASP* None of your business!
67) What was the last piece of mail you opened? Letters from Kindergarteners! Awwwww....
68) Favorite Alcoholic drink: Margarita
69) Do you talk in your sleep? Only if I have something insightful to say.
Okay, and this is the audience participation portion of the post. I checked off all these little things on this next quiz because you're supposed to see what your number is.
I don't know why.
Anyway, your task if you are bored is to guess which of these I have done. This little quiz is copied directly from myspace, so don't think this is just what I do in my spare time. I did correct the numerous grammatical errors though. And some spelling.
ANYWAY! The point is, I have done 31, so a special reward awaits the person who can guess the most of those 31 correctly. Good luck!
Mark It With An X
1 - [ ] Gotten Drunk
2 - [ ] Smoked pot/cigarettes
3 - [ ] Wrecked a car
4 - [ ] Driven/Ridden in a police car
5 - [ ] Saved an email
6 - [ ] Said "I love you"
7 - [ ] Fell in love with a friend
8 - [ ] Come to school drunk or high
9 - [ ] Hung up on somebody
10 - [ ] Held hands with somebody
11 - [ ] Been to a Warped Tour
12 - [ ] Bought clothes at Wal-Mart
13 - [ ] Broke something in Wal-Mart
14 - [ ] Back-talked a teacher
15 - [ ] Ripped up a detention slip
16 - [ ] Gotten into a fist fight at a public place
17 - [ ] Skinny Dipped
18 - [ ] Had a charicature drawn of yourself
19 - [ ] Gone to Six Flags
20 - [ ] Cried in school
21 - [ ] Broken a bone
22 - [ ] Ran in a Marathon
23 - [ ] Been to the Masters
24 - [ ] Ripped your jeans in a public place
25 - [ ] Cried just so you'd get something
26 - [ ] Run away from home
27 - [ ] Listened to music so loud the neighbors complained
28 - [ ] Skipped detention
29 - [ ] tYpEd lIkE dIs
30 - [ ] Wore your pants so low that your underwear showed
31 - [ ] Shot a gun
32 - [ ] Cussed in school
33 - [ ] Got into a fight with your best friend
34 - [ ] Broken someone's heart
35 - [ ] Cried when somebody died
36 - [ ] Bought a Britney Spears CD
37 - [ ] Went to a movie with someone that you liked
38 - [ ] Had a goldfish
39 - [ ] Broken a window
40 - [ ] Said "izzle" in a word
41 - [ ] Made up a nickname for yourself
42 - [ ] Gotten so mad you kicked/punched a hole in your bedroom wall
43 - [ ] Been kissed
44 - [ ] Been to a foriegn country
45 - [ ] Owned a band t-shirt
46 - [ ] Been late for school
47 - [ ] Bribed someone
48 - [ ] Played with a lighter
49 - [ ] Made fun of someone
50 - [ ] Told someone that you liked, how you felt
Alrighty, there you go. Can you guess which 31 are mine?