The One With the Choral Celebrities
Hey, everybody! First off, let me apologize for the downtime this weekend. I know that one person at least had trouble accessing the site, so I'm sorry! Blogger had some server issues, but they should be good now. Normally, when Blogger has problems, they tell me exactly what's going on and when they think it will be fixed.
This weekend, the message read something more akin to "Okay, it's fixed! We don't know what's going on. We'll get back to you."
Yeah, so that's good.
Anyway, second of all,let me apologize for the quality of the two audio posts from today. I knew that they would be bad when I recorded them, but I just HAD to show you what's going on! I am thinking about getting a digital recorder to use for music and other recordings bigger than just me talking. Cell phones were not built for how I use them! FYI, that's why there are bits of static in the two files. Whenever there was too much noise to process, the phone interpretted static. But, you still get the picture!
Hahaha, so I didn't tell you why I recorded these, did I? Weeeeellll, the choir that you are listening to is not the Concert Choir. It is, in fact, the St. Olaf Choir! They came down to sing with us today before they head to Dallas for a concert tonight at the Meyerson. Anyway, the bottom post is just St. Olaf. The top one is St. Olaf and the Concert Choir together. Enjoy!
Let Everything That Has Breath
What a Wonderful World
This weekend, the message read something more akin to "Okay, it's fixed! We don't know what's going on. We'll get back to you."
Yeah, so that's good.
Anyway, second of all,let me apologize for the quality of the two audio posts from today. I knew that they would be bad when I recorded them, but I just HAD to show you what's going on! I am thinking about getting a digital recorder to use for music and other recordings bigger than just me talking. Cell phones were not built for how I use them! FYI, that's why there are bits of static in the two files. Whenever there was too much noise to process, the phone interpretted static. But, you still get the picture!
Hahaha, so I didn't tell you why I recorded these, did I? Weeeeellll, the choir that you are listening to is not the Concert Choir. It is, in fact, the St. Olaf Choir! They came down to sing with us today before they head to Dallas for a concert tonight at the Meyerson. Anyway, the bottom post is just St. Olaf. The top one is St. Olaf and the Concert Choir together. Enjoy!
Let Everything That Has Breath
What a Wonderful World
Rose from Golden Girls is from St. Olaf... different one, but still St. Olaf! lol :)
Suzy, At
4:57 PM, February 07, 2006
Haha. You know, that's as close as anyone has come to knowing who these guys are yet! Thanks! And shame on you guys for not knowing who the St. Olaf Choir is!
Jason Hunt, At
7:23 PM, February 08, 2006
Hey! Educating is YOUR job. We are only responsible for soaking it up.
5:46 AM, February 09, 2006
I am in LOVE with the St. Olaf choir! I saw a PBS Christmas special during the holidays and they were incredible. They went back to... Norway? Is that where their roots are? A Scandinavian country for sure. Anyway, they went back to were the founder of St. Olaf's choir was from and sang in this awesome cathedral and the performance gave me chills.
Anonymous, At
8:52 PM, February 12, 2006
Mom, don't make me come up there.
Amber, I have no idea where their roots are. They come from Minnesota now.
Or Missouri.
Ug, I think those should all be one state. I mean, COME ON!
Jason Hunt, At
2:02 PM, February 13, 2006
So, little story. What am I doing to make it through finals?
Are you ready to feel special?
Reading your blog. I have a system. I work until my head doesn't want me too, then I stop and read something here. It started as just a fluke, and now, it's become fun. You've been kinda insightful in the past, and I like reading about where you've come from.
What? Stalker? Um...
Ok. Maybe. But, a happy one.
In all seriousness, this one made me laugh. Maybe because MN and MO were mentioned on a a plan to be the same state. Ah, God's a funny one.
Ok, back to work. Thanks for the you know, being amazing. ;-)
Anonymous, At
2:02 PM, December 03, 2008
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