The One Where POSEIDON Rises Again!
Mood up until two hours ago: Stressed 
Current Mood: Tentatively Content
Current Music: "Forgiveness" by Collective Soul from Disciplined Breakdown the moment, I really hate computers. No, seriously. I know what you're thinking: "Jason, you can't possible mean that. Come on, the computer is your LIFE!"
First of all, how rude of you to assume you know so much about me! Second, I hate when you are right.
Not that the computer is really my life, but it is a relatively important part of my existence, enough so that I really feel odd when poor POSEIDON takes a turn for the worse. Let me tell you what this week has entailed. See, a few weeks ago, I noticed that Windows was starting to act a little funky. Now, if you are like me (meaning you have a relatively complicated computer filled with specialized hardware and software), that is not so out-of-the-ordinary. Maybe you haven't realized it yet, so let me clue you in...Windows REALLY stinks. So, every once in a while, it needs to be given a clean slate and re-installed. Well, I started backing up data so that I could easily reset, but before I could finish, the system went down completely. Frustrating, yes. Debilitating? Not necessarily.
Then I tried to run the backup system. In the case of an emergency like this, I have a second copy of Windows installed on a different drive so that I can copy files over before a drive goes south completely. Unfortunately, this week I was too late. That's right, the problem was not with Windows, but with the hard drive itself. And did I catch it in time? Why no. No I didn't. And not only THAT, but no sooner had I removed the damaged drive than the backup system crashed too.
So, um, yeah...that's like, bad and stuff...
Me, being a new student at the MUSIC SCHOOL WOOOO HOOOOOOO, had absolutely NO time to get things working again, so my week was spent in computer silence. Sorry about my absence, I just have had no free time this week! Today, I finally found the time to install the OS on my third, final, and smallest drive and things seem to be going well. All of my programs and their associated data are gone, but most of my personal files are intact as are my music backup files (PHEW!) and the television archives. Now, I am just sitting here re-installing missing programs and relishing the opportunity to start fresh with my poor computer. Just looking for that silver lining.
By the way, ALL of the software I use to edit my website and Blog template is gone, so.....well, I hope you like the music I last selected, because it may be here a while.
So, I will tell you all about school in a later post (once I reinstall my photo software so I can share some pictures), but I wanted you to know where I've been. Thanks for sticking around!!
-Your Ever Faithful Jim Hawkins
P.S. PROPS TO CANADIAN EMILY! C.Emily sent me a birthday card that I just got yesterday and I wanted to say UBER thanks! Are you guys ready for this? I openned the card and a butterfly flew out and whacked me in the face. Scared the poo out of me, but also the COOLEST card I have ever received! Thanks, Em!
And no, I wasn't making that up. Butterfly. Flying. Nice.

Current Mood: Tentatively Content

Current Music: "Forgiveness" by Collective Soul from Disciplined Breakdown the moment, I really hate computers. No, seriously. I know what you're thinking: "Jason, you can't possible mean that. Come on, the computer is your LIFE!"
First of all, how rude of you to assume you know so much about me! Second, I hate when you are right.
Not that the computer is really my life, but it is a relatively important part of my existence, enough so that I really feel odd when poor POSEIDON takes a turn for the worse. Let me tell you what this week has entailed. See, a few weeks ago, I noticed that Windows was starting to act a little funky. Now, if you are like me (meaning you have a relatively complicated computer filled with specialized hardware and software), that is not so out-of-the-ordinary. Maybe you haven't realized it yet, so let me clue you in...Windows REALLY stinks. So, every once in a while, it needs to be given a clean slate and re-installed. Well, I started backing up data so that I could easily reset, but before I could finish, the system went down completely. Frustrating, yes. Debilitating? Not necessarily.
Then I tried to run the backup system. In the case of an emergency like this, I have a second copy of Windows installed on a different drive so that I can copy files over before a drive goes south completely. Unfortunately, this week I was too late. That's right, the problem was not with Windows, but with the hard drive itself. And did I catch it in time? Why no. No I didn't. And not only THAT, but no sooner had I removed the damaged drive than the backup system crashed too.
So, um, yeah...that's like, bad and stuff...
Me, being a new student at the MUSIC SCHOOL WOOOO HOOOOOOO, had absolutely NO time to get things working again, so my week was spent in computer silence. Sorry about my absence, I just have had no free time this week! Today, I finally found the time to install the OS on my third, final, and smallest drive and things seem to be going well. All of my programs and their associated data are gone, but most of my personal files are intact as are my music backup files (PHEW!) and the television archives. Now, I am just sitting here re-installing missing programs and relishing the opportunity to start fresh with my poor computer. Just looking for that silver lining.
By the way, ALL of the software I use to edit my website and Blog template is gone, so.....well, I hope you like the music I last selected, because it may be here a while.
So, I will tell you all about school in a later post (once I reinstall my photo software so I can share some pictures), but I wanted you to know where I've been. Thanks for sticking around!!
-Your Ever Faithful Jim Hawkins
P.S. PROPS TO CANADIAN EMILY! C.Emily sent me a birthday card that I just got yesterday and I wanted to say UBER thanks! Are you guys ready for this? I openned the card and a butterfly flew out and whacked me in the face. Scared the poo out of me, but also the COOLEST card I have ever received! Thanks, Em!
And no, I wasn't making that up. Butterfly. Flying. Nice.
Laughed out loud at the thought of your reaction to the poor butterfly. We'll get the new hard drive for poor ol'd Poseidon and then you'll have things easier. I also want to take this opportunity to recommend again my own back-up solution, Connected. It's worth the money.
3:28 PM, January 13, 2006
haha! So it was an actual live butterfly? How in the world did it survive a few days in the mail service all the way from Canada?! That's amazing! That's it - from now on, all my cards will have live butterflys inside. :-) Must...find...butterfly farm....
Anonymous, At
5:11 PM, January 13, 2006
HAHA! So glad it scared the poo out of you! That was the point! No Amber it wasn't a live butterfly! Just a wind up paper one! I love those flutterby's the tend to scare people and I love the reactions! So glad you got the card!
Emily, At
3:23 PM, January 15, 2006
Now that I have a computer that actually works and doesn't take 2 hours to load a page... I read your blog more. But there is one problem... you haven't posted! I know the whole computer drama is terrible... but really. FIND A WAY! I actually have posted more than you this week... that is unheard of! Anyways... hope your computer is behaving. If it needs to come to kindergarten and pull a card for not following directions just let me know. I'll get right on that! =)
DianaS, At
8:56 PM, January 15, 2006
I posted two days ago, Freak of Nature.
Jason Hunt, At
9:41 PM, January 15, 2006
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