The One With NORAD
Hey, guys! I am sorry that I have been absent the past few days. In truth, time passes so much more quickly when I am sitting here at home than when I am working at Baylor. Ah, life's little ironies. Tomorrow is our big family Christmas (the Hunt side) and it is at our house. As much as I love my family, there are definitely times when they try my patience. These get-togethers are so tense! Everyone is burying irritation and trepidation with the pink niceties of polite etiquette. But it does mean that there will be present opening. I guess that's kind of horrible. Is it wrong that presents are the highlight? A friend of mine recently posted his feelings about the decline in our society's understanding or Christmas. A lot of what he said is true. I do get wrapped up in what's wrapped up under the tree (My, aren't I clever) and the origin of our celebration is relegated to the areas of my mind seldom explored. We probably all do. Far be it for me to counter someone who wrote so eloquently and acurately about this topic, but I think that in those gifts lies part of the meaning of Christmas.
True, Christmas is a celebration of Jesus' birth, but in a world where family members are often spread across the country, it has also become a time when families reunite. There is something about openning a present from a friend of family member that brings so much joy. Not in the gift itself, but in the thought it represents. I don't think that makes God angry. In fact, I dare say it pleases Him that His ultimate sacrifice in seperating His family now brings other together. I am not condoning the way we let other things cloud our minds during the holiday season, but I don't think God minds sharing a little.
Totally different topic--->I realize that you all probably know me as something of a Tech Geek. Not in the knowledgable sense, but in the Oooooo-I-want-one! sense. Well, ever since I wrote that post about the Robots in Beck's Video, I cannot stop watching it! Seriously, it's now cruising dangerously close to the border of Obsessiveland. There are even days when I find myself humming the music from the dance. Sad, sad, sad. But the robots are SOOOOO cool! I ran across another video for the bots today, and it got me all started up again. Turns out that they are really taking off! The robots are called QRIO (pronounced Curio) and are, as I said, made by Sony. If you get a chance, you really ought to check out their website, it is REALLY cool! Plus, it has a bunch more videos of them doing loads of things including directing a real symphony and performing handbells. I want one! Anyway, just thought I would share.
And I think that's it. I am getting a little sleepy now. I finally got presents for my family today and I think they are good. Being on an inhumanly small budget actually makes buying gifts more fun. It becomes this balance of thoughtfullness vs. economics. How can I get the most thought for my buck? ;-) So excited! And my apologies to my friends and colleagues who will not be receiving a gift from me. I know that most of you wouldn't expect one anyway, but believe me when I say that I wish I could buy one for everyone! In fact, the chances are good that I saw something I wanted to get you but couldn't. But don't worry. When God blesses me with fame and money, I will gift with interest. Good night, everyone!
True, Christmas is a celebration of Jesus' birth, but in a world where family members are often spread across the country, it has also become a time when families reunite. There is something about openning a present from a friend of family member that brings so much joy. Not in the gift itself, but in the thought it represents. I don't think that makes God angry. In fact, I dare say it pleases Him that His ultimate sacrifice in seperating His family now brings other together. I am not condoning the way we let other things cloud our minds during the holiday season, but I don't think God minds sharing a little.
Totally different topic--->I realize that you all probably know me as something of a Tech Geek. Not in the knowledgable sense, but in the Oooooo-I-want-one! sense. Well, ever since I wrote that post about the Robots in Beck's Video, I cannot stop watching it! Seriously, it's now cruising dangerously close to the border of Obsessiveland. There are even days when I find myself humming the music from the dance. Sad, sad, sad. But the robots are SOOOOO cool! I ran across another video for the bots today, and it got me all started up again. Turns out that they are really taking off! The robots are called QRIO (pronounced Curio) and are, as I said, made by Sony. If you get a chance, you really ought to check out their website, it is REALLY cool! Plus, it has a bunch more videos of them doing loads of things including directing a real symphony and performing handbells. I want one! Anyway, just thought I would share.
And I think that's it. I am getting a little sleepy now. I finally got presents for my family today and I think they are good. Being on an inhumanly small budget actually makes buying gifts more fun. It becomes this balance of thoughtfullness vs. economics. How can I get the most thought for my buck? ;-) So excited! And my apologies to my friends and colleagues who will not be receiving a gift from me. I know that most of you wouldn't expect one anyway, but believe me when I say that I wish I could buy one for everyone! In fact, the chances are good that I saw something I wanted to get you but couldn't. But don't worry. When God blesses me with fame and money, I will gift with interest. Good night, everyone!
wow, your friend Andrew is incredibly glib. I enjoyed reading his entry. He may even give YOU a run for your money... ;-) Don't worry, I still prefer yours.
Anonymous, At
8:43 AM, December 23, 2005
So it's Christmas Eve, well, technically it's Christmas morning, and I'm locked in my room waiting for "Santa" to arrive and what do I do? Why, I google my name, of course.
YOUR blog ranks #9! How random/cool is that? Even before my own. Take a bow, Mr. Hunt, take a bow.
:) Merry Christmas, buddy!
Anonymous, At
10:15 PM, December 24, 2005
Yea for the link! And it's good to hear from you; I hope all is well with you.
Andrew, At
12:06 PM, January 16, 2006
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