The One With Christmas CHEER!
Current Mood: Christmassy 
Current Music: Selah Joy
I don't know that there is really anything particularly cheery about this post, but I am feeling very cheery! I finally got to leave Waco today and am happily typing away at my parent's house. My mom has more Christmas decorations than Rockefeller center and walking into our house at Christmas time is like walking into Santa's house. If you are ever going to be in the neighborhood, you should really stop by and take a gander. At night, if you can. The lights definitely make a difference!
Oh, before I forget. Right here, out in public, I owe Diana an apology. Turns out, you were right, Diana, and it does NOT say anywhere on here that VTCII was cancelled. It was supposed to, but the post that talked about the general lack of interest was the one that got dumped when Norton reset my computer a few days ago. So...I am sorry that I was irritated with you for not reading my Blog. It would seem that you caught me in a bad mood. Gotta be careful about that. ;-)
I am feeling positively festive. I love this time of year! I love all of the lights and decorations. I love the touchy feely Christmas specials on television. I love all of the Christmas concerts and music (especially TSO tomorrow night...which I will not get to see. Rachel is going. We don't like Rachel today). It just seems like Christmas puts everyone in these thoughtful, spread-the-cheer kind of moods. Let me tell you a little story.
A while ago, a friend of mine mentioned to a guy that she happened to love the poetry of Emily Dickinson and mentioned which was her favorite poem. Well, today she got a package in the mail....Yup, a book of Dickinson's poems with that particular poem highlighted. Isn't that amazing?! I don't know this guy, but I am in awe at his thoughtfulness.
Just thought I would share. So, I decided to give you all a little laugh today. Check out Rudolph. Hee hee hee.
And I hope that you each have a wonderful week. Merry Christmas! Here is a little taste of Christmas at my house. Click the pictures for a larger version...

P.S. Those of you in Texas, join with me in prayer for a white Christmas! Pray hard!

Current Music: Selah Joy

I don't know that there is really anything particularly cheery about this post, but I am feeling very cheery! I finally got to leave Waco today and am happily typing away at my parent's house. My mom has more Christmas decorations than Rockefeller center and walking into our house at Christmas time is like walking into Santa's house. If you are ever going to be in the neighborhood, you should really stop by and take a gander. At night, if you can. The lights definitely make a difference!
Oh, before I forget. Right here, out in public, I owe Diana an apology. Turns out, you were right, Diana, and it does NOT say anywhere on here that VTCII was cancelled. It was supposed to, but the post that talked about the general lack of interest was the one that got dumped when Norton reset my computer a few days ago. So...I am sorry that I was irritated with you for not reading my Blog. It would seem that you caught me in a bad mood. Gotta be careful about that. ;-)
I am feeling positively festive. I love this time of year! I love all of the lights and decorations. I love the touchy feely Christmas specials on television. I love all of the Christmas concerts and music (especially TSO tomorrow night...which I will not get to see. Rachel is going. We don't like Rachel today). It just seems like Christmas puts everyone in these thoughtful, spread-the-cheer kind of moods. Let me tell you a little story.
A while ago, a friend of mine mentioned to a guy that she happened to love the poetry of Emily Dickinson and mentioned which was her favorite poem. Well, today she got a package in the mail....Yup, a book of Dickinson's poems with that particular poem highlighted. Isn't that amazing?! I don't know this guy, but I am in awe at his thoughtfulness.
Just thought I would share. So, I decided to give you all a little laugh today. Check out Rudolph. Hee hee hee.
And I hope that you each have a wonderful week. Merry Christmas! Here is a little taste of Christmas at my house. Click the pictures for a larger version...

P.S. Those of you in Texas, join with me in prayer for a white Christmas! Pray hard!
Its ok....It probably came off as being mean.... That's what happens when the end of the first semester is coming along and your 18 5 and 6 year olds are DRIVING YOU NUTS! So... I'm sorry too.
DianaS, At
7:38 AM, December 17, 2005
I love the tree and all the decorations! So pretty. I will pray for a white Christmas for you. And can you pray for one for me too? I know I live in Canada, but we haven't had a white Christmas in like 5 or 10 years!
Emily, At
10:17 AM, December 17, 2005
You got it, Baby! I'm praying for a white Christmas! Now, C. Emily, you do need that for 12/25, right? It's not in like April or something is it...*cough*Thanksgiving*cough* ;-)
Jason Hunt, At
8:17 PM, December 17, 2005
awww, I love Christmas decorations!!! Our house is decked out, too. We have THREE Christmas trees. My parents go a little overboard....
Anonymous, At
9:03 AM, December 19, 2005
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