The One With the Sickness
I would like to say that Suzy loses 20 cool points for a hypocritical nag about my updating habits!
There. That being said, let's move on.
Normally, I would apologize for waiting this long to post, but the truth of the matter is that I am not sorry. Not even a little bit! HAHAHAHA! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it! (Sidenote: What a stupid phrase. Who thought that up?). So let's rehash....
Tuesday, as you know, I took off for Tyler for the day with Grady and had a great time! Granted, the car broke down half way there and we had to wait for a tow-truck to take the car back to Dallas and a ride to take us on to Tyler, but that's okay. It was fun to sit in on a praise band rehearing. I love that kind of stuff! Plus, this church was AMAZING! I have some pictures to share, but I haven't installed the software to link my camera to the network yet, so it will have to wait. Anyway, got home VERY late on Tuesday night and the world went on.
Wednesday, went to class. Felt a little blah, but figured it to be the result of my late night.
Sadly, I was mistaken. I had an uninvited guest---->Mr. Upper Respiratory Infection. Which means that instead of singing, I get to cough and hack and blow my nose for THREE DAYS STRAIGHT! By the way, in case you thought that these symptons were conducive to being a Vocal music major....go away. I don't like sarcastic people here ;-)
So, I have spent the past three days sitting on my couches (Seth, the blue one is now my favorite sit and watch tv couch) and staring at the television. And let me tell you....That wonderful DVR? There isn't a hard drive in creation big enough to hold shows to span three days. And I DO mean three days. For some reason, this lovely little virus keeps me awake at night. So I sit and watch NOTHING till the worst hours of the morning. I couldn't even play a video game until yesterday because it required too much concentration. It has not been a fun week. So, no, I am NOT sorry that I haven't updated, Suzy! Deal! I updated today! TA DA!!
On an entirely unrelated front, you all know that I am a Disney Channel Junkie, right?
Stop laughing at me.
Mostly, it's just Phil of the Future (Jay said what now?) and Life with Derek, but last night, I recorded High School Musical "the newest Disney Channel Original Movie" (only my fellow DC'ers will understand the quotes) and I LOVE IT! Yes, it's a little cheesy at times, but seriously! I can't even figure out why I like it, but I have watched it straight through twice, plus fast-forwarded to each of the songs a few times too. And I intend to watch the sing along version tonight. AND the behind the scenes version tomorrow night.
Shut up, I don't care what you think.
Can you tell that I am sick? I seem to have a little bit more of an edge in my writing today...
Okay, that's it. I hope that you are all having a wonderful weekend. Adios!
There. That being said, let's move on.
Normally, I would apologize for waiting this long to post, but the truth of the matter is that I am not sorry. Not even a little bit! HAHAHAHA! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it! (Sidenote: What a stupid phrase. Who thought that up?). So let's rehash....
Tuesday, as you know, I took off for Tyler for the day with Grady and had a great time! Granted, the car broke down half way there and we had to wait for a tow-truck to take the car back to Dallas and a ride to take us on to Tyler, but that's okay. It was fun to sit in on a praise band rehearing. I love that kind of stuff! Plus, this church was AMAZING! I have some pictures to share, but I haven't installed the software to link my camera to the network yet, so it will have to wait. Anyway, got home VERY late on Tuesday night and the world went on.
Wednesday, went to class. Felt a little blah, but figured it to be the result of my late night.
Sadly, I was mistaken. I had an uninvited guest---->Mr. Upper Respiratory Infection. Which means that instead of singing, I get to cough and hack and blow my nose for THREE DAYS STRAIGHT! By the way, in case you thought that these symptons were conducive to being a Vocal music major....go away. I don't like sarcastic people here ;-)
So, I have spent the past three days sitting on my couches (Seth, the blue one is now my favorite sit and watch tv couch) and staring at the television. And let me tell you....That wonderful DVR? There isn't a hard drive in creation big enough to hold shows to span three days. And I DO mean three days. For some reason, this lovely little virus keeps me awake at night. So I sit and watch NOTHING till the worst hours of the morning. I couldn't even play a video game until yesterday because it required too much concentration. It has not been a fun week. So, no, I am NOT sorry that I haven't updated, Suzy! Deal! I updated today! TA DA!!
On an entirely unrelated front, you all know that I am a Disney Channel Junkie, right?
Stop laughing at me.
Mostly, it's just Phil of the Future (Jay said what now?) and Life with Derek, but last night, I recorded High School Musical "the newest Disney Channel Original Movie" (only my fellow DC'ers will understand the quotes) and I LOVE IT! Yes, it's a little cheesy at times, but seriously! I can't even figure out why I like it, but I have watched it straight through twice, plus fast-forwarded to each of the songs a few times too. And I intend to watch the sing along version tonight. AND the behind the scenes version tomorrow night.
Shut up, I don't care what you think.
Can you tell that I am sick? I seem to have a little bit more of an edge in my writing today...
Okay, that's it. I hope that you are all having a wonderful weekend. Adios!
It's sure not fun being sick. I hope you get better quickly.
Emily, At
4:20 PM, January 21, 2006
awww, boo. Sorry you're sick. I like hot tea and electric blankets when I'm sick. :-)
Anonymous, At
2:58 PM, January 23, 2006
Ok, so i can explain now... I just found out tonight at dinner w/ dd that u were sick. I'm sorry that i made that comment. I didn't mean to hurt your virus infected feelings. :) no, but seriously, i hope you feel a ton better soon!!!! (then u should come visit us... because us bryan/college station/kurten folk miss you!) p.s. on a sad note... Lenny is in the hospital. they thought it was a heartattack, but it wasn't. It's still serious enough to keep her in the hospital though. Keep her in your prayers please!!!
Suzy, At
5:52 PM, January 23, 2006
Jason. HAHAHAHAHA - just looked at your musical selections... first time in a while. Much to my surprise and amusement, "Fly Away" by Seth Thomas is on there! That's awesome. I jammed this morning, let me tell you.
Anonymous, At
9:33 AM, January 25, 2006
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