Vacation has begun!
Well, I am now officially on vacation!!! Is my apartment clean? No. Did I even finish all of my laundry before I left? No. Is it better than it was? Well, yes. But I choose not to dwell upon it! I will just have to head down the day before Truett moves in and REALLY clean it all up. I started with the best intentions yesterday; really I did. I was going to get the whole place cleaned up and rearranged so that my new roommate, Truett, could move in unhindered in January, but I am afraid that tragedy struck.
I found "The Office" online. Suddenly I was sucked into some kind of weird parallel universe where co-workers have arguments with fake artificially intelligent computer systems and others have dueling Christmas parties and others turn into vampires...
So, I didn't get much done. :-) TODAY, I actually DID get a lot accomplished. I mean, you can see the carpet now. What. That's a good thing. Of course, you can no longer see the countertops or the tables since everything from the floor is now on them, but that's just an insignificant detail. Stop dwelling on it. Sheesh, some people can NOT let stuff go!
I am now sitting at my parents house relishing the fact that Christmas is ALMOST here and I am officially out of school, away from Waco, and enjoying those two facts immensely. Tonight, we all played a little Texas Hold'em. And by all, I mean my mom, dad, sister, and Truett. It was Truett's first time and he might have won if we hadn't gotten bored and given up. But it got down to just the two of us and that's notsomuch with the fun. Oh, who am I kidding? HE WOUlD NEVER HAVE TAKEN ME! ;-) I am a sucker for a poker game, did you know? I don't gamble, so I won't play for real money, but I LOVE to see all those brightly colored chips sitting in front of me - especially when they came from someone else. Hee hee hee.
I did, however, have one downer moment in my day. I am putting it here after all that funness so that maybe no one will actually read this paragraph. Remember the two languages I am taking? Latin and Greek? Otherwise known as the languages spoken by torturers, demons, and the IRS? Well, I knew early on last semester that they were going to be a problem. As finals drew near, I knew that it was going to take an absolute miracle to pass these classes. I did have one ray of light when I found out that I only needed to pass the classes (D) to move on to the second level and didn't need a C like most progressive courses. Anyway, the finals definitely did NOT go very well, so I am sure you can see where this is going.....
I passed both classes. I can't believe you thought I failed. :-) I wasn't going to look until after New Year's so that I wouldn't have anything to dampen the holidays or my birthday, but, on a whim, I decided to take a gander tonight. And there you go!! Woo hoo! Go me!! I am TOTALLY multi-lingual. Hahahaha.
So, there you go. I have a worry free month ahead of me during which I hope to accomplish lots of things I've wanted to do for a while. Merry Christmas, all!
By the way, I heard lots of nice things from people who listened to the Candlelight Carol I put up in my last post. Everybody seems to like it lots and to be really surprised to hear me sing...which makes me a little hurt, now that I think about it. Come on? How could I NOT be a singer?? I look just like Pavoratti! Hahahaha. Okay, no. No, I don't. Anyway, thank you for all of the delightful e-mails you have been sending! For those of you who have not sent an e-mail...I'm just assuming you think I stink and that's fine but you can keep your e-mail!! :-D Anyway, if you are interested, I have one more song from the Christmas program that you may download. The song is one of my favorites, "One Small Child," but I do not like this recording as much. I don't really start to sound good until the last verse. So maybe you just listen to that verse, okay? Thanks, you're a doll. hahahahaha.
I found "The Office" online. Suddenly I was sucked into some kind of weird parallel universe where co-workers have arguments with fake artificially intelligent computer systems and others have dueling Christmas parties and others turn into vampires...
So, I didn't get much done. :-) TODAY, I actually DID get a lot accomplished. I mean, you can see the carpet now. What. That's a good thing. Of course, you can no longer see the countertops or the tables since everything from the floor is now on them, but that's just an insignificant detail. Stop dwelling on it. Sheesh, some people can NOT let stuff go!
I am now sitting at my parents house relishing the fact that Christmas is ALMOST here and I am officially out of school, away from Waco, and enjoying those two facts immensely. Tonight, we all played a little Texas Hold'em. And by all, I mean my mom, dad, sister, and Truett. It was Truett's first time and he might have won if we hadn't gotten bored and given up. But it got down to just the two of us and that's notsomuch with the fun. Oh, who am I kidding? HE WOUlD NEVER HAVE TAKEN ME! ;-) I am a sucker for a poker game, did you know? I don't gamble, so I won't play for real money, but I LOVE to see all those brightly colored chips sitting in front of me - especially when they came from someone else. Hee hee hee.
I did, however, have one downer moment in my day. I am putting it here after all that funness so that maybe no one will actually read this paragraph. Remember the two languages I am taking? Latin and Greek? Otherwise known as the languages spoken by torturers, demons, and the IRS? Well, I knew early on last semester that they were going to be a problem. As finals drew near, I knew that it was going to take an absolute miracle to pass these classes. I did have one ray of light when I found out that I only needed to pass the classes (D) to move on to the second level and didn't need a C like most progressive courses. Anyway, the finals definitely did NOT go very well, so I am sure you can see where this is going.....
I passed both classes. I can't believe you thought I failed. :-) I wasn't going to look until after New Year's so that I wouldn't have anything to dampen the holidays or my birthday, but, on a whim, I decided to take a gander tonight. And there you go!! Woo hoo! Go me!! I am TOTALLY multi-lingual. Hahahaha.
So, there you go. I have a worry free month ahead of me during which I hope to accomplish lots of things I've wanted to do for a while. Merry Christmas, all!
By the way, I heard lots of nice things from people who listened to the Candlelight Carol I put up in my last post. Everybody seems to like it lots and to be really surprised to hear me sing...which makes me a little hurt, now that I think about it. Come on? How could I NOT be a singer?? I look just like Pavoratti! Hahahaha. Okay, no. No, I don't. Anyway, thank you for all of the delightful e-mails you have been sending! For those of you who have not sent an e-mail...I'm just assuming you think I stink and that's fine but you can keep your e-mail!! :-D Anyway, if you are interested, I have one more song from the Christmas program that you may download. The song is one of my favorites, "One Small Child," but I do not like this recording as much. I don't really start to sound good until the last verse. So maybe you just listen to that verse, okay? Thanks, you're a doll. hahahahaha.
WOW! You amaze me with your singing. I have really enjoyed your sharing of this part of your life.
So, are we going to find a karaoke place when we all get together in Branson one of these days?!
I am glad you passed your languages. Now that you have conquered them you can move onto something harder-Ebonics. haha
Merry Christmas!
annette07, At
4:26 AM, December 20, 2007
Hey Jason...I agree...As long as the floors are clean who needs to clean the counters..haha! *which cleaning is something I SHOULD BE DOING! :)*
Texas Hold'em is fun!At my sister's going away party we played...Only we used twislers..I won..that was fun!.Good times...Good times....
The new song good!
Congrats on the grades!Just got mine back for Bio....I got an A! Woohoo!
I would e-mail you but I don't have your e-mail....My gmail is jazzyone4ever but yahoo is my main one is yahoo..that one is setmefree1218.Ever bored you can bug me on there.:)
Megan Renee, At
11:30 AM, December 20, 2007
Annette, thanks for calling me amazing. You know I can't hear that enough. :-) Now, about the karaoke....sounds good to me! Can't wait... You, me, and "Party for Two"
And, Meg, you can get to my e-mail by clicking my screenname on the message board. WOO HOO!!
Jason Hunt, At
12:23 PM, December 20, 2007
Jason: HAHAHAHA...I wish I could clean like that.
Merry Christmas, my friend. Oh, and I'm all over karoke night! :-)
With love,
PS: I'm glad you passed, I know how it feels to have flown through with flying colors. Or, in this case, just to just have made it through. :-) And, I know, that cyberspace...once you enter it, you never know when you're going to come back. ;-)
Anonymous, At
3:28 PM, December 20, 2007
Jenn and Truett: I'm sorry Jason won. It's ok...really. :-)
Anonymous, At
3:31 PM, December 20, 2007
Jason Hunt, At
8:00 PM, December 20, 2007
THanks for the encouragement, and as for you being my friend, WELCOME TO THE nATALIE PARTAY!!!!!
btw...u better get that clean on!!!!
-N, At
9:02 PM, December 20, 2007
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