Exams are coming...
Howdy, everybody! Can you guess where I am?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!
Did you guess
? Because if you did, you are way smart!! And if you didn't, do you not know me at all? :-)
Last week when I was trying like mad to get a research paper....researched...I bought a T-mobile day pass (why can't Starbucks just put in free wireless like every other worthwhile place on the planet?) so that I could upload information and e-mail while I was here. Today, when I walked in and turned my computer on, it magically logged on. SCORE!
Although it just occurred to me that it may automatically charge me. Dang it, gonna have to turn that off.
Anyway, that is NOT what I wanted to talk about. Today is my first "dead day" before exams start on Thursday. Would you like to know how I am taking advantage of that fact? Of course you would. Why else would you be here? Well, to kick things off...
Yessiree, I didn't even pretend to get up until noon. That meant I had to force myself to go back to sleep a few times, but I was easily convinced. I can be very manipulative. It's the first time I have had a full night's sleep in quite some time and it WERE NICE!!!
Yes, I know that ain't grammatically correct, Kim V. Go away. ;-)
Today is finish research paper on the death of folk music/African American Lit reading day. Tomorrow is African American Lit reading/Latin day. All day LATIN! WOO HOOOOOO!!!! Latin desperately needs a whole day. As does Greek. And African American Lit needs a whole day just to catch up on the reading. Those are the three classes whose exams I really need to Ace to pass. Ug.
Double Ug, in fact. Moving right along...
If you have been paying extremely close attention, you should have noticed that the music player looks a tiny bit different today. That's because it is SO CLOSE TO WORKING!!! Really. So close I can taste it. I sent in one more request to my webhost today that should fix all of my problems. Tomorrow, we just might have some Christmas music going on up in here!! It's gonna be good, you wait and see.
So I don't really have anything productive to say today. But perhaps I will bring back an old favorite, eh? Click the title of this post to go to today's VIDEO LINK! Enjoy!!
Did you guess

Last week when I was trying like mad to get a research paper....researched...I bought a T-mobile day pass (why can't Starbucks just put in free wireless like every other worthwhile place on the planet?) so that I could upload information and e-mail while I was here. Today, when I walked in and turned my computer on, it magically logged on. SCORE!
Although it just occurred to me that it may automatically charge me. Dang it, gonna have to turn that off.
Anyway, that is NOT what I wanted to talk about. Today is my first "dead day" before exams start on Thursday. Would you like to know how I am taking advantage of that fact? Of course you would. Why else would you be here? Well, to kick things off...
Yessiree, I didn't even pretend to get up until noon. That meant I had to force myself to go back to sleep a few times, but I was easily convinced. I can be very manipulative. It's the first time I have had a full night's sleep in quite some time and it WERE NICE!!!
Yes, I know that ain't grammatically correct, Kim V. Go away. ;-)
Today is finish research paper on the death of folk music/African American Lit reading day. Tomorrow is African American Lit reading/Latin day. All day LATIN! WOO HOOOOOO!!!! Latin desperately needs a whole day. As does Greek. And African American Lit needs a whole day just to catch up on the reading. Those are the three classes whose exams I really need to Ace to pass. Ug.
Double Ug, in fact. Moving right along...
If you have been paying extremely close attention, you should have noticed that the music player looks a tiny bit different today. That's because it is SO CLOSE TO WORKING!!! Really. So close I can taste it. I sent in one more request to my webhost today that should fix all of my problems. Tomorrow, we just might have some Christmas music going on up in here!! It's gonna be good, you wait and see.
So I don't really have anything productive to say today. But perhaps I will bring back an old favorite, eh? Click the title of this post to go to today's VIDEO LINK! Enjoy!!
Haha...Good luck! Sometimes my close friends can't figure what makes me tick...lol! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I hope you enjoyed your sleep in day! I still had lab this morning so I was not able to.*sigh*.Next week...^_^ I am a morning person but somedays when it's cold out I hate getting out from under my cozy blankets. lol!
Yay for starbucks! Nice video by the way! lol!
Megan Renee, At
3:27 PM, December 04, 2007
Good luck on your finals! Mine start on Thursday as well.
As for recordings of my choir...unfortunately they don't record them...not even for the college to keep a copy. This always disappoints me, because my family can never make it to any of the performances.
I'd better get back to writing my paper!
Trudi Rose, At
3:30 PM, December 04, 2007
Thanks for writing back, ladies! Good luck on your finals!!
Jason Hunt, At
9:04 AM, December 05, 2007
Well, he is still around!!!
You know I was concerned. :-)
I also, took advantage of the 3 blizzards Minnesota has now made friends with, and slept in on my lovely 2 hour delay! There isn't much better than sleeping in, is there?
Did I tell you I'm excited? Because I am. For the music. Not for your finals. But, for the music. hahahaha...
:-) Wishing you the best of luck Jason!
Unknown, At
10:46 AM, December 05, 2007
I wonder if you would pay for intravenous Starbucks injections?!lol
Good luck on your FINALS. But, with your brain you don't need it.
I am so impressed with your blog, your writing style and just YOU!! What a great friend I enjoy talking to but have yet to meet.
One of these days we will HUNT you down. haha
annette07, At
5:58 PM, December 05, 2007
Ditto Annette...and, don't forget to bring me along! ;-) Friends...gotta love them! :-)
Anonymous, At
6:49 PM, December 05, 2007
so when have i corrected your grammar before? maybe typos...but either way...it was cool to be mentioned in your blog. shanna noticed and asked me about it! lol. but anyways...going away now...
Kim, At
8:35 PM, December 05, 2007
Hahaha I take it your music player still isn't working? If it is I can't hear anything on my computer. lol
Anonymous, At
1:47 PM, December 10, 2007
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