Hello, hello, hello! And Happy Halloween to you all!!! Have I mentioned that Halloween is one of my favorite holidays? I know, I know. Christians shouldn't like Halloween. Welllll, I do not ascribe to that view. :-) Anyway, I have neither the time nor the money to truly celebrate. Maybe next year. I AM, however, going to the Halloween Organ Recital at the music school. Last year's was SO MUCH FUN! They play all kinds of creepy music (played best on the organ, you know) and dress in crazy costumes and act out skits and pull pranks and stunts. It's GREAT! I hate organ music and I loved it, that ought to just tell you right there.
ALSO, in honor of Halloween I thought that I would share a little story with you. For the past two weeks, I have been counting down the days to Halloween over on the Haygoods message board by writing a little bit of a Halloween tale every night. It has been well received, so I thought I might share it over here too. Now, if you have no idea who the Haygoods are, please ignore the the fact that the story revolves around them and just enjoy the narrative. Actually, if you have no idea who they are, go explore their website and find out. MUCH FUN! The story is pretty long, so I will not be offended if you get bored and do not want to read it all. But I WOULD value your feedback. Let me know what you think! Okay? :-) Here are the links...
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Showdown: Part 1
Showdown: Part 2
Showdown: Part 3
Showdown: Part 4
The final part of the story is designed to look like a post on the message board. Read it HERE
ALSO, in honor of Halloween I thought that I would share a little story with you. For the past two weeks, I have been counting down the days to Halloween over on the Haygoods message board by writing a little bit of a Halloween tale every night. It has been well received, so I thought I might share it over here too. Now, if you have no idea who the Haygoods are, please ignore the the fact that the story revolves around them and just enjoy the narrative. Actually, if you have no idea who they are, go explore their website and find out. MUCH FUN! The story is pretty long, so I will not be offended if you get bored and do not want to read it all. But I WOULD value your feedback. Let me know what you think! Okay? :-) Here are the links...
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Showdown: Part 1
Showdown: Part 2
Showdown: Part 3
Showdown: Part 4
The final part of the story is designed to look like a post on the message board. Read it HERE
I think it's the best story EVER! I think, I'll read it again. Bust after I get less busy.
How's that for feedback?
Oh, and congrats on being Kim's favorite Haygood. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you should really check out her blog.
In the meantime, I totally found out that the Chateau on the Lake has fireworks on the 9th over the lake...and I totally wanna see them!
Oh, and the 10th, show night, is gonna rock. I do believe there's a few MBers going also, so I don't think we have to worry about the crowd being too quiet!
Anonymous, At
11:19 AM, November 01, 2007
Hahaha. Thanks, for reading Shanna!
And thanks for the congrats. Shhhhhhhh, don't tell Tim :-D
Have a GREAT time in Branson! Scream lots of screams, take lots of pictures, post lots of posts when you get back.
Jason Hunt, At
2:07 PM, November 01, 2007
I know I'm a little behind, but I just finished reading!
And it's only because it takes like, 20 minutes for one of the parts to load.
Oh the joys of dial up.
Anyways. Gotta say...loved it. Very good story.
EmilyLou, At
5:13 PM, November 06, 2007
Of course you know I loved it. Hilarious, funny, charming and NOT at all like the real me. ;-).
Can't wait to read another one.
Anonymous, At
4:04 PM, November 15, 2007
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