The One With Thanksgiving
Wow. I don't think I realized just how STRESSFUL this semester has been until I pulled out of my apartment parking lot and headed for my parents' house for Thanksgiving. I mean, I got in the car and all of a sudden angels descended from above and began dancing and praising on the hood of my truck before four very astonished eyes. Yes, I wrote four. Me and Bear; you didn't think I left him all alone for Thanksgiving, did you?
You probably don't believe the angel bit, do you? Well, it's true. I have the foot indentions all over my truck to prove it, so there!!!
Okay, I made that up. There are no foot indentions, but there are feathers in the radiator! M.S. It keeps highlighting the word "indentions" to tell me that it is misspelled. Which it is not. Which means I must have made up a new word. Congratulations to me.
Yes, I made that up too. You're kinda stepping on my point, you know?
Anyway, I was practically glowing with prospective vacation as I drove away from Waco. Gosh, I despise that little town. Hahahahaha. It's true! There are many people who will extol the virtues of Waco, but I had them thrown into the luny bin so now the whole of the population sings the truth: WACO STINKS!! Hmmm....that was kinda mean. And definitely does NOT sound very thankful. So nevermind, don't read that.
Tomorrow I have a big old bundle of homework to do since I am taking Thanksgiving itself COMPLETELY off, but it somehow seems less daunting away from Waco. Will it get done? Well, it's all due the day I get back, so it HAS to. But to answer my question, no, it will not get done. :-) I love being me.
Just the same, I hope that you have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving and don't let this now empty site depress you. I may have to postpone to launch of the full site for a few weeks, so how about a nice Christmas theme for the blog? With snazzy new Christmas music? Sound good? Good! Because you don't really have any say in the matter........
P.S. M.S. stands for Mid-Script. I couldn't very well write P.S. in the MIDDLE of a blog, now could I? That wouldn't be very POST, would it?
P.P.S. If you search Google for (which is Tim's blog address), my blog shows up first. BWA HAHAHAHAHAHA. With this power, I could RULE THE WORLD!!!
You probably don't believe the angel bit, do you? Well, it's true. I have the foot indentions all over my truck to prove it, so there!!!
Okay, I made that up. There are no foot indentions, but there are feathers in the radiator! M.S. It keeps highlighting the word "indentions" to tell me that it is misspelled. Which it is not. Which means I must have made up a new word. Congratulations to me.
Yes, I made that up too. You're kinda stepping on my point, you know?
Anyway, I was practically glowing with prospective vacation as I drove away from Waco. Gosh, I despise that little town. Hahahahaha. It's true! There are many people who will extol the virtues of Waco, but I had them thrown into the luny bin so now the whole of the population sings the truth: WACO STINKS!! Hmmm....that was kinda mean. And definitely does NOT sound very thankful. So nevermind, don't read that.
Tomorrow I have a big old bundle of homework to do since I am taking Thanksgiving itself COMPLETELY off, but it somehow seems less daunting away from Waco. Will it get done? Well, it's all due the day I get back, so it HAS to. But to answer my question, no, it will not get done. :-) I love being me.
Just the same, I hope that you have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving and don't let this now empty site depress you. I may have to postpone to launch of the full site for a few weeks, so how about a nice Christmas theme for the blog? With snazzy new Christmas music? Sound good? Good! Because you don't really have any say in the matter........
P.S. M.S. stands for Mid-Script. I couldn't very well write P.S. in the MIDDLE of a blog, now could I? That wouldn't be very POST, would it?
P.P.S. If you search Google for (which is Tim's blog address), my blog shows up first. BWA HAHAHAHAHAHA. With this power, I could RULE THE WORLD!!!
Haha!Jason you crack me up!
I know being happy about being away from home doesn't sound very thankful but we all go through that.Trust me.Being a 17-almost-18 I'm starting to get itchy about getting out of Saint Joe.We all go through that.You're not alone!=-)
I hope things are going better for you and that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and drive safely.Have a great day!
Megan Renee, At
11:45 AM, November 21, 2007
Thanks for stopping by, Megan!! Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!
Jason Hunt, At
3:08 PM, November 21, 2007
Can't wait!
I mean, I've been doing Christmas since Nov 7th! ;)
Anonymous, At
1:10 PM, November 22, 2007
See.....I can't do Christmas before Thanksgiving on principle. I mean, I have my forays into Christmas music periodically through the year, but I REFUSE to gloss over Thanksgiving. Now, it's the day after however.... ;-)
Jason Hunt, At
9:08 PM, November 23, 2007
Yes...but if it's Christmas in Branson, I believe that's another story. :-)
You think?
I thought you might agree.
Anonymous, At
7:22 PM, November 29, 2007
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