Important Notice
Howdy there, WORLD!! Fair warning for you folks out there in cyber space! Over the next few weeks, you may notice a few glitches while we update the site. For instance, very soon the music player will no longer work (You're sad, aren't you? You really enjoyed listening to the same 12 songs for 6 months, didn't you?) and links to download files may be broken. If you come across one of these broken links, PLEASE drop me a line so that I can make sure it is fixed when the new site launches over Thanksgiving. MUCHAS!!
I do have to say that I will be a little sad about the music. No other blog I check has music. :( But, whatever will I do? Oh, maybe just listen to the many CDs I have here! :) Sound's like a great plan, you think?
I'm totally looking forward to the new and exciting techo world of Jason, and give you some major credit for being ambitious!
All your blog-readin-fans will enjoy it, I'm sure. :)
Anonymous, At
1:54 PM, November 15, 2007
and the remodeling is underway!
I like what you've done with the place.
Anonymous, At
4:46 PM, November 18, 2007
:-) Thanks, Shanna.
Jason Hunt, At
9:00 AM, November 20, 2007
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