Washers and interns and plays oh my!
Did you get that? That was late with EIGHT E's after it!
That's a lot of E's. :-) So, today was kinda interesting and I thought, "Hey, what should I do about my interesting day?" Well, the answer is, of course, BLOG ABOUT IT! Not THAT interesting, don't get too excited. Also, remember how many E's there were. This may be completely incoherent, so ignore that part.
Let's start with yesterday and pretend like it is part of today. One of my requirements for my final semester of school ever in the whole world in all of time ever is that I complete an internship in a writing field. Well, this has been kind of a thorn in my side for a number of reasons. 1. I don't have time to go looking around for an internship. 2. The internships on the university's list do nothing to excite me. 3. Let's face it, I hate school and am having trouble caring. I realize how that sounds, but BAH! That's how I feel.
I don't know either.
Anyway, the internship has been threatening to stress me out for a while now. Yesterday, one of my classmates walked into the room and immediately commandeered my help to fix her website which was due last week :-) Sadly, all of her pictures had disappeared. Eh...it happens. Anyway, it turns out that she has a friend who works for a local newspaper and had been telling him how much I had been helping her with her website. Now, the professional half of my new site has been completed (well...ALMOST completed) for a few weeks so she showed it to him (And yes, you may go look at it too. www.jasonhunt.us/professional). Apparently he was impressed because he told her to give me his e-mail address because he has an internship in graphic design for me.
Um........I don't want to oversell this but HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?!?!?!? That's right, ladies and gentleman, I am in high demand!
You may now demand me.
Go ahead, I'll wait.
:-) So, that was a bit of good news. TODAY....Today, I went to see "All My Sons" by Arthur Miller at the university. The only one of Miller's plays that I have seen is "Death of a Salesman" and I was not impressed but this one was GREAT!! Plus, the lead actress was so cute!
OOps, did I write that out loud? May just have to look her up.....
Anyway, after it was over, I didn't really want to go home so I took off for Starbucks, ordered me an eggnog latte, or, as it is known in intelligent circles, Christmas-in-a-cup, and drove around for a while listening to Christmas music. Oh, who am I kidding. I was JAMMING to Christmas music! I really can't wait until I fix the new music player because I have some GOOD stuff to show you! When I got home, I played a little Xbox since my workload tomorrow is light and was just on my way to bed......when IT happened.
I happened to glance up at the washer/dryer because it's little folding door was open and noticed that it is not the same shape as it was this morning. And that ain't good. It looks like somebody took out the linebacker pads (that's a real thing, right?) and smashed into the front of it as hard as they could. Now, I know that I didn't do it. And both roommates claim to be innocent, but there hasn't been anyone else in our apartment today.....so I think that one of them is LYING! DUN Dun dunnnnn....
My money's on the albino one. Although it could have been the normal one, you never know. He could be crafty underneath all that.....I don't really know what the end of the sentence was supposed to be. I told you, lots of E's.
Hmmm....as I am typing this, I recall that I DID hear a loud noise in the living room today, so maybe it DID happen on its own. I just don't see how that's possible. Either way, I AIN'T PAYING FOR A NEW ONE!!!!!!!
That is all.
Did you get that? That was late with EIGHT E's after it!
That's a lot of E's. :-) So, today was kinda interesting and I thought, "Hey, what should I do about my interesting day?" Well, the answer is, of course, BLOG ABOUT IT! Not THAT interesting, don't get too excited. Also, remember how many E's there were. This may be completely incoherent, so ignore that part.
Let's start with yesterday and pretend like it is part of today. One of my requirements for my final semester of school ever in the whole world in all of time ever is that I complete an internship in a writing field. Well, this has been kind of a thorn in my side for a number of reasons. 1. I don't have time to go looking around for an internship. 2. The internships on the university's list do nothing to excite me. 3. Let's face it, I hate school and am having trouble caring. I realize how that sounds, but BAH! That's how I feel.
I don't know either.
Anyway, the internship has been threatening to stress me out for a while now. Yesterday, one of my classmates walked into the room and immediately commandeered my help to fix her website which was due last week :-) Sadly, all of her pictures had disappeared. Eh...it happens. Anyway, it turns out that she has a friend who works for a local newspaper and had been telling him how much I had been helping her with her website. Now, the professional half of my new site has been completed (well...ALMOST completed) for a few weeks so she showed it to him (And yes, you may go look at it too. www.jasonhunt.us/professional). Apparently he was impressed because he told her to give me his e-mail address because he has an internship in graphic design for me.
Um........I don't want to oversell this but HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?!?!?!? That's right, ladies and gentleman, I am in high demand!
You may now demand me.
Go ahead, I'll wait.
:-) So, that was a bit of good news. TODAY....Today, I went to see "All My Sons" by Arthur Miller at the university. The only one of Miller's plays that I have seen is "Death of a Salesman" and I was not impressed but this one was GREAT!! Plus, the lead actress was so cute!
OOps, did I write that out loud? May just have to look her up.....
Anyway, after it was over, I didn't really want to go home so I took off for Starbucks, ordered me an eggnog latte, or, as it is known in intelligent circles, Christmas-in-a-cup, and drove around for a while listening to Christmas music. Oh, who am I kidding. I was JAMMING to Christmas music! I really can't wait until I fix the new music player because I have some GOOD stuff to show you! When I got home, I played a little Xbox since my workload tomorrow is light and was just on my way to bed......when IT happened.
I happened to glance up at the washer/dryer because it's little folding door was open and noticed that it is not the same shape as it was this morning. And that ain't good. It looks like somebody took out the linebacker pads (that's a real thing, right?) and smashed into the front of it as hard as they could. Now, I know that I didn't do it. And both roommates claim to be innocent, but there hasn't been anyone else in our apartment today.....so I think that one of them is LYING! DUN Dun dunnnnn....
My money's on the albino one. Although it could have been the normal one, you never know. He could be crafty underneath all that.....I don't really know what the end of the sentence was supposed to be. I told you, lots of E's.
Hmmm....as I am typing this, I recall that I DID hear a loud noise in the living room today, so maybe it DID happen on its own. I just don't see how that's possible. Either way, I AIN'T PAYING FOR A NEW ONE!!!!!!!
That is all.
Congrats on being in high demand! Keep us updated on the internship. :)
k, At
4:24 AM, November 29, 2007
Well, of COURSE you're in demand!!! Congratulations, and I always do find it so amazing how God just brings these things along.
Oh, and random much? Yeah...I think so!
But, you made me laugh, I know, it's surprising isn't it? So sorry to hear that something did or didn't attack the door...
And Christmas music is my FAVORITEEEEEEE!!!!
PS: You don't have to count how many. I already did. It was 6. ;-)
Anonymous, At
4:45 PM, November 29, 2007
Wow... Looks like you were up late... but I was up later.Chatting, where you should've been.
Good luck with the internship...
Maybe the mysterious dryer killer should make an appearance in the new Haygood story...
Raye, At
9:20 PM, November 29, 2007
Even in the real world you life is anything but boring. You are very special for many reasons-don't make me say them. hahaha
I know you will graduate MAGNA CUM SMARTIE-yeah! I believe that is a degree. Or at least it should be for you.
annette07, At
5:18 AM, December 01, 2007
You are very special!
I demand that you move to Canada because you are really cool, but I have only ever got to hang out with you once and I am jealous of all the people that get to hang out with you all the time!!!!
Emily, At
6:04 AM, December 03, 2007
Hey Jason! How are things going?Exams are on their way!good luck with them!
First glimpse of my book is on my site.Please read and let me know what you think!
Megan Renee, At
9:29 AM, December 04, 2007
Hahahahaha. Have I told you ladies how much I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! It's so nice to have blog readers again, right, C. Emily? ;-) Speaking of C. Emily......when are you going to update YOURS?!?!!? Hmmmmmmmmm? By the way, I am moving to Canada tomorrow just because you demanded it.
Kim, thanks for the congrats! I am pretty excited about it! I submitted my resume, a cliet project, and some photos (link to come) yesterday; now it's just waiting.
Shanna, glad I could make you laugh. My blog is really an ongoing experiment I started last year on the use of conversive style...it cracks me up! Christmas Music is ALMOST HERE!!!!!
Raye, I am ALWAYS up late...I am such a night owl, it's ridiculous. Sorry about missing the chat though, maybe next time!
Annette, SAY THEM SAY THEM SAY THEM! Hee hee hee. I am glad you think my life is interesting. God certainly gets a kick out of throwing random things in...can't complain about that! I talked to the university and they were onboard about having a special graduation title for me. They, however, wanted Magna Cum SmartA**.......I turned them down. ;-)
Meg, I already responded to your book, but I lam impressed that you are even writing one! That takes devotion (just ask Shawny...... ;-) and guts, especially to write one about your own life. GOOD LUCK WITH IT!
Jason Hunt, At
9:12 AM, December 05, 2007
Look what I started...
I started...a blog-commentin-frenzy!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, and "hi" Emily from Canada. You rock!!!!
I act like a I know you, which I don't, but, I still think you rock!!! And, you're from Canada eh?
I'm sorry. That was a dumb joke. And, now, I'm talking, or typing, like the Jason. Oh, it's a good life. ;-)
Jason...since this IS your blog, and you are so attentive to the many flocks of readers I've brought from bloggertdom to the commenterdom, you ROCK too!
Yeah...just cuz.
hahahaha...and the random award goes to...
Unknown, At
10:51 AM, December 06, 2007
Hahaha congrats on the demand. How lond did you have to wait for others to demand you? lol
Hahaha maybe you have ghost in your home that broke your washer. Whooo spooky!
Anonymous, At
1:41 PM, December 10, 2007
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