Christmas Partying!
Hello, everybody!! Sorry for my prolonged absence, but let me make it up to you! Let's begin by telling you about my weekend...
The weekend actually began on Thursday as I hightailed it out of Waco to rehearse for the Christmas program on Sunday. Choir rehearsals are the highlight of my week. There were a great many sorry school weeks instantly remedied by a choir rehearsal. My fellow choir members are HYSTERICAL! And not to mention completely nuts. I mean, some of these people put ME to shame in the psycho department. I don't know why I don't share more stories with you...[insert introspective look here]
Did you get my introspective look? 'Cuz it was a good one.
ANYWAY, after rehearsal I headed over to the Saylaks and hanged (hahahha) out with Suzy and her parents for a while. The next day, I did a whole bunch of nothing but answer e-mail, watch television, and shop a bit with Suzy. Diana came in that night and we got ready for our Movie/Chocolate marathon. Our menu included chocolate pretzels, Whitman chocolates, chocolate-covered cherries, chocolate haystacks, chocolate pastries with Snickers and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Goobers, Ferrero Rocher chocolates, and loads of chocolate candies. good!! We made it through Elf and half of the Polar Express before Diana realized that Sophie had gotten out and, well, you all know how that ended. Diana had to go home Sunday evening and face a house full of Sophie's toys and things - not a pretty prospect. Thankfully, one of her friends from school had already broken into her house and boxed it all up for her.
I've officially changed my mind. I know longer hate people. I love people.
Saturday, I had two Christmas parties to attend. The first was at the home of five of my FAVORITE people EVER!! Tracy, Bill, Chris, Brianna, and Angel. We had a gift exchange that awarded me a snazzy portable grinder thing...which I just realized sounds dorky, but I don't care! It's cool! I ground a hole straight through the walls from my room to Richard and Nick's room so we can tie a string to two cans and play the telephone game.
Okay, I made that up.
After we did the gift exchange bit, the guys headed outside to play laser tag. Yes, I know, we are all grown adults, but you know what? Turns out that laser tag is transcendent. It is fun at any age. :-)
Then we headed over to Victoria's house for the second party. This one was populated by Diana's closest group of friends from high school and was a blast as well! We made pizzas and had a few drinks then headed back to the Saylak's so that Diana and I could butcher the rest of the room in Guitar Hero. :-) Those in attendance who had their butts whooped were Lisa, Mark, Gje, Vic, Clint, Preston, Dianna, Eva, and Nathan Gay Day. Fun times.
Now, that brings us to Sunday morning. HELLO, FUN! Thank you for coming! Sunday morning was our Christmas program at Zion and it went really well! This is the first year in a while that we haven't done a Christmas cantata, but the a la carte approach worked really well. We sang through a bunch of old Christmas Carols that rarely see the light of day. Christmas Day. WOO HOOOOOO!!!!!
So, funny story... Last week, I mentioned to Annette that Diana's Divas and a Dude were singing and she asked if we recorded it. Wellllll, we DID record it, but the solo mics came through with wayyyy too much distortion. So, I sent her the recording of Candlelight Carol from the Christmas program because I have a solo in it. I am pretty sure she liked it because she put it up on the Haygoods message board.
And MySpace.
And in an e-mail.
Hahahahaha. So, Zion, meet Internet. Internet, meet Zion.
Now, for the funny stuff...In addition to the link at the top, you should check out these videos...
Hee hee hee.
The weekend actually began on Thursday as I hightailed it out of Waco to rehearse for the Christmas program on Sunday. Choir rehearsals are the highlight of my week. There were a great many sorry school weeks instantly remedied by a choir rehearsal. My fellow choir members are HYSTERICAL! And not to mention completely nuts. I mean, some of these people put ME to shame in the psycho department. I don't know why I don't share more stories with you...[insert introspective look here]
Did you get my introspective look? 'Cuz it was a good one.
ANYWAY, after rehearsal I headed over to the Saylaks and hanged (hahahha) out with Suzy and her parents for a while. The next day, I did a whole bunch of nothing but answer e-mail, watch television, and shop a bit with Suzy. Diana came in that night and we got ready for our Movie/Chocolate marathon. Our menu included chocolate pretzels, Whitman chocolates, chocolate-covered cherries, chocolate haystacks, chocolate pastries with Snickers and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Goobers, Ferrero Rocher chocolates, and loads of chocolate candies. good!! We made it through Elf and half of the Polar Express before Diana realized that Sophie had gotten out and, well, you all know how that ended. Diana had to go home Sunday evening and face a house full of Sophie's toys and things - not a pretty prospect. Thankfully, one of her friends from school had already broken into her house and boxed it all up for her.
I've officially changed my mind. I know longer hate people. I love people.
Saturday, I had two Christmas parties to attend. The first was at the home of five of my FAVORITE people EVER!! Tracy, Bill, Chris, Brianna, and Angel. We had a gift exchange that awarded me a snazzy portable grinder thing...which I just realized sounds dorky, but I don't care! It's cool! I ground a hole straight through the walls from my room to Richard and Nick's room so we can tie a string to two cans and play the telephone game.
Okay, I made that up.
After we did the gift exchange bit, the guys headed outside to play laser tag. Yes, I know, we are all grown adults, but you know what? Turns out that laser tag is transcendent. It is fun at any age. :-)
Then we headed over to Victoria's house for the second party. This one was populated by Diana's closest group of friends from high school and was a blast as well! We made pizzas and had a few drinks then headed back to the Saylak's so that Diana and I could butcher the rest of the room in Guitar Hero. :-) Those in attendance who had their butts whooped were Lisa, Mark, Gje, Vic, Clint, Preston, Dianna, Eva, and Nathan Gay Day. Fun times.
Now, that brings us to Sunday morning. HELLO, FUN! Thank you for coming! Sunday morning was our Christmas program at Zion and it went really well! This is the first year in a while that we haven't done a Christmas cantata, but the a la carte approach worked really well. We sang through a bunch of old Christmas Carols that rarely see the light of day. Christmas Day. WOO HOOOOOO!!!!!
So, funny story... Last week, I mentioned to Annette that Diana's Divas and a Dude were singing and she asked if we recorded it. Wellllll, we DID record it, but the solo mics came through with wayyyy too much distortion. So, I sent her the recording of Candlelight Carol from the Christmas program because I have a solo in it. I am pretty sure she liked it because she put it up on the Haygoods message board.
And MySpace.
And in an e-mail.
Hahahahaha. So, Zion, meet Internet. Internet, meet Zion.
Now, for the funny stuff...In addition to the link at the top, you should check out these videos...
Hee hee hee.
bwahahahahaha! LOVED the windows vista copy cat video...
Anonymous, At
10:54 AM, December 18, 2007
The windows vista video cracked me up! That was hilarious.
Your movie/chocolate marathon's menu sounded good. I think I'll go grab a snickers bar...
And I'm glad you're enjoying Christmas! Because it is the best holiday EVER!
Tina, At
7:43 PM, December 18, 2007
My only attempt at using Vista made me laugh much like the video. My mom also enjoyed it, after running an IT department for 32 years, she understands.
So glad you had a good time with all your Christmas fun this weekend, and I hope it continues!!!
Ho ho ho...MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! hahahaha...I guess I am now Santa Clause! I am jolly. But don't have any reindeer. I'll have to work on that. ;-)
Anonymous, At
9:18 PM, December 18, 2007
Hey Jason!Sounds like you have been very busy!How is life in Texas! Great I hope!
So where exactly is your solo in the song..I'm listening to the song now...If it is the first male lead voice on here then you sound great!...The choir sounds awesome.
Merry Christmas!
Megan Renee, At
6:20 PM, December 19, 2007
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