Thursday, December 06, 2007


Well, TWO DOWN, only four to go.

Bah. Four. Can you believe it??? Today I had two finals, African American Literature and American Folk Music. Allow me to tell you about them

AA Lit is an obnoxious class. I like it a lot and the teacher is great, but there are not many grades in the semester. I, being the terminally bad student that I am, have a pretty low daily averages (I HATE quizzes!) and a low paper grade because I forgot one of them, so I have to ACE this exam. And even then....not sure I can pass. As it stands, I need to bring my grade up 15 points to get a D. That ain't good, ma peeps. But I know that I did well on the exam this morning, so that makes me feel a little better (incidentally, I have had this professor for two semesters and this is the FIRST exam I have passed). I read two books yesterday in preparation for it. hahahaah. Even if I flunk this class, I can still take something else next semester to replace it and be okay. It's just frustrating. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad at school.

The second exam was awesome. I love me some American Folk Music. To start things off, a few weeks ago, the professor asked us in class what the topics of our research papers were going to be. Well, funny thing, I didn't HAVE a topic for my research paper. So, when she got to me, I said, " folk music dying?" So there I was with a truly difficult topic. The next week, we had to give a presentation over our research though the paper itself wasn't due until yesterday. I was second to the last to present and I just started rambling on about how my research indicated that folk music was not only dying, it would be dead in a few generations. Welllllllll, that got my classmates going. These are smart people, dear blog readers, FAR smarter than I am and they started asking all kinds of questions. In fact, the professor had to cut us off so that we could get to the last presentation, but she promised that we could have some time before the final to discuss it more.

Well, DANG IT! That meant I had to write a REAL paper. Anyway, we spent the first twenty minutes or so discussing my research and then the professor walked around the room and handed us each a Christmas card (there are only seven of us) in which she had written very nice notes and enclosed a Starbucks gift card. How AWESOME is that?? She told us how much she had enjoyed our class and that we were the best class she'd had in many years. It was actually a tearful day because it IS a fun class with some very interesting people and today was our last day together. In fact, one of our number is graduating. Actually, she's done now; that was her last exam. One of my classmates, Casey, is an accomplished folk musician and is playing at a local venue tonight so two of our number and the professor and her husband are going out to see him. I can't go, sadly, since I will be rehearsing in Kurten (singing on the NEXT TWO SUNDAYS!!!!), but it's nice just the same. They are also having a Christmas party on Sunday evening, but I will be in Dallas listening to MY MOM SING!!! That's right, I have a musical family. We rock it hardcore! ;-)

So, that was exam day 1. Tomorrow is the first of my TRULY hard exams, Latin, and I am not prepared for it yet. I am going to try to get loads of sleep tonight and wake up early to get some good studying in before I have lunch with Joel and the exam at 2. PRAY FOR MY LATIN SKILLS!

'Cuz I TOTALLY don't have any. ;-)

Goodnight, all!


  • JASON!!!

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Can you tell that I feel for you?

    School...I mean, motivivation (or lack there of) is not making life super-de-duper exciting here either. ;-)

    Anytime, you need to vent we'll be here. Because, we have no where else to read that's this intriguing. ;-)

    Stay warm down there. Oh, wait. You don't have a foot of snow! It must just be a MN thing. ;-)

    I'm praying...still! But, I could just brush you up on with my crazy Latin skills.

    Yeah, they're crazy, because I don't have any...either.

    Well, hope this was worth a laugh. Sometimes, it's the best way through a week of tests! :-)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 6:17 PM, December 06, 2007  

  • Hahahaha. Shanna, you're my favorite. Just you wait, I am SURE I will need to vent tomorrow as well. ;-)

    By Blogger Jason Hunt, At 9:30 PM, December 06, 2007  

  • Hahaha... I'm behind in my "go-at-your-own-pace" homeschooling program... thing. heh. Yeah, now my dad's riding me pretty hard about catching up. And my mom's freaking because I have a C or D - don't really remember which - in AP US History... Last year I got a 4.2 GPA and the year before that a 4.0... SO... this year ain't going so well for me either. heh.

    I know how you feel... and feel free to vent some more. Letting it all out is the best way to go! I would just prefer going something physical [working out at the barn, for instance] than letting everyone know how bad of a student I've been this year.... oops! Cat's out of the bag... oh well.

    Misery loves company, I guess. And I'll bet my spanish skills are just about as good as your latin! YAY ME!
    It'll be a miracle if I pass spanish II.
    Praying for ya! [And myself as well... heh.]

    By Blogger Tina, At 9:54 AM, December 07, 2007  

  • ewww Jason I am totally not motivated to study for my exams. AT ALL. Good luck to you, I feel your pain.

    But on the flip side, if I just push through the torture for a few more days, I will GRADUATE on Friday!!!!! WHOOOHOOOO!

    Can I tell you how excited I am? I won't know what to with myself. Lemme know if you're in town this holiday... you know Chuys is always calling my name!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 12:32 PM, December 08, 2007  

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