The One With the Perfect Moment
So today I had the PERFECT moment! I was sitting outside at school, listening to case you don't know. Today's weather is perfect. It's like 75 degrees out with a nice breeze blowing. Anyway, so I am enjoying my music and Peachy Pineapple smoothie when a bee flew up and landed on my ring. Then it calmly walked across my fingers and flew up onto the lid of my drink and proceeded to share it with me. We are now fast friends - I am planning on visiting the hive over spring break. :-) Just thought I'd share.
OH! And before I forget....I have here in my hand the results of my little survey quiz doo-hicky. Are you ready?
You're gonna be shocked.
The winner is.....
That's right, Amber came in first with a WHOPPIN' 80% correct. Suzy came in second with a 76% and Diana came in last with 74%. Thanks for having nothing better to do with your time, lovely're my FAVORITES!!!!
OH! And before I forget....I have here in my hand the results of my little survey quiz doo-hicky. Are you ready?
You're gonna be shocked.
The winner is.....
That's right, Amber came in first with a WHOPPIN' 80% correct. Suzy came in second with a 76% and Diana came in last with 74%. Thanks for having nothing better to do with your time, lovely're my FAVORITES!!!!
Wow, that's amazing! Or shall I say, *I* am amazing! Haha. Seriously, don't know how I pulled that one. I just thought to myself, "Hmmm, if I were in Jason's shoes...."
Anonymous, At
11:05 PM, March 01, 2006
You ARE amazing! I was so impressed. And you can bet that Suzy and Diana are smacking themselves right now!
Jason Hunt, At
6:03 AM, March 02, 2006
For the record, I tried to take your quiz and I guess blogger dumped my answers. Maybe I knew too much - or maybe not enough. Anyway, wish I knew how I stacked up, but I'm too lazy to re-do. Maybe next time.
6:29 AM, March 02, 2006
The song lyrics that are on my blog are, I believe, not postive, though, by Kevin Singleton ( but I don't know if he has recorded the song yet. I haven't heard it anywhere other then at church.
Emily, At
12:14 AM, March 03, 2006
Great video from Sunday. I had a wonderful time of praise and worship this morning watching it. I only wish you'd taken my memory card so it could have been twice as clear!
5:46 AM, March 03, 2006
so i did ok on the quiz... and at least i beat Diana! that's all that really counts... right? ha ha! well have a great and marvelous day! see ya in a week! :)
Suzy, At
9:07 PM, March 03, 2006
Can you remind me again when you are going to be coming to Van-City? I should actually put it on my calendar!
Emily, At
9:40 AM, March 07, 2006
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