Yup, got bored, so I decided to do what all the cool kids are doing...Check out my quiz! I think most of you will do relatively well on it, but if you don't, you will definitely learn something interesting!
From the incredibly inciteful post below which was more information about your thoughts and dreams than I've ever gotten in one fell swoop to this inane and goofy offering, but it was fun.
Hey, you got a 90! Congratulations! And the one that you missed (which will remain nameless---don't want to give anything away) is kinda mean. Sorry about that!
`S ok. I know I'm out of the loop on some things - and that's as it should be. At least I'm in the loop on MOST things - and that's as it should be. hahahahaha
SHINE is the third in the prestigious line of Blogs committed to the intelligent ramblings on one Jim Hawkins. This one takes a slightly different (and definitely more mature) approach to the world of Blogging. Because Jim is a grown up now.
From the incredibly inciteful post below which was more information about your thoughts and dreams than I've ever gotten in one fell swoop to this inane and goofy offering, but it was fun.
5:27 AM, February 17, 2006
Hey, you got a 90! Congratulations! And the one that you missed (which will remain nameless---don't want to give anything away) is kinda mean. Sorry about that!
Jason Hunt, At
7:04 AM, February 17, 2006
`S ok. I know I'm out of the loop on some things - and that's as it should be. At least I'm in the loop on MOST things - and that's as it should be. hahahahaha
7:51 AM, February 17, 2006
man, I suck! I don't know you at all! :-( 50, how pitiful. I'm going to make a quiz and see you YOU fare, muahahaha!
Anonymous, At
3:45 PM, February 17, 2006
Hahaha. Amber, it's quite alright. Actually, you got the two hardest ones correct, so I think you should be proud of yourself!
Jason Hunt, At
3:57 PM, February 17, 2006
Your sister is a show off. But she still isn't perfect - despite her 100% on your quiz.
4:07 PM, February 17, 2006
I didn't do too bad... one of the ones i missed i knew, but i clicked the wrong one :( (the first one)... but hey! at least i got a 70! :)
Suzy, At
1:12 PM, February 18, 2006
I only got 60% :-( Not too bad I suppose since some of them I had to fully guess on! Like the last one!!
Emily, At
7:32 PM, February 18, 2006
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