Saturday, February 24, 2007

The One With Mr. Body

Hey, everyone! Hoo WEEEEE, are you as psycho crazy busy as I am? Man alive, apparently the entirety of Baylor University got together and had a large conference this week. It went something like this:

Unnamed Regent #1:"How are things with the Hunt boy?"
Representative of all professors:"Well, he seems to be getting along just fine. Writing many good things. Drawing interest for internships and literary submissions."
UR1: "Really? That's great! So that means..."
Rep: "Exactly. It's time to give him everything we can on the same day."
Everyone in the room giggles and dances for joy.

*long exasperated sigh*

So, I have a midterm spread across Monday and Wednesday. It should be LOADS of fun. And yes, that was sarcasm, for those of you not really paying attention. I also have to revise my Description Project (drastically, it turns out. It seems I am not very good at describing things.), revise my Literacy Narrative (although this one was better than the Description Project, she wrote nice things about it.), contact a screenwriter about my Career Profile Project, design and distribute a survey for my semester research project (want to help, by the way? Drop me an e-mail.), and find time to launch my plan for global domination.

I know that sounds formidable, but it's okay. I have a really good plan. Just call me Brain.

I wanted to show you something I found last week that was kind of interesting. I walked into Class #2 last week and noticed a notebook and folded piece of paper sitting on the overhead projector. The notebook was immensely boring, but the paper was not. Here is what it said.

"I, Mr. Peacock, am keen on my wife as the murderer of Mr. Body. Besides the fact that I know her, and I have seen her secret lair behind her show rack in the closet that contains blueprints of Mr. Body's home and office, chemicals, several different high powered rifles, grenades, and a diagram of the human body, I have evidence from that night to prove she is the criminal. Once a month I carry around a tape recorder just in case she does something drastic. This happens to be that time of the month.

*CLICK* 'Honey Im going to go downstairs to kill Mr. Bo... I mean grab something to drink. Would you like a bloody Bo... I mean a bloody Mary?' *CLICK*

Case Proven. She is guilty of the crime."

Oh, but that's not all. The sheet continues in a different handwriting.

"It has been a cross for me to carry having married a man who had no love for me. Actually, my husband hates me. I've become his punching bag and a stress reliever to him. Last week, after beating me to the point where I couldn't stand, I realized something had to be done. So I told him the next time he puts his hand of me, will be his last day. The only person I have been wanting to kill is my husband, not poor old Mr. Body. The law can't condemn me for thinking of murder. All the things he supposedly saw in my closet are not mine. This is the only way for him to get rid of me. Why, he is just a coward. And if I did it would only be because my husband had beaten me and something went wrong with my brain. I think I'm insane. Who wouldn't be. Getting beaten by Mike Tyson each day. Can I please have a lawyer."

Yes, that's what we do at Baylor. We write confessions from Clue.


Anyway, though you might like that. Hee hee hee. And now, back to the grind. GOODNIGHT!!

P.S. Uber cool. I love that you can actually see the compression wave.

P.P.S. "Swans" - Yup, chock another one up to Grey's Anatomy. I'm telling you, this show spits out some GREAT music! This song is so sad and I love that. Sometimes it's good to be sad. The last 32 seconds when the strings really kick up are AWESOME!

Hellogoodbye - Okay, I caved. I don't normally mirror mainstream radio, but I couldn't help it. I LOVE THIS SONG! It's the one I was dancing to in my car in that video post. Does anyone else remember when Hellogoodbye was on the Real World a few years ago? I thought they were great then, but I never expected to hear anything from the group again. Imagine my surprise! I love being wrong!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The One With the Cutest Baby


Isn't he adorable? This is Lydia's (who works up here at the music office) new son Drew. If you are the kind of person who likes baby, go flip through the pictures on her BLOG. And if you are not the kind of person who likes babies....I am not sure we can be friends any longer.

Just Kidding.



Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The One with American Idol AGAIN

Okay, this one will be short, sweet, and to the point. Remember what I was saying about the locked doors?

Well, tonight American Idol did an entire segment on the idiots who run into the locked door. If you haven't seen it yet....DO SO! I will do everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING, in my power to find it and put it online as soon as I can.

But that's not the interesting part. The interesting part is that we get to the very end of the show...I'm talking the last ten seconds...when this pops across the screen.

That, my friends is one Jonathan Pilgrim, a student at Baylor University (and a member of my former choir) showing the world his golden ticket.

That's right, SOMEONE FROM BAYLOR IS GOING TO HOLLYWOOD! Woo hoo! I know, I know. It's dorky to be excited about American Idol, but I've never actually personally known anyone who got on.

What. Have you?

Anyway, I am very excited to see how he does in Hollywood next week and in celebration, I have added a new song to jukebox. If you scroll through the songs, you should see "Shalom Rav" by the Baylor University Concert Choir (due to a glitch in the code, you may have to hit the play button twice for it to start). The male soloist in this absolutely BEAUTIFUL song is none other than Jonathan Pilgrim. So, give him and see what you think a full WEEK before the rest of the world!

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Thou canst never accuse me of taking myself too seriously.