Friday, September 28, 2007

The One With the Take Out Art

Have you ever put both contacts in the same eye? It's a fun experience. I stood there in front of the mirror and put a gorgeous green contact into my right eye. Then I took another gorgeous green contact and put it into my right eye.

That's how psychotic I am. It took me a minute to realize that I was still half blind and my right eye hurt. Hee hee hee.

By the way, today when I was walking across campus, some guy was walking toward me chatting away on his cell phone when he suddenly reached up, closed off one nostril, and blew his nose. You'll notice that no where in that description did I mention a tissue or a handkerchief or even a shirtsleeve. He just blew snot through the air and onto the sidewalk so I shot him.

Do you think that was wrong? :-)

I also wanted to start a little something new. Believe it or not, I AM working on the new site and I have some fun ideas to implement, but I need your help. I'll tell you a little more after this next story.

This week, my sister came down for a visit so we went to On the Border for dinner...becuase we ALWAYS go to On the Border for dinner. MMMmmmMmmMmMM... Anyway, she did not finish all of her flautas, so we stuck them in a to-go box and went on our merry way. Now, we, being obsessed with making every little facet of life a joke, have a task when it comes to to-go boxes. No to-go box may go home without a poem or song written across the top to accompany it. They don't have to be good. In fact, we work very hard to make them utterly retarded. THIS week, the poem (penned by ME!) went something like this...

"I left the food inside the box
for weeks and weeks and weeks unstopped.
The food, it changed from red to green
to brown to grey and back again.
Yesterday brought a new surprise
when in the box, I found eyes!"

Yes, it's stupid! That's the point. :-) It's okay though because On the Border appreciated my efforts. When I got my receipt, this is what I saw...

Yup, you saw correctly. I am the #1 Guest!! It's because I'm amazing. ;-)

Anyway, here it is...The next time you are out to eat and you have to get a to go box, write a poem of your own, take a picture of it and send it to

Once I get enough, I'll put them all on their own page! WOO HOO!!! BE EXCITED!!!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

The One With the CAFFEINE!!

I don't drink caffeine. Or eat it, I should add. No No-Doze for me! It's a stumulant, it causes break-outs, it's just not good stuff. I guess you could call me a caffeine lightweight. If caffeine were alcohol, I would be a cheap date.

That was a horrible thing to write. Sorry about that. ANYWAY!! The point is that when I DO drink something caffinated, it tends to have a rather dramatic effect. The immediate results are that I talk even faster than I do normally (which puts me right up there with that guy who used to do the Micro-Machine commercials...and one weird episode of Sesame Street) and I move at speeds BARELY sub-light.

No, I'm seious. I ate breakfast with the Parisians last time I had caffeine. Just took off running across the ocean like Dash from the Incredibles. Tomorrow (today, actually....a few hours actually actually), I have a Latin test immediately followed by a Greek test, so it was exceedingly important that I not sleep tonight. So I had a Venti White Mocha Latte, which had twice as much espresso as normal thanks to the kindly barista who felt for my plight and a big ole' huge JOLT cola.

Which is why I am posting a post at 3:45 in the morning. Hee hee hee. The LAST time this happened, I didn't sleep for two days straight. Hopefully this time won't be quite as bad. Yes, I know, I know. "It's unhealthy, Jay!" "You'll hurt yourself, Jay!" "That being in two places at once thing is a cool trick, Jay!" "The Mormons are praying for you, Jay!"

Did you know Mormons can't have caffeine? Now you do. You're informed.

Eh, one night without sleep isn't going to hurt me, so calm down. It's kinda fun. I really like the night and I have always thought that our circadian rhythms are reversed. We ought to be away at night when the Big Bad UV Monster is asleep. Oh well. Hahahahaha THIS IS STUPID! STOP READING THIS! Don't you have anything better to do with your time?

No? Me either. We should get together.

This morning , I went to church then to Mellie's house for lunch. It was great, of course...I'm telling you, this family can COOK!!! MMMmmMmMMMmMm....Marky, I need more curried chicken. Do you hear me? NEED!!!! While we were sitting there, Suzy decided to proclaim that she had a cure for the hiccups. The following video fortuitusly (how do spell that word? Is that even a word? It is now. I made a new one.) records her methodology...

I couldn't make this stuff up. Believe me, I try.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The One With the Aggies

Well, this post has been a LONG time coming! Eh...only a week, but STILL! For some reason tonight, I can't seem to fall asleep, so I thought, "Hmmm, I'll do something semi-productive with me time and finally make a new post!"

Last Saturday I was....are you ready for an Aggie football game. Yes, I know! Diana's father was nice enough to invite me to a game, so I figured, "Why not?" Answer to that question still to come.

Have you ever been to an Aggie game? Do you know anything about the Aggies? 'Cuz they are NUTS!!!! Seriously. I could tell you stories for days about reasons the Catholic church has them listed as a cult. :-) Hee hee hee. ANYWAY!

I have to admit that I was bored out of my mind. Really. My brain oozed out of my ear, called a cab (with MY cell phone...audacious.), and hauled it out of the stadium. Plus, there weren't enough seats for everyone, so I had this rather large smelly gentleman sitting in my lap the entire game.

Fine, maybe it just felt that way. Point is, it was CRAMPED! It also went into triple overtime.


That's 3. At which point I started eating the gum off the bottom of the seats in the vain hope that one would be carrying a fast-acting, terrorrist-style neurotoxin to put me out of my misery. Alas....nothing except for a nasty taste in my mouth.

All that having been said, let me give you a little taste of the life of the Aggies...I got video.

In this first video, look at the side of the stadium across from us. That sea of maroon is the ENTIRE student body. Yes, they ALL come out to every single game, no matter the weather or any other circumstance. And that overwhelming noise? That's them yelling. Not a whole of thinking going on, just yelling...

This second video is of the Aggie band. They march with military precision and though their shows are not very creative, they ARE impressive. Check it yo...

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The One With the Funky Bottles

Hey, everybody! Let me just begin by saying that I do NOT feel like writing a blog post right now.

I know. You definitely want to read now, don't you? The truth is, it is 8:00 am, I still have an hour before my first class, and I already know that today is going to be a rotten day! You knew I was psychic, right? Actually, it's entirely my fault that today is going to be more of Britney Spears "Toxic" day than a Britney Spears "MMC" day.

Wow, that was an absolutely HORRIBLE thing to say! Pretend like I didn't write that, okay? I realize it's early and you probably aren't in the mood to indulge my strangeness.....but so what. Do it anyway! This is MY blog! Not YOUR blog! If I were reading your blog, I would TOTALLY indulge you.

I swear I had a point somewhere. Anyway, today is going to be a dismal waste of a day. Tomorrow should be better and Thursday ought to be grand. By friday, I am hoping to once again walk onto campus with trumpets blazing and those creepy leotard-clad people dangling from the trees by strips of cloth. And people say Baylor squanders tuition money. Bah.

I know what I'll post ono here! As you may or may not know, I converse with Diana's class each year via video. Well, THIS year, we have gone high tech (though the first video hardly showcases that) and I am extremely psyched about filming the next one. They watched these first two videos last week (their first week of school) and seemed to react well...although first graders can be entertained for hours with nothing more than a tube sock...not quite sure how that reflects on the video. ANYWAY!!

The top video is the first full video. It contains a bunch of simply science experiments that we'll explain as the year progresses. The bottom video (which you may have already seen, if you have looked at my MySpace page....gotta throw those MySpacers a bone every now and again.) is just a clip, but the kids loved it! Oh, who am I kidding? Even my sister couldn't stop watching it. It's on HER MySpace now. Enjoy.

BWA HAHAHAHAHAHA! One of my classes was just cancelled. And it is PORUING outside! POURING! Maybe today won't be as bad as I thought. I think that writing a blog entry has had precisely the desired effect. It's kinda like when you don't feel like praying, so you know that is precisely what you should do.

But i think I'm done now. Everyone have a good day!