Current Mood: Deliriously STUFFED
Current Music: BBMak Into Your Head 
UUuuuuuuuuuugggggg...Gorged. Gorged? Gourged? I don't even care that that is wrong, that's how completely, 100% stuffer I am. Remember that great scene in Willy Wonka (The old, good one. Not the new "oops, our bad" one.)? The one where Violet Bouregard turns into a blueberry on steroids and gets rolled out of the factory (actually, in the book, she is taken to the juicer room and later walks out of the factory delightfully thin again, but a little blue in the face. Get it? BLUE? Hahahahahahaha)? That is who I am right now. Seriously. Except, I am not a blueberry, I am a giant chunk of chocolate. Or corn dogs.
Seeeee....let me start at the beginning. Well, not the very beginning, because it's boring and involves me being in a bad mood. Actually, this has been a pretty bad week so far. Until today after 12:00pm, that is. Wait. What was I talking about?

kitchen. Right, anyway, today was the day the entire church staff was supposed to go to the fair. Unfortunately, if you live anywhere in Texas, today was NOT a good day to go to the fair. It rained SO HARD this morning, I finally put plastic wrap across my tailgate and and renting my truck out as a mobile jacuzzi.
Yeah, fine, maybe that'a lie.
Anyway, the fair was empty today. The church was full. However, since I LOVE the

rain, and I LOVE the fair and at the moment I still do NOT love Grady, I bugged Sherri until she agreed to go with me for a little while. WEEEEEEELLLLLLL.....I think that Sherri and I should have a television show. We are THAT funny! You know how I am, right? Sherri is more psychotic than I am. What? Put the gun down, Sherri, it's a compliment. We had a BLAST! I ATE SO MUCH FOOD! Here is the progression. Corn Dog--->Cinnamon Roll--->Nachos--->Corn Dog--->Caramel Apple...I was stuffed. And I gained 27 pounds in two hours. I am not kidding.

I had to borrow this clown's pants. It's okay though, clowns sell their clothing for really cheep. Hee hee hee. So, Sherri and I took so pictures and had ourselves a little mid-week fun.

THEN! On the way back home, I decided it was about time for me and Jenn to have a Theme Night. Have you ever had a Theme Night? Sure you have. Jenn and I pick a movie and feast on food centered around that movie.
Tonight's selection?

So what did we eat? CHOCOLATE, CHOCOLATE, and MORE CHOCOLATE! It went something like this...Snickers--->Reese's--->Snicker's--->Best Brownies in the world. I didn't even get to the chocolate covered cherries, so sad!
Good golly, I am SO gonna run out of money this month.
Anyway, needless to say, I no longer function. I am a walking hunk of junk food.
And I am okay with that!!! ;-)
Good night!