The One With the Skippage
Is that a word? I think it should be. Actually, I think it should be a general grammar rule. Adding -age to the end of anything is okay.
Forkage: Eating in a massively gluttonous manner. i.e. Oprah Winfrey on an even year. :-) OH MY GOSH!!!! I didn't write that!!!
Snickersage: Eating Snickers in a massively gluttonous manner. As in, the wonderfully magnificent Alyssa "Booed" me today and I now have a plastic jackolantern filled with Snickers and hershey kisses! MMmMMmMmmmmmm...Have you met Alyssa yet? Let me show you a picture...

Cute, right??? That was us at the fair.
Sorry, anyway. That has nothing to do with the Skippage. I think I am stalling.
No, I'm not. Wait, yes, I, Yeah, I am.
So, I got this nasty e-mail today from Baylor. Now, DON'T freak out...
Apparently I am failing two classes because of excessive absences. Now, don't get me started on Baylor's attendance policy....back on target. Thing is, I keep careful record of how often I miss classes, since I can only miss these two classes eleven times each. So, to say that I have passed that limit is LUDICROUS! Now, I, being the calm, easy-going, laid-back kind of guy that I am, I immediately acted accordingly...and freaked out. I sent e-mails to both professors essentially asking, "WHAT DA POO?!" Excuse my frase-ology. The only thing I can figure is that I have missed more than 25% of my classes thus far. Which is possible. But, to have missed enough to fail, I would have to have skipped the equivalent of an ENTIRE MONTH's worth of classes. Ridiculous. Anyway, I am waiting on a reply from my professors.
Worst case scenario, I fail the math class....which would be bad, since I have yet to fail anything at Baylor. The other class, karate, allows me to make up absences, so even if I have miscounted, it can be undone.
Worry, worry, worry. I HATE worrying! So, I need some more snickers...
I need the SNICKERS! Ahhhhhhhh, MUCH better!
If you wouldn't mind adding me to your prayer list for the next couple of days, I would appreciate it!
And on that note, GOOD NIGHT, ALL!!! Check out the new Top 10 list!!
Forkage: Eating in a massively gluttonous manner. i.e. Oprah Winfrey on an even year. :-) OH MY GOSH!!!! I didn't write that!!!
Snickersage: Eating Snickers in a massively gluttonous manner. As in, the wonderfully magnificent Alyssa "Booed" me today and I now have a plastic jackolantern filled with Snickers and hershey kisses! MMmMMmMmmmmmm...Have you met Alyssa yet? Let me show you a picture...

Cute, right??? That was us at the fair.
Sorry, anyway. That has nothing to do with the Skippage. I think I am stalling.
No, I'm not. Wait, yes, I, Yeah, I am.
So, I got this nasty e-mail today from Baylor. Now, DON'T freak out...
Apparently I am failing two classes because of excessive absences. Now, don't get me started on Baylor's attendance policy....back on target. Thing is, I keep careful record of how often I miss classes, since I can only miss these two classes eleven times each. So, to say that I have passed that limit is LUDICROUS! Now, I, being the calm, easy-going, laid-back kind of guy that I am, I immediately acted accordingly...and freaked out. I sent e-mails to both professors essentially asking, "WHAT DA POO?!" Excuse my frase-ology. The only thing I can figure is that I have missed more than 25% of my classes thus far. Which is possible. But, to have missed enough to fail, I would have to have skipped the equivalent of an ENTIRE MONTH's worth of classes. Ridiculous. Anyway, I am waiting on a reply from my professors.
Worst case scenario, I fail the math class....which would be bad, since I have yet to fail anything at Baylor. The other class, karate, allows me to make up absences, so even if I have miscounted, it can be undone.
Worry, worry, worry. I HATE worrying! So, I need some more snickers...
I need the SNICKERS! Ahhhhhhhh, MUCH better!
If you wouldn't mind adding me to your prayer list for the next couple of days, I would appreciate it!
And on that note, GOOD NIGHT, ALL!!! Check out the new Top 10 list!!
Yes, Cute. Worry? Who me? Always praying for you. Let me know how it all goes.
6:14 AM, October 19, 2006
6:15 AM, October 19, 2006
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