The One With the Update
So, Diana sends out an e-mail once a year that details all the goings on in her life. She rants and raves about school, work, friends, family, etc. etc. ad nauseum. Anyway, they are fun to read, but I have never felt like I had enough going on to really do one of my own.
But now, I guess I do. Are you excited? So this is the dry run. Before I send out the mass E-mails, I thought you guys deserved to have the first read. Shall we move along to category 1?
For those of you who might not be aware, I transferred in to Baylor University last fall and auditioned for the Music School around Christmas time. I am starting my second semester in the music school and it's great! Last semester was a little rough while I figured everything out and came to grips with the fact that FBA provided absolutely no music education. This whole Musicianship about to knock me into some parallel dimension. Do re mi fa? What is THAT? What's wrong with singing the words??? ;-) But it's interesting, if nothing else. Baylor is great and I feel blessed to be in such a prestigious school, but Waco leaves something to be desired. After spending four years in College Station, Waco just doesn't have that magic in the air. I have to hand it to the aggies, they do create a fun atmosphere. *sigh* But I......I will survive.... I should have another two years left at Baylor before I can take off for the real world. I am the oldest person in the school. I am not even kidding. But it's okay.
After wading through an application process that lasted almost six months, I finally have a job. You are looking at...wait, no. You are reading words written by the brand new Student Music Intern at First Baptist Dallas. This job is perfect. If I could, I think I would do it forever. I spend three days a week in an office in downtown Dallas with some very talented musicians who love to have a good time. It's the only place that I can hear three entirely different musical genres from three different stereos simultaneously. I LOVE IT! I almost feel like I am jinxing it when I talk about how much FUN my job is! I am enjoying working for Grady, someone I have looked up to for a long time and working with the choir that I look forward to each week. Yeah for real jobs! This ain't no American Red Cross horror!
Well, let's see. Dad still works downtown doing...whatever it is he does up there. He is looking at land in Lancaster and Glenn Heights to open two more facilities in the next year. Hooray for expansion! Mom is now a Creative Memories consultant and calls often to rub her earnings in my face. ;-) She seems to really like it, but it does mean that she has decided she has the right to take a picture of anyone at anytime. Jenn left Baylor after her freshman year and transferred into McClennan Community College. She is always talking about the friends she made while she was there, so that's good. She and I share a *cough*house*cough* in Waco and she started culinary school last week. I am looking forward to lots and lots of free food. And it had better be GOOD! I guess that's it. My extended family is still busily being utterly psycho across the entire continent, but I won't bore you with stories about that. Although it would be far from boring... ;-)
OooOOoOOo...this could be a touchy category. What if I leave someone out? What if someone takes offense when I say that I do not have a lot of friends? Oh well...I have never been one for being the nice guy. Diana (you may skip this if you do not know her) now lives in Spring, Texas and is a Kindergarten teacher in a brand new school there. She hates it. Weeeelllll, more accurately, she hates her kids. JUST KIDDING! But she does call every day without fail to tell me about which monster blew up which building most recently. I am having a great time in my absentee role as "Mr. Jay" recording videos to send to the class to supplement their themes each week. I am sure that they don't learn a dern thing from them, but it makes them laugh, which is fine with me. Sadly, Daniel and Julie (again, skip if you don't know them) moved to Dallas at the end of the summer, so I haven't seen them in months! Ironically, I now spend as much time in Dallas as I do in Waco and I still do not have time for social endeavors. *sigh* Oh well. I am working on keeping up friendships in the music school, but the others in my class are younger...and cut from different cloth. I am definitely NOT the norm in the music classes. Hahaha. It's kinda fun to be the black sheep, "Dr. Scott, I don't WANT to be an opera singer. No, really. Stop crying, it's gonna be okay." Luckily, I have fun people to work with. I also attend a Bible study here in Waco when I can, so I am very grateful that God has placed other Christians in my life to hang out with.
Now what I else should I include?
Spare Time:
Yup, that's one blank category. :-D Most recently, I have been cleaning my house every second I get and it is ALMOST clean. I am very excited. I hate living in a dump. Other than that, I am learning piano and guitar and really having some fun waddling through songwriting. I have actually been writing a lot in the past year, and someday I hope to write something worth publishing. Other than that, I am running a fileserver on ForeverIRC that holds archives of 35 television shows. I know it's dorky, but I feel very satisfied when I finally complete a series and get to upload it to Archiver. :-) I'm a geek, and I am okay with it!
And then, there's the books, but you all knew that, right?
Okay, I think that's it. I hope that you enjoyed this little update, but if, for some reason, you never want to hear from me again, just let me know. I won't be offended, I promise. But if you would LIKE to know more, please drop me a line! You can reply to this e-mail, or check out my website at Talk to you later!
But now, I guess I do. Are you excited? So this is the dry run. Before I send out the mass E-mails, I thought you guys deserved to have the first read. Shall we move along to category 1?
For those of you who might not be aware, I transferred in to Baylor University last fall and auditioned for the Music School around Christmas time. I am starting my second semester in the music school and it's great! Last semester was a little rough while I figured everything out and came to grips with the fact that FBA provided absolutely no music education. This whole Musicianship about to knock me into some parallel dimension. Do re mi fa? What is THAT? What's wrong with singing the words??? ;-) But it's interesting, if nothing else. Baylor is great and I feel blessed to be in such a prestigious school, but Waco leaves something to be desired. After spending four years in College Station, Waco just doesn't have that magic in the air. I have to hand it to the aggies, they do create a fun atmosphere. *sigh* But I......I will survive.... I should have another two years left at Baylor before I can take off for the real world. I am the oldest person in the school. I am not even kidding. But it's okay.
After wading through an application process that lasted almost six months, I finally have a job. You are looking at...wait, no. You are reading words written by the brand new Student Music Intern at First Baptist Dallas. This job is perfect. If I could, I think I would do it forever. I spend three days a week in an office in downtown Dallas with some very talented musicians who love to have a good time. It's the only place that I can hear three entirely different musical genres from three different stereos simultaneously. I LOVE IT! I almost feel like I am jinxing it when I talk about how much FUN my job is! I am enjoying working for Grady, someone I have looked up to for a long time and working with the choir that I look forward to each week. Yeah for real jobs! This ain't no American Red Cross horror!
Well, let's see. Dad still works downtown doing...whatever it is he does up there. He is looking at land in Lancaster and Glenn Heights to open two more facilities in the next year. Hooray for expansion! Mom is now a Creative Memories consultant and calls often to rub her earnings in my face. ;-) She seems to really like it, but it does mean that she has decided she has the right to take a picture of anyone at anytime. Jenn left Baylor after her freshman year and transferred into McClennan Community College. She is always talking about the friends she made while she was there, so that's good. She and I share a *cough*house*cough* in Waco and she started culinary school last week. I am looking forward to lots and lots of free food. And it had better be GOOD! I guess that's it. My extended family is still busily being utterly psycho across the entire continent, but I won't bore you with stories about that. Although it would be far from boring... ;-)
OooOOoOOo...this could be a touchy category. What if I leave someone out? What if someone takes offense when I say that I do not have a lot of friends? Oh well...I have never been one for being the nice guy. Diana (you may skip this if you do not know her) now lives in Spring, Texas and is a Kindergarten teacher in a brand new school there. She hates it. Weeeelllll, more accurately, she hates her kids. JUST KIDDING! But she does call every day without fail to tell me about which monster blew up which building most recently. I am having a great time in my absentee role as "Mr. Jay" recording videos to send to the class to supplement their themes each week. I am sure that they don't learn a dern thing from them, but it makes them laugh, which is fine with me. Sadly, Daniel and Julie (again, skip if you don't know them) moved to Dallas at the end of the summer, so I haven't seen them in months! Ironically, I now spend as much time in Dallas as I do in Waco and I still do not have time for social endeavors. *sigh* Oh well. I am working on keeping up friendships in the music school, but the others in my class are younger...and cut from different cloth. I am definitely NOT the norm in the music classes. Hahaha. It's kinda fun to be the black sheep, "Dr. Scott, I don't WANT to be an opera singer. No, really. Stop crying, it's gonna be okay." Luckily, I have fun people to work with. I also attend a Bible study here in Waco when I can, so I am very grateful that God has placed other Christians in my life to hang out with.
Now what I else should I include?
Spare Time:
Yup, that's one blank category. :-D Most recently, I have been cleaning my house every second I get and it is ALMOST clean. I am very excited. I hate living in a dump. Other than that, I am learning piano and guitar and really having some fun waddling through songwriting. I have actually been writing a lot in the past year, and someday I hope to write something worth publishing. Other than that, I am running a fileserver on ForeverIRC that holds archives of 35 television shows. I know it's dorky, but I feel very satisfied when I finally complete a series and get to upload it to Archiver. :-) I'm a geek, and I am okay with it!
And then, there's the books, but you all knew that, right?
Okay, I think that's it. I hope that you enjoyed this little update, but if, for some reason, you never want to hear from me again, just let me know. I won't be offended, I promise. But if you would LIKE to know more, please drop me a line! You can reply to this e-mail, or check out my website at Talk to you later!
Hey! I enjoyed your update very much! Thanks! I'm so glad that you have a job that you love! That makes working so much better! And I still think that you should move to Vancouver!
Emily, At
3:08 PM, September 05, 2006
ok... i have a dork confession...
i almost clicked the link at the end without reading it... yea i know... i'm an idiot, but it's all good.
u should come visit again soon... we all miss u... my dad wanted u to come here this past weekend... but u didn't, and then steve irwin died, and it just ruined his whole weekend... o well so this is a pretty long comment, so i'll just stop now. ok... see ya eventually! :)
Suzy, At
7:40 PM, September 05, 2006
Wow... when my family starts to feel depressed because they down see you... wow... weird. No... I like your updates! Not that I didn't know about them... but... whatever.... KEEP THEM UP! =)
Did you know that Paris Hilton was arrested?
a lamb!
DianaS, At
4:55 AM, September 07, 2006
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