Hahahahahahaha. Every time I listen to this post, it cracks me up! I really was jammin' down the road and having a grand ole time. Sorry about the poor quality; I think the A/C was blowing into the mic.
Wanna hear something funny? When I got home today, the post wasn't showing up, which is not entirely unusual, so I logged into AudBlog to check it out. After making sure that it had indeed recorded the audio post, I looged into Blogger and noticed that the tour blog was listed above SHINE, which IS unusual. They are listed with the Blog with the most recent post on top. I thought maybe Kristin had updated something on there, but no....I forgot to change the AudBlog settings after tour, so my little Broadway excursion sat on the tour site for a few hours today. No telling what those parents think of me now.... ;-)
Ohhhhh, Jason. Jason, Jason, Jason. You're not shy, are you?? :-) Your song reminded me of Cartman from South Park. HAHAHAHA! This is not meant as an insult, but I was only half paying attention to you when all of a sudden you burst into song out of the middle of nowhere! Greatness.
OH! MYSPACE!! It's your friend. it's MY friend. I'll be your friend.
But only if you call me by my true name and not Bertha.
And by my real name, I mean "Hot Stuff."
Anonymous, At
7:29 PM, July 19, 2006
You know.... with that singing voice you should sing in weddings or something!
DianaS, At
7:48 PM, July 23, 2006
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