The One after Tour
Well, hello, everybody! So......I'm BACK!!!! Yeah, Cheer!! Standing Ovation! Mini-wave in celebration of me!
I hope that you all have had a blast over the past two weeks, although I have looked over some other blogs, and it does not sound like you have. Does America get boring when I leave? 'Cause that's entirely understandable. Anyway, tour was great! If you haven't looked through the tour blog (which is where I have been updating for the past two weeks...duh.), then please CHECK IT OUT! I finally finished uploading everything last night, so there is much to see. I switched from Google Video to YouTube before I left because YouTube does not personally screen every video that is uploaded (which can take up to a week), and while it's nice to have the video live minutes after I upload it, Google Video is SO much more stable. Oh well. Speed wins over all.
So, Seattle and Vancouver were WONDERFUL! I cannot tell you how perfect the weather was the entire time we were there. I mean, seriously, I am convinced that all that talk of rain in Seattle is just to discourage tourists. We didn't see a drop! Vancouver was the same way and both had the whole rolling hills with lots of trees thing going on. Very cool. This tour was unlike any in the past because it was truly a mission tour instead of a concert tour (we only gave four concerts. Last year we gave twelve). We went to VBS sites, homeless shelters, sports camps. ALL OVER, basically. It will also be remembered always as the tour infamous for schedule changes. Halfway through tour we had to throw our iteneraries away because they were no longer applicable in any shape, form, or fashion. The schedule changed daily and we changed with it. I know that many of these kids hated this tour and that makes me very sad. Partly because that means they missed the point and overlooked all of the ministry we did, partly because I WANT them to have a good time, and partly because I am afraid they won't come back next year. I am worried about the freshman in particular. This was their first Chapel tour and I know that they have always heard about how awesome they are and I know they are disappointed. Gonna have to work MIGHTY hard to pull them back in. But that's okay. I have dirt on most of them. ;-)
So, anyway, I miss the nice weather already, but it had to end sometime. This is wedding month, which means I will be out of town quite a bit. Ugggg. Just kidding, Gratz to Gje and Jennifer! Hope your week goes well!

So, Seattle and Vancouver were WONDERFUL! I cannot tell you how perfect the weather was the entire time we were there. I mean, seriously, I am convinced that all that talk of rain in Seattle is just to discourage tourists. We didn't see a drop! Vancouver was the same way and both had the whole rolling hills with lots of trees thing going on. Very cool. This tour was unlike any in the past because it was truly a mission tour instead of a concert tour (we only gave four concerts. Last year we gave twelve). We went to VBS sites, homeless shelters, sports camps. ALL OVER, basically. It will also be remembered always as the tour infamous for schedule changes. Halfway through tour we had to throw our iteneraries away because they were no longer applicable in any shape, form, or fashion. The schedule changed daily and we changed with it. I know that many of these kids hated this tour and that makes me very sad. Partly because that means they missed the point and overlooked all of the ministry we did, partly because I WANT them to have a good time, and partly because I am afraid they won't come back next year. I am worried about the freshman in particular. This was their first Chapel tour and I know that they have always heard about how awesome they are and I know they are disappointed. Gonna have to work MIGHTY hard to pull them back in. But that's okay. I have dirt on most of them. ;-)
So, anyway, I miss the nice weather already, but it had to end sometime. This is wedding month, which means I will be out of town quite a bit. Ugggg. Just kidding, Gratz to Gje and Jennifer! Hope your week goes well!
awwww, how fun! So glad you got to meet C-Emily! And you're very welcome for the email, although I completely forgot what I wrote.
Thanks for the shout out, C-Emily! ;-)
Anonymous, At
6:54 AM, July 05, 2006
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