The One With the Moving
Current Mood: Happy 
Currently Watching: Firefly
HOOOO WEEEEE...finally all moved in...ish.
No, technically, I am all moved in. Not entirely unpacked, but unpacking is for losers. Life is better when lived from a box. Hee hee hee. So, bright and early on Monday morning, we finished packing (I say bright and early when what I meant is dull and late). So, it's around 9:00 and the problems start.
Problem #1
Called the realtor to pick up the keys only to have him inform me that the owner changed the locks and had not brought him the new keys yet. This later turned out to be false...
Problem #2
Owner had not changed the locks as she agreed on the lease.
Problem #3
Owner had not installed A/C unit in second bedroom as promised.
Problem #4
Owner had not cleaned the house as promised.
Problem #5
The toilet was broken and began spewing water as soon as the water came on. Which brings me to...
Problem #6
Gas company showed up to connect the gas, but left because there was no one there to let them in. Of course, we couldn't let them in because we didn't have the keys.
Problem #7
NOTHING was completely packed when we needed to head out. Fortunately, NOTHING was ready at the new house, so it kindof balanced out.
Problem #8
Cable and electric companies would not be out until Tuesday. Then, then cable guy wouldn't turn everything on because he wanted the modem which got packed in a box for Dallas.
Problem #9
New toilet was broken too, so there were until yesterday evening.
Problem #10
The construction workers across the street hit a gas line, so the gas was cut off again yesterday and we had to call and beg them to turn it on....again. Grrrrr.
I could go on, but now I am bored with all this. The point is, moving was DEPLORABLE! But now it is all done. My stuff is mostly still in boxes because I don't care, but at least it's all there. I will have to put up some pictures for you if I get to the point that I don't detest the whole thing.
Anyway, so now I am sitting here in Dallas enjoying my summer. I have such plans of nothingness! That's not true. Hopefully, I'll have a job sometime soon. I have some part-time junk for my dad, but it's just not the same. In the meantime, I have some writing to do and piano practicing and guitar learnin'...Yeah, BABY! And READING!!! I have two Clive Cussler books in progress and a whole stack on my to-do list. Golly, I love summer.
What to write, what to write? Surely I have some pictures around here you haven't seen yet. Let me check...

Say hello to Brianna and Chris, aren't they adorable??? They are Tracy and Bill's kids and they crack me up! Quite the goobers, but fun nonetheless. picture

This is Jackson and McKenzie. More adorable children! Woo hoo!!!!! They were pretty young when I took these, but weren't they cute?
Oh, phooey, now I am bored with this too. More update to come! Adios!
P.S. About the link: I couldn't help myself. I had to do it. Eat your heart out, C.E.
P.P.S. About the music: Uber props to Rachel for giving me the heads up about Teddy Geiger some time ago. Sadly, I was not impressed at the time. Sorry, Rachel!! His first single is COOL! Me gusta mucho. If you don't know, Teddy is 17 years old and well on his way to being a successful artist. This song has been on the radio of late, but I had to share it anyway on the off chance that you have not heard it. Give it a listen! He is also on a television show called Love Monkey that was recently picked up by VH1 (kiss of death, basically. But they have had James Blunt AND Natasha Bedingfield on....why have I not seen this show????).
Also a song you have probably heard on the radio---->Black Horse and the Cherry Tree. I think I would listen to this song just for the "Woo Hoo's". But the whole thing is good. The lyrics are just artsy enough to be poetic but not so much that it's distraction. Enjoy.
And finally, Strays Don't Sleep. Some of you may recognize it from the second One Tree Hill soundtrack, but that is not where I heard it!! I know, right???? Shocker! It's great, too. Mellow and fun. Check it out!

Currently Watching: Firefly

HOOOO WEEEEE...finally all moved in...ish.
No, technically, I am all moved in. Not entirely unpacked, but unpacking is for losers. Life is better when lived from a box. Hee hee hee. So, bright and early on Monday morning, we finished packing (I say bright and early when what I meant is dull and late). So, it's around 9:00 and the problems start.
Problem #1
Called the realtor to pick up the keys only to have him inform me that the owner changed the locks and had not brought him the new keys yet. This later turned out to be false...
Problem #2
Owner had not changed the locks as she agreed on the lease.
Problem #3
Owner had not installed A/C unit in second bedroom as promised.
Problem #4
Owner had not cleaned the house as promised.
Problem #5
The toilet was broken and began spewing water as soon as the water came on. Which brings me to...
Problem #6
Gas company showed up to connect the gas, but left because there was no one there to let them in. Of course, we couldn't let them in because we didn't have the keys.
Problem #7
NOTHING was completely packed when we needed to head out. Fortunately, NOTHING was ready at the new house, so it kindof balanced out.
Problem #8
Cable and electric companies would not be out until Tuesday. Then, then cable guy wouldn't turn everything on because he wanted the modem which got packed in a box for Dallas.
Problem #9
New toilet was broken too, so there were until yesterday evening.
Problem #10
The construction workers across the street hit a gas line, so the gas was cut off again yesterday and we had to call and beg them to turn it on....again. Grrrrr.
I could go on, but now I am bored with all this. The point is, moving was DEPLORABLE! But now it is all done. My stuff is mostly still in boxes because I don't care, but at least it's all there. I will have to put up some pictures for you if I get to the point that I don't detest the whole thing.
Anyway, so now I am sitting here in Dallas enjoying my summer. I have such plans of nothingness! That's not true. Hopefully, I'll have a job sometime soon. I have some part-time junk for my dad, but it's just not the same. In the meantime, I have some writing to do and piano practicing and guitar learnin'...Yeah, BABY! And READING!!! I have two Clive Cussler books in progress and a whole stack on my to-do list. Golly, I love summer.
What to write, what to write? Surely I have some pictures around here you haven't seen yet. Let me check...

Say hello to Brianna and Chris, aren't they adorable??? They are Tracy and Bill's kids and they crack me up! Quite the goobers, but fun nonetheless. picture

This is Jackson and McKenzie. More adorable children! Woo hoo!!!!! They were pretty young when I took these, but weren't they cute?
Oh, phooey, now I am bored with this too. More update to come! Adios!
P.S. About the link: I couldn't help myself. I had to do it. Eat your heart out, C.E.
P.P.S. About the music: Uber props to Rachel for giving me the heads up about Teddy Geiger some time ago. Sadly, I was not impressed at the time. Sorry, Rachel!! His first single is COOL! Me gusta mucho. If you don't know, Teddy is 17 years old and well on his way to being a successful artist. This song has been on the radio of late, but I had to share it anyway on the off chance that you have not heard it. Give it a listen! He is also on a television show called Love Monkey that was recently picked up by VH1 (kiss of death, basically. But they have had James Blunt AND Natasha Bedingfield on....why have I not seen this show????).
Also a song you have probably heard on the radio---->Black Horse and the Cherry Tree. I think I would listen to this song just for the "Woo Hoo's". But the whole thing is good. The lyrics are just artsy enough to be poetic but not so much that it's distraction. Enjoy.
And finally, Strays Don't Sleep. Some of you may recognize it from the second One Tree Hill soundtrack, but that is not where I heard it!! I know, right???? Shocker! It's great, too. Mellow and fun. Check it out!
Hey, put that way, think of ALL the problems that got solved in 3 days. It seems better to think of it that way. Because in the midst of it was the absolute PITS!!! I'm glad you're home.
2:29 PM, May 18, 2006
awww, sorry you had a rough time moving! See, this is exactly why I don't want to move for a long time, there is so much potential for bad stressful things to happen!!
You're back in Dallas for the whole summer?? We should totally get together and do Chuy's again.
Anonymous, At
6:44 PM, May 18, 2006
Oh, honey, YOU KNOW IT!!! Seth sent me a message yesterday about it too (but you know that), so I am UBER excited!
Jason Hunt, At
9:10 PM, May 20, 2006
Jay look here. It's Canadian.
Anonymous, At
10:01 AM, June 21, 2008
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