Sunday, April 30, 2006

The One With Spizzerinctum

So, last night I had one of my favorite nights ever! Last night was Global Night Commute

But I didn't go. Baylor got a hold of it and set up a committee with activities and rules and instructions.....and somehow I think they missed the point, so I went to dinner with my college group instead. The women's group at church wanted to cook us dinner so we all went over to a very nice house in Robinson (i think? Too many small towns...) and had a blast! We started out by playing volleyball with a ball designed for King Kong. That was...interesting. Did you know that I am okay at volleyball? Yeah, me neither. I kinda figured it would end up something like me and football. You know, 'Jason, go long!" "How long?" "REALLY long." "Really long?" "Until we start to look VERY small." Meanwhile I go for Starbucks. (Quick, name the show!!)

But, nope. Didn't happen. Anyway, so that was fun. It might have had something to do with the ball that was two feet wide...or maybe that's just me. After that, we had delicious hamburgers and Queso (made by Jesus himself) and a chocolate fountain. A CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN!!!! Seriously, I moved in. In fact, I moved in after that. I am not in my own house anymore - I now live in the land of queso and chocolate fountians. I finally had to lock the door because these people keep trying to drag me out of their computer chair. Sheesh, so rude! Wait your turn! They were so nice last night with the queso and chocolate fountain.

Whoops, looks like I digress. The rest of the evening was spent playing games like Catchphrase, which was psycho. Here's an example. "'s means trouble!!!!!" And the answer? Chop Suey. Hahahahahaha. We also played Pit, which is the LOUDEST game I have ever encountered. I am not even going to describe it, just try it sometime. And lastly, there was a very long round of Balderdash. Have you ever played that? It's great. They give you a weird word or an acronym and you have to make up what it means. The goal is to get the rest of the group to vote for yours as the real definition, but it quickly became apparent that we just weren't smart enough for the game. Case in point ***MINOR INAPPROPRIATENESS WARNING*** My word? Spizzerinctum. Actual meaning? Cheap, tacky decorations. Options from the rest of the table (which consisted of a mother, a high schooler, and two middle schoolers)? HELLo, very large spit balls, the hole at which a fart comes out, the space in between the back and butt-crack, and wasted slut.

'Nuff said.

Anyway, just wanted to update you a little. Soon I will have a HUGE post coming with more pictures than you can possible imagine. It will be some kind of record. Seriously, call Guiness. Okay, bye.


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