The One With Diadeloso
Current Mood: Normal 
Current Music: "She Mov'd Thro' the Fair" from Celtic Woman
Hooo WEEEE!!! Wasuup, everybody? You know, I don't think we use the phrase "hoowee" nearly enough. I mean come on...there is little else that can as quickly identify you with Texas than a good loud "HOOOOO WEEEEE!". Hahahahaha. Don't read this paragraph, it's dumb. So, what's bee going on.....I have to say that nothing big is happening, so I think I will just ramble about a bunch of little things until I get bored. Read as you please. Yesterday was Diadeloso here at Baylor University. Diadeloso, for those of you less linguistically blessed than I, is Spanish for "Day off of school." I swung (swang? swinged? did swinged?) by in the afternoon with my sister, just to see what it was all about. I mean, it's been a tradition for something like 70 years, so I figured that it must be good. That's sensible, right? Well, you would be wrong, thanks for playing. There were three booths with food, a section of those big bounce house looking things, a stage for the cloggers (I think it's actually called stepping...but clogging more accurately relays my distaste), and the snow truck. Oh yes, we had a snow truck. All the way from Wisconsin. So, yesterday, Baylor had snow. Weeeelllllll....more precisely, by the time we got there, Baylor had mud. Lots and lots of mud. It was all kinds of gross. But of couse Texans, being the pinnacle of intelligent society that we are, were chunking it all over the place. Mudman contests, mudball fights, mud angels. Needless to say.....we left. I want to be in charge of Diadeloso next year, because SURELY I can put together something better than that. I mean, they have a whole committee for the event, and I would be willing to bet that I could put on a more impressive show all by my lonesome. Alas, I don't care enough. ;-)
But since I am talking about Baylor - Yesterday was voting day for student government positions too. Now, they took over chapel earlier this week to let all of the candidates make their pitches, so I took a vested interest in this semester's elections (last year I fortuitously skipped that particular chapel). Only one guy impressed me with his speech, the others were either too well rehearsed or too un-organized. Either way, they were all mocked mercilessly by Jonathan and me. So, voting time rolled around and I dutifully logged into the information network and cast my votes. One for Travis Plummer (the guy with a good speech) for External Vice President (and what's that about? This guy's only president on the OUTSIDE? The other gets to be VP on the inside where it matters....). For the other six positions open, I voted for....
MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Hee hee hee. Oh come on, stop looking at me like that. Don't tell me that every time you get to a write-in vote on a ballot you don't want to write your own name in. Well, I did what normal collegiate students do not. I voted for ME! I am the AMERICAN DREAM! (Oops, sorry Canadian Emily....I am the NORTH AMERICAN DREAM!) Hahahahaha. Gee, I hope I win.
Um, next topic. Does anyone else get frustrated with lukewarm Christians? Hmmmm, probably should have prefaced this paragraph with a hypocrisy warning, but eh..... I hate seeing people, close people, change into people that I don't think they want to be. It also makes me wonder how I'VE changed over the years. Have I slacked off where I should have remained strong? U qiusl (Woops, had my fingers lined up on the wrong keys). I would like to think that I have grown into a better person since I left home - someone closer to God and someone people would be proud to say they knew. Unfortunately, this could all be my own idle dreaming. Someone a long time ago told me to pay attention to my friends, they are a reflection of myself. Much wisdom resides in that last sentence (which is how you KNOW it didn't come from me). But within it also lies cause for worry. These friends of mine who are beginning to shy away from many of the things that made me trust them in the first place....Am I the same way? Worry, worry, worry. Do you ever feel like all-out, die hard Christians no longer exist? Where is everyone?! What is it about this age that seems to be the cut off point for growth? Cursed be to all those in their early twenties!!! :-) I hope someboday would say something to me. In fact, this is YOUR job! Pay attention! If you see me mess up, SAY SOMETHING! Tell me! Call me up and say, "Senor Hunt, das not coo." I don't want to end up the way my friends did.
Today I was walking around the music building because I had some time to kill, so I recorded an awesome audio post as I strolled past each occupied practice room. There were flutes, percussionists, mirambas, and all kinds of other musical genres floating around.
Then I forgot to push pound. I was mildly frustrated. I was going to re-record it, but this goober with a shirt that was tighter than ANY guy should EVER be wearing starting giving me the evil eye. What. Like I was going to STEAL their music with my magical sound sucker-upper. Anyway, sorry. No audio post today.
Okay, I think I am all writed out. I hope you each have a SPLENDIFEROUS weekend. Adios!

Current Music: "She Mov'd Thro' the Fair" from Celtic Woman

Hooo WEEEE!!! Wasuup, everybody? You know, I don't think we use the phrase "hoowee" nearly enough. I mean come on...there is little else that can as quickly identify you with Texas than a good loud "HOOOOO WEEEEE!". Hahahahaha. Don't read this paragraph, it's dumb. So, what's bee going on.....I have to say that nothing big is happening, so I think I will just ramble about a bunch of little things until I get bored. Read as you please. Yesterday was Diadeloso here at Baylor University. Diadeloso, for those of you less linguistically blessed than I, is Spanish for "Day off of school." I swung (swang? swinged? did swinged?) by in the afternoon with my sister, just to see what it was all about. I mean, it's been a tradition for something like 70 years, so I figured that it must be good. That's sensible, right? Well, you would be wrong, thanks for playing. There were three booths with food, a section of those big bounce house looking things, a stage for the cloggers (I think it's actually called stepping...but clogging more accurately relays my distaste), and the snow truck. Oh yes, we had a snow truck. All the way from Wisconsin. So, yesterday, Baylor had snow. Weeeelllllll....more precisely, by the time we got there, Baylor had mud. Lots and lots of mud. It was all kinds of gross. But of couse Texans, being the pinnacle of intelligent society that we are, were chunking it all over the place. Mudman contests, mudball fights, mud angels. Needless to say.....we left. I want to be in charge of Diadeloso next year, because SURELY I can put together something better than that. I mean, they have a whole committee for the event, and I would be willing to bet that I could put on a more impressive show all by my lonesome. Alas, I don't care enough. ;-)
But since I am talking about Baylor - Yesterday was voting day for student government positions too. Now, they took over chapel earlier this week to let all of the candidates make their pitches, so I took a vested interest in this semester's elections (last year I fortuitously skipped that particular chapel). Only one guy impressed me with his speech, the others were either too well rehearsed or too un-organized. Either way, they were all mocked mercilessly by Jonathan and me. So, voting time rolled around and I dutifully logged into the information network and cast my votes. One for Travis Plummer (the guy with a good speech) for External Vice President (and what's that about? This guy's only president on the OUTSIDE? The other gets to be VP on the inside where it matters....). For the other six positions open, I voted for....
MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Hee hee hee. Oh come on, stop looking at me like that. Don't tell me that every time you get to a write-in vote on a ballot you don't want to write your own name in. Well, I did what normal collegiate students do not. I voted for ME! I am the AMERICAN DREAM! (Oops, sorry Canadian Emily....I am the NORTH AMERICAN DREAM!) Hahahahaha. Gee, I hope I win.
Um, next topic. Does anyone else get frustrated with lukewarm Christians? Hmmmm, probably should have prefaced this paragraph with a hypocrisy warning, but eh..... I hate seeing people, close people, change into people that I don't think they want to be. It also makes me wonder how I'VE changed over the years. Have I slacked off where I should have remained strong? U qiusl (Woops, had my fingers lined up on the wrong keys). I would like to think that I have grown into a better person since I left home - someone closer to God and someone people would be proud to say they knew. Unfortunately, this could all be my own idle dreaming. Someone a long time ago told me to pay attention to my friends, they are a reflection of myself. Much wisdom resides in that last sentence (which is how you KNOW it didn't come from me). But within it also lies cause for worry. These friends of mine who are beginning to shy away from many of the things that made me trust them in the first place....Am I the same way? Worry, worry, worry. Do you ever feel like all-out, die hard Christians no longer exist? Where is everyone?! What is it about this age that seems to be the cut off point for growth? Cursed be to all those in their early twenties!!! :-) I hope someboday would say something to me. In fact, this is YOUR job! Pay attention! If you see me mess up, SAY SOMETHING! Tell me! Call me up and say, "Senor Hunt, das not coo." I don't want to end up the way my friends did.
Today I was walking around the music building because I had some time to kill, so I recorded an awesome audio post as I strolled past each occupied practice room. There were flutes, percussionists, mirambas, and all kinds of other musical genres floating around.
Then I forgot to push pound. I was mildly frustrated. I was going to re-record it, but this goober with a shirt that was tighter than ANY guy should EVER be wearing starting giving me the evil eye. What. Like I was going to STEAL their music with my magical sound sucker-upper. Anyway, sorry. No audio post today.
Okay, I think I am all writed out. I hope you each have a SPLENDIFEROUS weekend. Adios!
I enjoyed mucho-ly (That is emily-ish for very much!) that good rambling very Jason-ish post! There hasn't been one like this for a while! It's been missed. I think that is totally awesome that you voted for yourself!! I love it!
Thanks for your encouragement on my blog! You are such a great blogging buddy. :-)
Emily, At
12:26 AM, April 08, 2006
Diadeloso... "Day of the Bear" in REAL Spanish. I love it, I love it... your version is so much more fun! :-)
Yay for Celtic Woman, that CD is awesome. They have the best version of "Ave Maria" on there. I sing it all the time and feel very musical. :-)
Come join my all-female Bible study. You'll find some hardcore Christian gals, and maybe you'll find a date!!! j/k
Anonymous, At
9:52 AM, April 08, 2006
I must say that you pretty much took the words from my mouth with the whole Christian friends gone astray thing. And, I definitely relate...and completely agree.
EmilyLou, At
6:34 PM, April 08, 2006
So, Amber....just tell me the time and the place!!!!!!!!! ;-) Thanks for comments, lovely ladies! I am glad you liked my rambling post. And now...I am once again in the mood to watch Celtic Woman...
Jason Hunt, At
7:01 PM, April 08, 2006
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