The One With the Survey
1. Are you in a relationship?
I am in LOTS of relationships! But you probably meant romantic should be more specific. No.
2. Do you hate more than 3 people?
How sad would that be? You know, I can't think of of anyone that I really HATE. I think of the people I dislike STRONGLY and I know that if they apologized, all would be good, so I don't think that's hate.
3. How many houses have you lived in?
9. Sheesh. I guess that's not technically true. Here's the breakdown. 5 houses, 2 apartments, 2 duplexes.
4. What is your favorite candy bar?
MMMMMMmmmmMMMmMMmmMmmm...Reese's ANYTHING!
5. What are your favorite shoes?
Umm...Weird question. Black Kenneth Cole Reactions? Or those brown shoes from Target?
6. Have you ever tripped someone?
Probably, I am kind of a clutz. I don't remember though. I am kind of absent minded. Emma, Ross wants you. PHOEBE! Why does she keep making that noise?
7. What was your least favorite subject this year?
World Civilization Since 1750!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
8. What was your favorite subject this year?
9. Do you own a Britney Spears CD?
10. Have you ever thrown up in public?
Define public. Like, have I ever been on stage and blown chunks on the front row? No. I'm good, I nail at least four rows back. :-) I have thrown up in front of friends though.
11. Name something that's always on your mind.
Nothing. My mind wanders too much to land on one thing.
12. What is your favorite music genre?
Christian. Alternative. Classic Rock. Pop. Crooner. I am not picky. No rap or country though. YUCK!!!
13. What is your sign?
Out of my mind, back in five minutes.
14. What time were you born?
I don't remember, I wasn't paying attention. 2:14, I think?
15. Do you like beer?
NO! Gag a maggot with a spoon!
16. Have you ever made a prank call?
Hahahahaha. Um...three days ago. And two days ago.
17. What is the most embarrassing CD you own?
Backstreet Boys, maybe? But I am not embarrassed about it. They have some great harmonies! I am pretty selective about the CD's I buy. Only the good ones, baby!!
18. Are you sarcastic?
No, NEVER! Whoops, ruined it, didn't I? (I mean, REEEEENED it)
19. What are your favorite colors?
Blue and Green
20. How many watches do you own?
Oh, four or five, but only one that I really wear.
21. Summer or winter?
Winter!! Winterwinterwinterwinter. Who needs summer? Summer is just winter that stinks. Hot and stinky.
22. Spring or fall?
Fall!!! It's like Winter Eve.
23. What is your favorite color to wear?
24. Pepsi or Sprite?
Spoon. Maggot.
25. What color is your cell phone?
Silver and Black. What a dumb question.
26. Where is your second home?
I guess I am in my second home now. But Emily wrote the Endlers. So maybe I should say the Saylaks. Or the Sampsons! Or Colorado...that's kinda like a third home.
27. Have you ever slapped someone?
Not that I can recall. I have always wanted to though. And I want to throw a drink in someone's face. Apparently I want to be a woman in a bad 80's flick.
28. Have you ever had a cavity?
*sigh* Yes. First one last summer. Not my fault though! The sealant popped off and I couldn't brush deep enough!!!!! *sigh* *sigh again*
29. How many lamps are in your bedroom?
3 (second home) 2 (other second home) 2 (first home) 2 (third home)
30. How many video games do you own?
Hang on, let me count. 12 on the Xbox. More than I could ever remember on the computer. 8 on the GameGear. Anyone remember those? I SOOOOO still play mine.
31. What was your first pet?
Bennett...a miniature poodle that some chump kicked across the front yard. He died. He didn't like me anyway, I was the new baby in town.
32. Have you ever had braces?
33. Do looks matter?
No. Pride in how you look does though.
34. Do you use Chapstick?
EVERY DAY!!!! It's my drug of choice.
35. Name 3 teachers from your high school.
Mrs. Hillebrand, Mrs. Merriman, Mrs. Wilcox
36. American Eagle or Abercrombie?
I suppose American Eagle if I had to choose. Although, Wal-Mart or Target ideally.
37. Are you too forgiving?
38. How many children do you want?
bunches and bunches! 12!!!
39. Do you own something from Hot Topic?
Not a thing. Yeah, ME!
40. What is your favorite breakfast?
41. Do you own a gun?
42. Have you ever thought you were in love?
43. When was the last time you cried?
Why do ALL the quizzes ask this question? Two weeks ago when I watched Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.
44. What did you do 3 nights ago?
Slept! Dumb question.
45. When was the last time you went to Olive Garden?
Mmmmmm...about three weeks ago. Had me some Tiramisu.
46. Have you ever called your teacher mom?
No...That sounds SOOOOO Greek Tragedy.
47. Have you ever been in a castle?
Yep, Like FOUR! 'Cuz I'm awesome. What. You didn't know?
48. What are your nicknames?
Um, Jay, Jim Hawkins, Jasonite...that's all currently I think. Except for Bear. He calls me, "That person...who feeds me."
49. Do you know anyone named Bertha?
Hahaha! No, but I wish I did! I am changing Amber's name to Bertha. Congratulations, you are now BERTHA!
50. Have you ever been to Kentucky?
Nope. What's in Kentucky? A bunch of horses running around in circle?
51. Do you own something from Banana Republic?
No. But I own stuff from GAP and Old Navy...same company.
52. Are you thinking about somebody right now?
53. Have you ever called someone Boo?
No. And if I do, SHOOT ME!!! And if you do, I WILL SHOOT YOU!
54. Do you smoke?
Only on Saturday nights when I recreate the Burning Man Festival.
55. Do you own a diamond ring?
Yes, from when my husband proposed. Oh wait.....Nooooooooo...
56. Are you happy with your life right now?
I am happy with where it is going, does that count?
57. Do you dye your hair?
58. Does anyone like you?
I am sure that they do, how could they not? I mean, LOOK AT ME! I am such a catch!
60. What were you doing May of 1994?
Celebrating the end of school.
61. Do you own a Backstreet Boys CD?
HAHAHAHAHAHA! No. I own three.
62. McDonald's or Wendy's?
63. Do you like yourself?
How could I not?
64. Are you closer to your mother or father?
65. Favorite feature of the opposite sex?
66. Are you afraid of the dark?
No....the monsters that taunt me from under my bed in the dark.
67. Have you ever eaten paste?
Who says paste anymore?
68. Do you have a webcam?
Yes. Not plugged in though.
What? That's it? What a horrible way to end a survey. I am changing it.
70. Where did you get this?
From KURTEN EMILY! Yeah!!!! She's most awesomest!! See you in a month, Em!
1. Are you in a relationship?
I am in LOTS of relationships! But you probably meant romantic should be more specific. No.
2. Do you hate more than 3 people?
How sad would that be? You know, I can't think of of anyone that I really HATE. I think of the people I dislike STRONGLY and I know that if they apologized, all would be good, so I don't think that's hate.
3. How many houses have you lived in?
9. Sheesh. I guess that's not technically true. Here's the breakdown. 5 houses, 2 apartments, 2 duplexes.
4. What is your favorite candy bar?
MMMMMMmmmmMMMmMMmmMmmm...Reese's ANYTHING!
5. What are your favorite shoes?
Umm...Weird question. Black Kenneth Cole Reactions? Or those brown shoes from Target?
6. Have you ever tripped someone?
Probably, I am kind of a clutz. I don't remember though. I am kind of absent minded. Emma, Ross wants you. PHOEBE! Why does she keep making that noise?
7. What was your least favorite subject this year?
World Civilization Since 1750!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
8. What was your favorite subject this year?
9. Do you own a Britney Spears CD?
10. Have you ever thrown up in public?
Define public. Like, have I ever been on stage and blown chunks on the front row? No. I'm good, I nail at least four rows back. :-) I have thrown up in front of friends though.
11. Name something that's always on your mind.
Nothing. My mind wanders too much to land on one thing.
12. What is your favorite music genre?
Christian. Alternative. Classic Rock. Pop. Crooner. I am not picky. No rap or country though. YUCK!!!
13. What is your sign?
Out of my mind, back in five minutes.
14. What time were you born?
I don't remember, I wasn't paying attention. 2:14, I think?
15. Do you like beer?
NO! Gag a maggot with a spoon!
16. Have you ever made a prank call?
Hahahahaha. Um...three days ago. And two days ago.
17. What is the most embarrassing CD you own?
Backstreet Boys, maybe? But I am not embarrassed about it. They have some great harmonies! I am pretty selective about the CD's I buy. Only the good ones, baby!!
18. Are you sarcastic?
No, NEVER! Whoops, ruined it, didn't I? (I mean, REEEEENED it)
19. What are your favorite colors?
Blue and Green
20. How many watches do you own?
Oh, four or five, but only one that I really wear.
21. Summer or winter?
Winter!! Winterwinterwinterwinter. Who needs summer? Summer is just winter that stinks. Hot and stinky.
22. Spring or fall?
Fall!!! It's like Winter Eve.
23. What is your favorite color to wear?
24. Pepsi or Sprite?
Spoon. Maggot.
25. What color is your cell phone?
Silver and Black. What a dumb question.
26. Where is your second home?
I guess I am in my second home now. But Emily wrote the Endlers. So maybe I should say the Saylaks. Or the Sampsons! Or Colorado...that's kinda like a third home.
27. Have you ever slapped someone?
Not that I can recall. I have always wanted to though. And I want to throw a drink in someone's face. Apparently I want to be a woman in a bad 80's flick.
28. Have you ever had a cavity?
*sigh* Yes. First one last summer. Not my fault though! The sealant popped off and I couldn't brush deep enough!!!!! *sigh* *sigh again*
29. How many lamps are in your bedroom?
3 (second home) 2 (other second home) 2 (first home) 2 (third home)
30. How many video games do you own?
Hang on, let me count. 12 on the Xbox. More than I could ever remember on the computer. 8 on the GameGear. Anyone remember those? I SOOOOO still play mine.
31. What was your first pet?
Bennett...a miniature poodle that some chump kicked across the front yard. He died. He didn't like me anyway, I was the new baby in town.
32. Have you ever had braces?
33. Do looks matter?
No. Pride in how you look does though.
34. Do you use Chapstick?
EVERY DAY!!!! It's my drug of choice.
35. Name 3 teachers from your high school.
Mrs. Hillebrand, Mrs. Merriman, Mrs. Wilcox
36. American Eagle or Abercrombie?
I suppose American Eagle if I had to choose. Although, Wal-Mart or Target ideally.
37. Are you too forgiving?
38. How many children do you want?
bunches and bunches! 12!!!
39. Do you own something from Hot Topic?
Not a thing. Yeah, ME!
40. What is your favorite breakfast?
41. Do you own a gun?
42. Have you ever thought you were in love?
43. When was the last time you cried?
Why do ALL the quizzes ask this question? Two weeks ago when I watched Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.
44. What did you do 3 nights ago?
Slept! Dumb question.
45. When was the last time you went to Olive Garden?
Mmmmmm...about three weeks ago. Had me some Tiramisu.
46. Have you ever called your teacher mom?
No...That sounds SOOOOO Greek Tragedy.
47. Have you ever been in a castle?
Yep, Like FOUR! 'Cuz I'm awesome. What. You didn't know?
48. What are your nicknames?
Um, Jay, Jim Hawkins, Jasonite...that's all currently I think. Except for Bear. He calls me, "That person...who feeds me."
49. Do you know anyone named Bertha?
Hahaha! No, but I wish I did! I am changing Amber's name to Bertha. Congratulations, you are now BERTHA!
50. Have you ever been to Kentucky?
Nope. What's in Kentucky? A bunch of horses running around in circle?
51. Do you own something from Banana Republic?
No. But I own stuff from GAP and Old Navy...same company.
52. Are you thinking about somebody right now?
53. Have you ever called someone Boo?
No. And if I do, SHOOT ME!!! And if you do, I WILL SHOOT YOU!
54. Do you smoke?
Only on Saturday nights when I recreate the Burning Man Festival.
55. Do you own a diamond ring?
Yes, from when my husband proposed. Oh wait.....Nooooooooo...
56. Are you happy with your life right now?
I am happy with where it is going, does that count?
57. Do you dye your hair?
58. Does anyone like you?
I am sure that they do, how could they not? I mean, LOOK AT ME! I am such a catch!
60. What were you doing May of 1994?
Celebrating the end of school.
61. Do you own a Backstreet Boys CD?
HAHAHAHAHAHA! No. I own three.
62. McDonald's or Wendy's?
63. Do you like yourself?
How could I not?
64. Are you closer to your mother or father?
65. Favorite feature of the opposite sex?
66. Are you afraid of the dark?
No....the monsters that taunt me from under my bed in the dark.
67. Have you ever eaten paste?
Who says paste anymore?
68. Do you have a webcam?
Yes. Not plugged in though.
What? That's it? What a horrible way to end a survey. I am changing it.
70. Where did you get this?
From KURTEN EMILY! Yeah!!!! She's most awesomest!! See you in a month, Em!
Listen up, Boo - Bertha reminds me of a fat old lady so you call me AMBER, you hear, AMBER!!!!
Anonymous, At
10:02 PM, May 24, 2006
Sounds good, Bertha. Whatever you say.
Jason Hunt, At
8:22 AM, May 25, 2006
Wow. You want to know something really great? Mmk. I know you do. I know a girl named Bertha. That's her first name. But she hates it, and therefore goes by her middle name. And you'll never guess what her middle name is. Amber. And I'm really not being facetious. Pretty amazing, huh?
EmilyLou, At
5:10 PM, May 25, 2006
No, Tomato, that is NOT amazing! Poor Bertha. :-)
Anonymous, At
8:10 PM, May 25, 2006
Call her "Amberger," too. She hates that.
Anonymous, At
10:42 PM, May 27, 2006
I was thinking AmBerth! It has a really nice ring. ;-)
Emily, At
1:18 PM, May 28, 2006
you are all evil.
Anonymous, At
9:36 PM, May 28, 2006
HAHAHAHAHA! Favorite post of all time. Ever. And AmBergBertha, we love you FOREVER!!
Jason Hunt, At
9:53 PM, May 28, 2006
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