The One With No Sleep
Current Mood: Tired 
Currently Watching: Friends
I AM SO BORED!!!!!!!! Tonight, the ONE night that I need to sleep so that I can be up early and what am I doing? Did you say sleeping?
'Cause that would make you an idiot. What, am I typing in my dreams? Although that would be fun. I've never had a dream about typing. Anyway, SOOOOOOOOOO not asleep. Not even sleepy. Tired, but not sleepy. Are you ever tired, but not sleepy? I can't stop yawning, but I can't fall asleep either.
I therefore resort to the tried and lots of commercial free tv on my computer! At the moment, FRIENDS! YEAH, FRIENDS!
OHHHHHHH! I have something to tell you! So, Diana sent me a text message a few days ago that said, "I still need ideas for restaurants and do you have a favorite quote?" (which I expertly ignored because I HATE text messages that should be part of a phone conversation). Anyway, today.........
I found my quote. Are you ready for it? Here it comes! Are you sitting down? It's on its way!
"Grace, It's Christmas, for goodness sake. Think about the baby Jesus... up in that tower, letting his hair down... so that the three wise men can climb up and spin the dreidle and see if there are six more weeks of winter!"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! That is obviously Karen talking to Grace on Will & Grace. IT CRACKS ME UP! The single most convoluted line of thought ever conceived. EVER! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Yup...just typing away. Killing time. Not really talking about anything.
I wish I was Phoebe. She cracks me up. How fun would it be to be that psycho every single day?!
Okay, I've rambled enough. Goodnight. Sleep hopefully.

Currently Watching: Friends
I AM SO BORED!!!!!!!! Tonight, the ONE night that I need to sleep so that I can be up early and what am I doing? Did you say sleeping?
'Cause that would make you an idiot. What, am I typing in my dreams? Although that would be fun. I've never had a dream about typing. Anyway, SOOOOOOOOOO not asleep. Not even sleepy. Tired, but not sleepy. Are you ever tired, but not sleepy? I can't stop yawning, but I can't fall asleep either.
I therefore resort to the tried and lots of commercial free tv on my computer! At the moment, FRIENDS! YEAH, FRIENDS!
OHHHHHHH! I have something to tell you! So, Diana sent me a text message a few days ago that said, "I still need ideas for restaurants and do you have a favorite quote?" (which I expertly ignored because I HATE text messages that should be part of a phone conversation). Anyway, today.........
I found my quote. Are you ready for it? Here it comes! Are you sitting down? It's on its way!
"Grace, It's Christmas, for goodness sake. Think about the baby Jesus... up in that tower, letting his hair down... so that the three wise men can climb up and spin the dreidle and see if there are six more weeks of winter!"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! That is obviously Karen talking to Grace on Will & Grace. IT CRACKS ME UP! The single most convoluted line of thought ever conceived. EVER! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Yup...just typing away. Killing time. Not really talking about anything.
I wish I was Phoebe. She cracks me up. How fun would it be to be that psycho every single day?!
Okay, I've rambled enough. Goodnight. Sleep hopefully.
I just noticed that your music player says, "Jukebox updated 19 June, 2006."
LOVE the European date order! :-) I have my cell phone programmed the same way. Stupid Americans.
Anonymous, At
5:03 PM, July 10, 2006
And that is the best quote EVER!
And my frogs are making noises... OH...... that's why.... OOOhhh.... excuse me.... I think they need some alone time.
DianaS, At
7:39 PM, July 11, 2006
I heard a Savage Garden song on the radio tonight. And thought of you! You are like only person I know who still loves them as much as me! We are dorks!
Emily, At
11:53 PM, July 11, 2006
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