Saturday, October 29, 2005

The One With the Quizzes

Current Mood: Weird
Current Music: Ten Shekel Shirt Ocean have you guys been? I apologize for leaving you hanging for so long. At least 400 times in the past week, I have walked past my computer and thought "I should update my Blog!" Unfortunately, the sad but true fact is...I have nothing to say! No, seriously. I am not EVEN kidding. I always feel bad when people call me now. Diana usually waits about a week or so between phone calls and even then...every time...I end up saying, "Sorry, I have nothing new to report. Nothing funny happened to me." Which is bad because then we end up discussing things like the pollination rate of bluebonnets and how to get gum out of new cashmere. Now, I don't know the answer to either of those you can understand how our conversations go.

This is PSYCHO! I never thought that I would have a boring, predictable life! That's just not my thing, yo! Oh, I should probably tell you that this is not a bad thing. I am not upset that my life is just is. I go to school, I come home and read, listen to music and watch television. Then I go to sleep, wake up and do it all over again. *sigh* such is life.

Anyway, since I have nothing of interest to say, I thought I would take some quizzes and find out more about me.


You have Butterfly
Positive Traits: Thoughtful,
Intelligent, Humble, Clever, Open
Negative Traits: Elitist,
Conceited, Apathetic, Cold, Sarcastic

Your eyes are the windows to your soul. What type of eyes do you have?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your element is water. You are a person who likes
be yourself and help where ever possible.
You're probably pretty well known for your
selfless good deeds.

What's your element? (with absolutely BEAUTIFUL pics, tons of results)
brought to you by Quizilla

Bambi Result

Which DISNEY character are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla

What? Come on! Bambi? I'm BAMBI!!!! I can't tell the difference between a skunk and a bunch of flowers!!


You are the Sage, the mysterious
wise one or shaman. Sages dedicate their lives
to the pursuit of knowledge. They are very wise
and are good with philosophy and theology. They
make good teachers, counselors, and

Color: Gold
Gem: Topaz


Who would you be if you were a character in an epic fantasy? (beautiful pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

Well, now THAT's interesting? Did you notice that the gem is my birthstone? Yeah, BABY!

Your Brain's Pattern

You have a dreamy mind, full of fancy and fantasy.
You have the ability to stay forever entertained with your thoughts.
People may say you're hard to read, but that's because you're so internally focused.
But when you do share what you're thinking, people are impressed with your imagination.

Monday, October 24, 2005

The One With the Good Things

Current Mood: Jubilant
Current Music: Collective Soul Blender

Have you ever had something happen that made you feel so honored that you didn't even want to tell anyone? I know that's weird. Most of us would be out the door in an instant to yell it from the street corners if something amazing happened. But every once in a while, something so COOL occurs that I want to keep it all wrapped up, just for me. Anyway...

All this to say...I have had TWO amazing things happen to me in the past week and I am positively giddy at the moment! Hahaha. Now, my giddy is not most people's giddy. I tend to get very quite (even more quiet than I normally am *GASP* Hey, stop laughing! Did you know that I make a horrible first impression because I sit in the corner and say nothing? I know, shocking...) and sit in my room listening to music. Hey! That's what I am doing write now, what do you know? I love how success motivates us to be better people. Have you noticed that trend in people? It seems to me that as people succeed in life, they work harder to keep it up.

So, I am done writing. I am off to ensure my success. HAPPY MONDAY, everyone! I hope that you have a GREAT week!


Friday, October 21, 2005

Audio Post #5

this is an audio post - click to play

Audio Post #4

this is an audio post - click to play

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The One With the Disney Channel

Current Mood: Elated
Current Music: "Strangers Like Me" by Everlife from Disney Mania 3

Good Morning, Everyone! Hey! It's still morning! Shut up! :-) I hope that you are all having a SPECTACULAR Sunday. For those of you who wanted to know, yes, I am feeling much better. Still a little gross, but much better than yesterday. Last week was kinda hectic which means - not much sleep. If I go more than a few days with a good twelve hours or so (kidding, kidding....), then I usually get sick. Sheesh, it's like my immune system needs energy or something. Anyway, I had two tests and a midterm last week (the midterm being the paper that I mentioned in a previous post) and on Thursday night, a friend invited out with some of his friends for the evening (which ended up being a lot of fun...I got home around 3.) so on Friday.....sick. Yuck. Gross. Whole box of Kleenex WASTED! Anyway, I have now had two nights of lots of sleeping and dreaming happy dreams of buttercups and orange soda and Bethany Joy.....wait, nevermind. Hahaha. Just kidding! You know, Bethany Joy has never made an appearance in any of my dreams? I'm taking that as a good sign. I don't know why. Yes, I know you think it doesn't make sense, but you're wrong. It's a good sign.


Anyway, so I added another new song today. It's by a Christian group that I had never heard of called Everlife. Of course, being the connoisours of music that you are, I know that they are no surprise to you! *wink*wink* They covered a song from the soundtrack to Disney's Tarzan (a GREAT soundtrack, by the way. I listen to it all the time. Phill Collins!! Never saw the movie...). If you didn't know already, I am addicted to the Disney Channel. I know, how sad is that? Seriously...One of my favorite shows is Phil of the Future. It's great! But I also record Lizzie McGuire and Life with Derek. Oh! And last night we watched Twitches because I think Tia and Tamara Mowry are cute.

Stop looking at me like that.

So, anyway...instead of commercials, Disney loves to showcase their newest little "Disney Stars" usually doing something goobery (except for that "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" music video. I have GOT to get a hold of that one...Jenn and I have been singing it for weeks!), but they recently showed Everlife singinging "Strangers Like Me" and I LOVED it! So, after days of toil and strife, I have located it for you! Enjoy! Let me know if you like it. Let me know if you hate it. Just talk to me. TALK TO ME!!

Lonely...I'm so lonely...I have call my own.

*crickets chirp*

Did you know you can discern the temperature by counting the number of chirps in a minute? It's some psycho long equation like Chirps x approximate temperature x your age x number of eyebrows = temperature.

Or something.

Or my, I think that's enough. Good bye!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

The One With the Survey

Well, I am feeling a little better tonight, so I decided to fill out a new survey. I do it about twice a year and Kurten Emily posted a pretty good one on her Blog the other day. So, here we go!

Everything About You Survey
Personal Information
Full Name//:Jason Douglas Hunt
Nickname(s)//:Jay, Bafufta, Hot Lips
Hair Color//:This month? Normally=Brown
Hair Style//:Wait, wait, wait. Hairstyle? Um, I am a guy...I don't know. Normal. Messy. Long!! Yeah!
Eye Color//:Grey....Contacts on Brown
What is your favorite
Game//:OooOooO...the Sims, World of Warcraft, Cranium, Collapse, Insaniquarium. Have you ever played Insaniquarium? Aquariums? Aliens? Yeah, BABY!
Song//:Oh, you have got to be kidding me. the moment = "Out of Reach" by BBMAK. Or the whole Ryan Cabrera CD in my car.
Music Video// this is a good one. DEFINTELY "Keep Fishin'" by Weezer
Animal//:DOLPHINS!!! I like dolphins, right Suzy?
Sport//:To watch? Hockey. To play? Sleeping. What. That's a sport.
Country//:The Good Ole US of A!! How could I say otherwise? But, outside our awesome borders: Italy, Ireland, and Germany...and Canada, of course (That's for you, Canadian Emily!).
Movie//:The Count of Monte Cristo.
Food//:PINEAPPLES! Fletcher's Corny Dogs! Cheese, Orange Soda, Hanburgers (Koppe Bridge, Red Robin, and Health Camp).
Best//:I don't believe in best friends. I think ranking friends is mean.
Funniest//:Rachel Cleveland ( shorts).
Coolest//:Graham Gourley (also my newest friend...which makes him the coolest).
Sweetest//:Rachel Cleveland (Dude, she's racking them up today!).
Kindest//:Canadian Emily...She was the only person to ask if I was feeling better today!
Annoyingest//:What? Annoying people do not get to remain my none of them!
Dullest//:Same as above...I mean come on! OH! Jeremy Davidson (because he no longer cares...*sniff*).
Stupidest//:This is so wrong. Who wrote this thing?
Most Intelligent//:Ahhhhh....well, I am the smartest person I know, or course...but a close second is Diana Saylak (You should see the things she comes up with for her class!)
Athletic//:Um....I don't really like people who exersize. Oh! Tricia! She swims and plays basketball at the same time!
Boy(Girl)friend//:Bethany Joy Lenz.
Are you in love right now//:*sigh* No, I guess not.
Do you have a crush//:Yeeeeeeeeessss.
Do you have a stalker//:Oh, golly...if only there was a short list I could post.
Do you miss someone right now//:Well, Bethany Joy, of course. She's all the way in North Carolina! And some others...since I have ONE friend in Waco!
What do you do
At school//:Depends on the class...Play Solitaire or Monopoly, take notes, mock the freshman, or write creatively.
At home//:Catch up on all the shows I have missed over the years, read books, sing, listen to music...make music, play with Bear, come up with goofy things to put on this Blog, reject Ruth Ann Pruett on FaceBook.
Outside//:Ha. Are you kidding me? This is Texas. If I am outside, it's because I am trying to get inside.
When you first wake up//:Take a shower. Talk with God. Let Bear out. Actually, that's first...Bear likes to pee on things.
What _____do you hate
Food//:Me boy. Me eat anything.
Color//:PINK!!! I don't care how cool it is to where pink now, DON'T DO IT! I WILL make fun of you!
Hair color//:I'm open
Tv show//:Oh, my goodness...Most of all? What I Like About You!!! Stupidest show on the planet filled with the worst actors of all time!
Clothing style//:Cowboy/Hick...basically the entire wardrobe of College Station ;-)
Movie//:Anything about war.
Emotions Right Now
Are You Happy Right Now//:Yes.
Annoyed//:By some of these questions, yes.
Sick//:A little.
Lonely//:Ug. Always.
Bored//:Not really...I am watching Stargate Atlantis.
Have you ever
Made your own religion//:Hahahahahahaha. Yes. About an alien who killed all of the bad people in the galazy with a hydrogen bomb. Oh wait, No, that was L.Ron Hubbard.
Written backwards//:.seY
Written your own magazine//:No. Newsletters, yes.
Drawn art//:Yes. I am so glad it didn't say "Drawn well//" because then I would have to lie.
Got angry with a game//:YES! Which is why I only play games I know I can win.
Played Lacrosse//:No. Kyle does though. It fits him. He can hit people.
Broken a bone//:Hee hee hee. Um...technically no...
Dyed your hair//:Who? Me? No. Never. Well except for now...
Put in contacts for no reason//:No.
Swam alone//:Yes. Many times. It is much more peaceful that way. People irritate me.
Things that come to mind when you read...
Stupidity//:Diana (I'm sorry, Diana! I don't really think you're stupid, but your name popped into my head, so....)
Blue//:bell. cream.
Golf//:Tiger Woods.
Random Questions
Play Sports, if so, what ones//:Hahahahahahahahaha. *gasp* Hahahahahaha.
Have a lot of friends//:No.... :-(
Write good//:Write well! Illiterate survey author...
Eat a lot//:Ironically, no...Unless I am in a really bad mood, then I eat EVERYTHING!
Like the day Friday//:Um...sure.
Like the month December//:YEAH!!!!!!!!
Do you(or are you)
(DY)Give good advice//:You would have to ask someone who has asked for my advice.
(DY)Talk crap//:No. That's mean.
(DY)Play a lot of games//:Not anymore. There is something wacky with my computer, so the Sims is out. I can't afford to play WoW anymore. And there is no one here to play Cranium. Sad, sad, sad.
(DY)Wear hats//:Not by choice. Except on Sundays. I like to wear big purple ones with magnolia blossoms on them.
(DY)Like to be outside//:Well, not in Texas. But in general, yes.
(AY) Always mad//:Hahaha. No.
(AY) Always happy//:No one is always happy. And don't you dare say otherwise, because I know you ALL! And I can most definitely name times when each of you was not happy.
(AY) A good friend//:Again, you would have to ask my friends.
This or that (Last questions)
Night or day//:Night.
Snow or Rain//:Um....snow. But Rain is great too!
Stars or the Moon//:Stars.
Ocean or Pool//:OCEAN!! As in Oceanside!
Boat or Plane//:Boat. On choir tour? BOTH!
Books or Magazines//:Books.
Yu-Gi-Oh Cards or Pokemon Cards//:Oh you have got to be kidding me.
Blonde or Black Hair//:Black.
Green or Blue Eyes//:Blue.
Pants or Shorts//:Pants.
Pop or Rock//:A nice blend of both.
Punk or Emo//:Uh...none of the above. Or beside. whatever.
Tatoos or Piercings//:Piercings.
Necklace or Ring//:Ring.
Art or Literature//:Literature.
Jeans or Baggy Pants//:Whichever is in style at the moment. I guess that makes me a little shallow. But I'm good with that.
Singing or Dancing//:MmmMmmMmMm...Both. But I guess singing more than dancing.
March or May//:March (Spring Break)
Halloween or Christmas//:Christmas!
Coke or Pepsi//:Coke.
Hug or Kiss//:Kiss.

P.S. I added an AWESOME Jeremy Camp song today, so check it out!

The One With Dog Judo

I am a little bit sick today, thus I don't really feel like posting at the moment. So....would you like to see something funny instead?

Just click play

Thursday, October 13, 2005

The One With Goofy Celebrities

Current Mood: Normal
Current Music: Ryan Cabrera Take It All Away all know that I hav ea DVR here (spurn of my existence......but not really). Well, I LOVE being able to pause shows so that I can be distracted by the phone or E-mail 400 million times each day. No, seriously! I don't have to miss anything, which is good. The problem is (notsomuch a problem for me...but for all those actors out there), I have this knack for pausing shows at the perfect moment to showcase actors with stupid expressions on their face. Anyway, I though it might be fun to stick a few pictures of those moments on here for you to enjoy. This first installment is Krisitn Kreuk on Smallville, and credit for the snag must go to my sister, because she actually froze the show last night. Just you wait....these celebrities will wish they had never heard the name of JASON HUNT!!!!!! BWA HAHAHAHAHA!


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The One With Bear Bloopers

Current Mood: Photographic
Current Music: "Anxiety" by the Black Eyed Peas from Elephunk

So, by this time, I hope that most of you have seen the opening video on my main site at least once. That took me quite a while, so if you haven't checked it out yet, GO THERE! Anyway, you may not think of something having bloopers, but believe me - getting Bear to cooperate long enough to pose him is near impossible! Anyway, I thought it might be fun to share with you a few of those entertaining (and sometimes frustrating) moments. Enjoy!

At this point, he kept trying to sit down. Lazy little dog! Look how low his tail is. He's thinking, "Why do I have to stand? This is stupid. Where's the food?"

See? See what I have to work with? These unprofessional model turned actors! They think that just because they are cute in print, they can do whatever they want in the movies. At this point, he said, "This is fun...RUB MY BELLY!"

Then of course, he figured out that I wanted him to stand up, but he got a little overzealous. "No, Bear. Four feet. FOUR! You're not a human!"

"Hmm? Food?"

Then, as if his antics weren't enough, he had to barge into MY shots too. Sheesh...Hollywood types.

Anyway, that's what goes into the sites I put together for you people. Silly puppies. By the way, I put my jukebox on random and it's been going while I wrote this. I have to say, I have some GREAT music! Have you been listening to my songs? They're the bomb!

Boy, do I sound arrogant. Eh....I guess I am. ;-)

Monday, October 10, 2005

The One With the Stars

Current Mood: Delirious with sleep deprivation
Current Music: City on a Hill It's Christmas Time

I don't really have much to say tonight, I just felt like updating. I still have a few things I wanted to put up on here, but I just don't have the motivation tonight. I am SO TIRED! This weekend was a lot of fun, but not much in the catch-up-on-sleep department. Friday, as you know, I was stuck here with Bear while he pointed out which portions of the floor he didn't particular care for. Saturday, I went up to the fair (prompting 2 lists and a bunch of picutres I want to post). It was a lot of fun! As always, the food was spectacular! I also went through the automobile exhibts, but was disappointed by the displays. For one thing, not a single concept car in the whole lot! That's my favorite part! I like to pretend like the concepts are my "evening" car so I can cruising through the happening nightlife of.....Waco.


Anyway, it was still fun to go through and look at the prices on some of the new hybrids coming out. I have decided that I want a hybrid engine in my next car. I mean, gas is skyrocketting! That's not the only reason, though. I also feel like the automobile industry's blatant disregard for the health of the environment has gone on long enough. I am not a psycho tree hugger, but I do acknowledge that God created our planet and made it our responsibility so I am very willing to support companies working to cut down on fossil fuel consumption. How did I get going on that? Oh...right, the fair.

So, I always loved the fair as a little kid. I wish that I had time (and money) to go through all the booths they have set up there. There is always some GREAT stuff to buy! Alas, maybe in a few decades...

Good news, though. While I was there, I ran into Becca and Rob (two of my FAVORITE people) in the world)! They were up all the way from College Station and God steered us all right towards a meeting! There was a nice moment of, "Gosh, that looks like Rob and Becca. But it CAN'T be!" Then it was! Yeah! For those of you who don't know...I don't exactly have an abundance of friends here in Waco...None actually. Well, my sister, but I am not putting her in the friends list today...Grrrrr... So, I was UBER excited to run into people I knew (enough so that I am surprised they didn't say, "Hmmmm....yeah, you're creeping us out, so we're gonna go.). Anyway, Rob was planning on going to the Stars game that night with another friend of ours from CS and that friend's brother-in-law and he offered me their extra ticket!


So, yeah. I was kinda excited. I LOVE hockey, but I never get to see a game. So, that evening I took off for the American Airlines Center. We ended up sitting In row R at center ice. NICE! It was perfect. Then, to make a great evening better, Rob and Alex (other friend), who teach music at Bryan High School, teach the nephew of the owner of the in no time, I was whisked up to the luxury box. THE LUXURY BOX! AAAAAAAAHHHHHH! I got to hang out for a while and I met the owner and the guy that owns all of the radio stations in College Station that are not ClearChannel. It was WAY COOL!

Then the Stars got to the third period and forgot how to play hockey. It was very sad. But that's okay, I still had a great time and got to hang out with friends!

Seriously, you's getting ridiculous. What happened to all the nice people in the world? I had someone tell me last week that I needed to get out more and meet some new people so that I am not sitting at home all day by myself. She pointed out that there are 17,000 people at this little school of I should go and befriend all of them. Here's my dilemma. I am not denying that there are some great people here, but I would really like to meet someone who is close to my age (rather than the freshman that fill my classes) and is sorta in my same situation in life. I mean how many other 22 year old freshman are there out there. Well, I guess I am not TECHNICALLY a freshman, but if you have at least three years left still ahead of you, I call that a freshman. It's RIDICULOUS! Anyway...

Actually, on Sunday I met the guy from my World Lit class to work on our midterm papers (which are now complete. YEAH!). That was a lot of fun because this guy is crazier than I am...I'd share stories, but...whoa....seriously, cracks me up! So, I have one friend! Congratulate me!

Okay, I have rambled on much longer than I anticipated, so now I am going to sleep. with Christmas music in the background. I like Christmas.


P.S. Happy Thanksgiving to Canadian Emily and all her Canadian friends and family!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Audio Post #3

this is an audio post - click to play

Friday, October 07, 2005

The One With Social Awkwardness

Current Mood: Contemplative
Current Music: BBMAK Into Your Head

I ran across this article in my school paper last week and I have wanted to share it with you every since...but I knew I would have to type it all in, so I waited till I was sufficiently motivated. I got my midterm today in World Lit. It has to be in my professors hands on Tuesday before the bell tower tolls 2:00pm. I'm not kidding. It's just an essay (which I LOVE!) There are no real tests in this class, just papers to write. None of them are required to have outside sources (in fact, this one is not allowed to have any quotations!), so I am in writer's heaven! I will ponder this weekend and maybe write a little, but will finish the essay on Monday. This class is fantastic! If you don't already know, it's the only class I got to choose this semester. For the others, I had to go with whatever would fit my schedule. The teacher is funny, cynical (always a plus), and realistic. Monday is "Campus Awareness Day" which means that Juniors and Seniors from around Texas will be on campus learning more about Baylor. ..

So we are not having class. :-) Hee hee hee. None of us wanted to be up here any more than we had to with all the highschoolers running around, so he encouraged us each to "find an aspect of the campus and be made more aware of it" as long as it wasn't our classroom. LOVE IT!

I was supposed to be in Ovilla today for the State Fair, but Bear ate some REALLY old stuff from the trash (that was growing new stuff) and proceeded to reproduce it throughout the afternoon for my entertainment. Then I fell asleep (only to be awakened by my goof of a roommate for the third time to ask me to grab something she forgot...What was it? Um....I forgot ;-), so didn't quite make it back today. I am headed up there tomorrow though for the fair. YEAH! In case you didn't know, the fair is all about the food. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Actually, I may just make a new top 10 list of the best things at the fair (half of which will surely be food)...Watch for it! Now, since I have some time on my hands...on to the article! I am duplicating it here because it sounds EXACTLY like something I could have written. Seriously, I have thought many of the things Peter mentions. Plus, it made me laugh...I was apparently a bit distracting in the CSB when I read it (sheesh...don't these people know that between 1 and 2 on Mondays and Wednesdays, the lobby belongs to ME?! Honestly...)So, here is the article.

"Waves, handshakes source of social awkwardness" by Peter Anzollitto

I do not think I am a socially inept individual, but lately society's rules have been getting me down. There are just so many of them.
Consider this: How many ways are there for you to greet another person? Now consider this: How many ways are there for you to mess up that greeting?

The worst feeling in the world is to think someone is waving at you and while you are returning the gesture you realize that they were actually aiming for the person behind you.
Two social faux pas have just occurred.
Primarily, you have waved at a person who obviously did not want to wave at you.
Secondly, you have now forced impending polite conversation on someone who did not even want to acknoweledge you even though you were in direct line of sight.
This is why the hlaf-wave was created.
Come now, surely you know of which I speak. It is that half-hearted, half-elevated motion that could be a wave or a stretch depending on what reaction it receives. Essentially, the half-wave is a social scout - exploring the vast unknown, ready to spring into a full wave at a moment's notice.
Although this scenario is by far one of the worst, social rules create many undesirable situations. Take for examply the First Meeting.
I often find myself meeting people who want to engage me in complex hand-shakery. I am a simple man and enjoy an easy-going up and down motion. However, many people want to slide, snap and pound fists in any number of combinations.
Why these people think I know their secret handshake I am not quite sure, but I would definitely like a little uniformity in this area.
Timing is also essential in a greeting, especially when walking to class. When approaching, one does not want to initiate eye contact too early for fear of having to look at this person for what seems like an unending stretch of time until they have passed.
In the same vein, if contact is initiated too late the polite, "How are you?" "Good, how are you?" will have to be said partially after the person has already passed.
To avoid these problems altogether, one can do what I like to call a "nonverbal." This maneuver concsists of a fairly violent backward head-jolt where the result is essentially pointing at your target with your chin. I have occasionally seen the reverse of this attempted, which is something akin to a nod, but I do not suggest it. It can be misconstrued as avoiding eye contact.
At all costs, one must resist falling into an overly zealous greeting.
The chances are that both you and the recipient of the greeting are not as enthusiastic to see each other as you have just conveyed. Saccharinely sweet false emotion only really works for a select few, so just avoid doing it.
This is wisdom I have gleaned over the years through laborious trial and error, but mostly error. My hope is that you will remember me every time you enggage in pleasant banter due to an exquisitely executed greeting.

So, that's it. Now I am turning on the pilot episode of Joey with Ashley Scott in it. Have a good night, everyone!

P.S. I added a new song today by BBMAK, check it out!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The One With Aggie Hurricane Preparations

Current Mood: Giggling Uncontrollably
Currently Watching: Supernatural

So, I have something that I have to share with you. I realize that many of you will have seen the picture I am about to post, but I didn't run across it until last weekend. I think the Aggies were trying to hide it from me, knowing that I would be forced to use it against them. They were right, of course, but how could they keep something like THIS out of my prying hands? Hee hee hee.

So, during the rush of Hurricane Rita preparations, a local reporter happened to snap this picture of the most prominent Aggie bookstore in College Station. We couldn't stop laughing. Seriously, it must have been at least five minutes before I calmed down. PLEASE click on the picture for the full-size version.

Now, just you won't be two days before Diana is on here defending her fellow goobers. Which is okay, there is a LITTLE bit more to the story, but I am certainly going to wait until someone else wants to fill you in. Hee hee hee.

Audio Post #2

this is an audio post - click to play

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The One With Bethany Joy Lenz

Current Mood: Elated
Current Music: Franz Ferdinand You Could Have It So Much Better

So, One Tree Hill started back tonight. Need I say more?

All is right with the world. For an hour, Bethany Joy Lenz was IN MY LIVING ROOM! Ahhhhhhhhh... Seriously, I have missed this show! There have been a bunch of new shows and new episodes of old shows out in the past month, but none so tantalizing as One Tree Hill.

By the way, I TOTALLY think Lucas did it. And I voted that way when they sent me a text message asking me what I thought (because I am that important). Apparently, 36% of voters agree with me. Woo hoo! We ROCK! What do YOU think? I mean, of all the people who were mad enough to burn down Dan's dealership (with him still inside...BWA HAHAHAHA!), who do you think actually set the blaze? It seems to be all the chatter right now.

At least they are not asking the viewers to vote on it again. That's just stupid. I don't watch television to determine what happens to the characters. I watch to see stories unfold! I like not knowing what is going to happen. That's part of what makes it fun.

Anyway, I have a few other things to post, but they are going to have to wait until tomorrow sometime. Sleep now. Must go sleepy sleep.


P.S. I put two new songs in the Top 10 box. Tell me what you think!

P.P.S. I had a date with Bethany Joy Lenz tonight. Granted, she spent the entire evening conversing with other people (all of whom ignored me), but that hardly matters...