The One With the Stars
Current Mood: Delirious with sleep deprivation 
Current Music: City on a Hill It's Christmas Time
I don't really have much to say tonight, I just felt like updating. I still have a few things I wanted to put up on here, but I just don't have the motivation tonight. I am SO TIRED! This weekend was a lot of fun, but not much in the catch-up-on-sleep department. Friday, as you know, I was stuck here with Bear while he pointed out which portions of the floor he didn't particular care for. Saturday, I went up to the fair (prompting 2 lists and a bunch of picutres I want to post). It was a lot of fun! As always, the food was spectacular! I also went through the automobile exhibts, but was disappointed by the displays. For one thing, not a single concept car in the whole lot! That's my favorite part! I like to pretend like the concepts are my "evening" car so I can cruising through the happening nightlife of.....Waco.
Anyway, it was still fun to go through and look at the prices on some of the new hybrids coming out. I have decided that I want a hybrid engine in my next car. I mean, gas is skyrocketting! That's not the only reason, though. I also feel like the automobile industry's blatant disregard for the health of the environment has gone on long enough. I am not a psycho tree hugger, but I do acknowledge that God created our planet and made it our responsibility so I am very willing to support companies working to cut down on fossil fuel consumption. How did I get going on that? Oh...right, the fair.
So, I always loved the fair as a little kid. I wish that I had time (and money) to go through all the booths they have set up there. There is always some GREAT stuff to buy! Alas, maybe in a few decades...
Good news, though. While I was there, I ran into Becca and Rob (two of my FAVORITE people) in the world)! They were up all the way from College Station and God steered us all right towards a meeting! There was a nice moment of, "Gosh, that looks like Rob and Becca. But it CAN'T be!" Then it was! Yeah! For those of you who don't know...I don't exactly have an abundance of friends here in Waco...None actually. Well, my sister, but I am not putting her in the friends list today...Grrrrr... So, I was UBER excited to run into people I knew (enough so that I am surprised they didn't say, "Hmmmm....yeah, you're creeping us out, so we're gonna go.). Anyway, Rob was planning on going to the Stars game that night with another friend of ours from CS and that friend's brother-in-law and he offered me their extra ticket!
So, yeah. I was kinda excited. I LOVE hockey, but I never get to see a game. So, that evening I took off for the American Airlines Center. We ended up sitting In row R at center ice. NICE! It was perfect. Then, to make a great evening better, Rob and Alex (other friend), who teach music at Bryan High School, teach the nephew of the owner of the in no time, I was whisked up to the luxury box. THE LUXURY BOX! AAAAAAAAHHHHHH! I got to hang out for a while and I met the owner and the guy that owns all of the radio stations in College Station that are not ClearChannel. It was WAY COOL!
Then the Stars got to the third period and forgot how to play hockey. It was very sad. But that's okay, I still had a great time and got to hang out with friends!
Seriously, you's getting ridiculous. What happened to all the nice people in the world? I had someone tell me last week that I needed to get out more and meet some new people so that I am not sitting at home all day by myself. She pointed out that there are 17,000 people at this little school of I should go and befriend all of them. Here's my dilemma. I am not denying that there are some great people here, but I would really like to meet someone who is close to my age (rather than the freshman that fill my classes) and is sorta in my same situation in life. I mean how many other 22 year old freshman are there out there. Well, I guess I am not TECHNICALLY a freshman, but if you have at least three years left still ahead of you, I call that a freshman. It's RIDICULOUS! Anyway...
Actually, on Sunday I met the guy from my World Lit class to work on our midterm papers (which are now complete. YEAH!). That was a lot of fun because this guy is crazier than I am...I'd share stories, but...whoa....seriously, cracks me up! So, I have one friend! Congratulate me!
Okay, I have rambled on much longer than I anticipated, so now I am going to sleep. with Christmas music in the background. I like Christmas.
P.S. Happy Thanksgiving to Canadian Emily and all her Canadian friends and family!

Current Music: City on a Hill It's Christmas Time

I don't really have much to say tonight, I just felt like updating. I still have a few things I wanted to put up on here, but I just don't have the motivation tonight. I am SO TIRED! This weekend was a lot of fun, but not much in the catch-up-on-sleep department. Friday, as you know, I was stuck here with Bear while he pointed out which portions of the floor he didn't particular care for. Saturday, I went up to the fair (prompting 2 lists and a bunch of picutres I want to post). It was a lot of fun! As always, the food was spectacular! I also went through the automobile exhibts, but was disappointed by the displays. For one thing, not a single concept car in the whole lot! That's my favorite part! I like to pretend like the concepts are my "evening" car so I can cruising through the happening nightlife of.....Waco.
Anyway, it was still fun to go through and look at the prices on some of the new hybrids coming out. I have decided that I want a hybrid engine in my next car. I mean, gas is skyrocketting! That's not the only reason, though. I also feel like the automobile industry's blatant disregard for the health of the environment has gone on long enough. I am not a psycho tree hugger, but I do acknowledge that God created our planet and made it our responsibility so I am very willing to support companies working to cut down on fossil fuel consumption. How did I get going on that? Oh...right, the fair.
So, I always loved the fair as a little kid. I wish that I had time (and money) to go through all the booths they have set up there. There is always some GREAT stuff to buy! Alas, maybe in a few decades...
Good news, though. While I was there, I ran into Becca and Rob (two of my FAVORITE people) in the world)! They were up all the way from College Station and God steered us all right towards a meeting! There was a nice moment of, "Gosh, that looks like Rob and Becca. But it CAN'T be!" Then it was! Yeah! For those of you who don't know...I don't exactly have an abundance of friends here in Waco...None actually. Well, my sister, but I am not putting her in the friends list today...Grrrrr... So, I was UBER excited to run into people I knew (enough so that I am surprised they didn't say, "Hmmmm....yeah, you're creeping us out, so we're gonna go.). Anyway, Rob was planning on going to the Stars game that night with another friend of ours from CS and that friend's brother-in-law and he offered me their extra ticket!
So, yeah. I was kinda excited. I LOVE hockey, but I never get to see a game. So, that evening I took off for the American Airlines Center. We ended up sitting In row R at center ice. NICE! It was perfect. Then, to make a great evening better, Rob and Alex (other friend), who teach music at Bryan High School, teach the nephew of the owner of the in no time, I was whisked up to the luxury box. THE LUXURY BOX! AAAAAAAAHHHHHH! I got to hang out for a while and I met the owner and the guy that owns all of the radio stations in College Station that are not ClearChannel. It was WAY COOL!
Then the Stars got to the third period and forgot how to play hockey. It was very sad. But that's okay, I still had a great time and got to hang out with friends!
Seriously, you's getting ridiculous. What happened to all the nice people in the world? I had someone tell me last week that I needed to get out more and meet some new people so that I am not sitting at home all day by myself. She pointed out that there are 17,000 people at this little school of I should go and befriend all of them. Here's my dilemma. I am not denying that there are some great people here, but I would really like to meet someone who is close to my age (rather than the freshman that fill my classes) and is sorta in my same situation in life. I mean how many other 22 year old freshman are there out there. Well, I guess I am not TECHNICALLY a freshman, but if you have at least three years left still ahead of you, I call that a freshman. It's RIDICULOUS! Anyway...
Actually, on Sunday I met the guy from my World Lit class to work on our midterm papers (which are now complete. YEAH!). That was a lot of fun because this guy is crazier than I am...I'd share stories, but...whoa....seriously, cracks me up! So, I have one friend! Congratulate me!
Okay, I have rambled on much longer than I anticipated, so now I am going to sleep. with Christmas music in the background. I like Christmas.
P.S. Happy Thanksgiving to Canadian Emily and all her Canadian friends and family!
I tried to leave another comment, but I'm a retard. After I put in my name I closed out the window. Genius. I think I said something like, "I started to read your paper, but I saw big words and had to stop. Why would I read YOUR paper when I have to write one of my own!!!" Yeah. But you've made me want to get Inferno for sure. I almost bought it last weekend at Borders... it was on sale for $6.00.
Anonymous, At
9:13 AM, October 12, 2005
Aww thanks for the Happy Thanksgiving message!
Ummm question for you?? WHY THE HECK ARE YOU LISTENING TO CHRISTMAS MUSIC?????? Its only October! AHAHA! Way to early!
Emily, At
8:48 PM, October 12, 2005
Hahahaha. Amber, I do that all the time! Yeah, and don't read my's WAY boring. But I wanted it out there as everlasting proof that I finished it! And Emily, all I have to say is..... "It IS...the season of the spirit! The Message if we hear it, is MAKE IT LAST ALL YEAR!!" 10 Shiner Points to he or she who can name the source of that quote!
Jason Hunt, At
10:35 PM, October 12, 2005
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