The One With the Disney Channel
Current Mood: Elated 
Current Music: "Strangers Like Me" by Everlife from Disney Mania 3
Good Morning, Everyone! Hey! It's still morning! Shut up! :-) I hope that you are all having a SPECTACULAR Sunday. For those of you who wanted to know, yes, I am feeling much better. Still a little gross, but much better than yesterday. Last week was kinda hectic which means - not much sleep. If I go more than a few days with a good twelve hours or so (kidding, kidding....), then I usually get sick. Sheesh, it's like my immune system needs energy or something. Anyway, I had two tests and a midterm last week (the midterm being the paper that I mentioned in a previous post) and on Thursday night, a friend invited out with some of his friends for the evening (which ended up being a lot of fun...I got home around 3.) so on Friday.....sick. Yuck. Gross. Whole box of Kleenex WASTED! Anyway, I have now had two nights of lots of sleeping and dreaming happy dreams of buttercups and orange soda and Bethany Joy.....wait, nevermind. Hahaha. Just kidding! You know, Bethany Joy has never made an appearance in any of my dreams? I'm taking that as a good sign. I don't know why. Yes, I know you think it doesn't make sense, but you're wrong. It's a good sign.
Anyway, so I added another new song today. It's by a Christian group that I had never heard of called Everlife. Of course, being the connoisours of music that you are, I know that they are no surprise to you! *wink*wink* They covered a song from the soundtrack to Disney's Tarzan (a GREAT soundtrack, by the way. I listen to it all the time. Phill Collins!! Never saw the movie...). If you didn't know already, I am addicted to the Disney Channel. I know, how sad is that? Seriously...One of my favorite shows is Phil of the Future. It's great! But I also record Lizzie McGuire and Life with Derek. Oh! And last night we watched Twitches because I think Tia and Tamara Mowry are cute.
Stop looking at me like that.
So, anyway...instead of commercials, Disney loves to showcase their newest little "Disney Stars" usually doing something goobery (except for that "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" music video. I have GOT to get a hold of that one...Jenn and I have been singing it for weeks!), but they recently showed Everlife singinging "Strangers Like Me" and I LOVED it! So, after days of toil and strife, I have located it for you! Enjoy! Let me know if you like it. Let me know if you hate it. Just talk to me. TALK TO ME!!
Lonely...I'm so lonely...I have call my own.
*crickets chirp*
Did you know you can discern the temperature by counting the number of chirps in a minute? It's some psycho long equation like Chirps x approximate temperature x your age x number of eyebrows = temperature.
Or something.
Or my, I think that's enough. Good bye!

Current Music: "Strangers Like Me" by Everlife from Disney Mania 3

Good Morning, Everyone! Hey! It's still morning! Shut up! :-) I hope that you are all having a SPECTACULAR Sunday. For those of you who wanted to know, yes, I am feeling much better. Still a little gross, but much better than yesterday. Last week was kinda hectic which means - not much sleep. If I go more than a few days with a good twelve hours or so (kidding, kidding....), then I usually get sick. Sheesh, it's like my immune system needs energy or something. Anyway, I had two tests and a midterm last week (the midterm being the paper that I mentioned in a previous post) and on Thursday night, a friend invited out with some of his friends for the evening (which ended up being a lot of fun...I got home around 3.) so on Friday.....sick. Yuck. Gross. Whole box of Kleenex WASTED! Anyway, I have now had two nights of lots of sleeping and dreaming happy dreams of buttercups and orange soda and Bethany Joy.....wait, nevermind. Hahaha. Just kidding! You know, Bethany Joy has never made an appearance in any of my dreams? I'm taking that as a good sign. I don't know why. Yes, I know you think it doesn't make sense, but you're wrong. It's a good sign.
Anyway, so I added another new song today. It's by a Christian group that I had never heard of called Everlife. Of course, being the connoisours of music that you are, I know that they are no surprise to you! *wink*wink* They covered a song from the soundtrack to Disney's Tarzan (a GREAT soundtrack, by the way. I listen to it all the time. Phill Collins!! Never saw the movie...). If you didn't know already, I am addicted to the Disney Channel. I know, how sad is that? Seriously...One of my favorite shows is Phil of the Future. It's great! But I also record Lizzie McGuire and Life with Derek. Oh! And last night we watched Twitches because I think Tia and Tamara Mowry are cute.
Stop looking at me like that.
So, anyway...instead of commercials, Disney loves to showcase their newest little "Disney Stars" usually doing something goobery (except for that "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" music video. I have GOT to get a hold of that one...Jenn and I have been singing it for weeks!), but they recently showed Everlife singinging "Strangers Like Me" and I LOVED it! So, after days of toil and strife, I have located it for you! Enjoy! Let me know if you like it. Let me know if you hate it. Just talk to me. TALK TO ME!!
Lonely...I'm so lonely...I have call my own.
*crickets chirp*
Did you know you can discern the temperature by counting the number of chirps in a minute? It's some psycho long equation like Chirps x approximate temperature x your age x number of eyebrows = temperature.
Or something.
Or my, I think that's enough. Good bye!
hahahaha! You are really funny. Im glad that I have friends that are weirder that I am!
Emily, At
10:45 AM, October 16, 2005
Nice how you called me weird but made it sound like a're a crafty one, aren't you?
Jason Hunt, At
10:16 PM, October 16, 2005
Oh I HATE that chipmunk song!!! No singing Mr. Lonely!!! :-) And PLEASE tell me that you do not like Hillary Dufflebag. UGH! I'm so tired of people with mediocre talent getting fame and money! She's AVERAGE! Average, average, average.
*steps off of soap box*
Anonymous, At
9:23 AM, October 18, 2005
My, my...aren't we HATEFUL today...Wouldn't it have been easier to write, "I hate EVERYTHING about your post today!" So what is it about Hilary exactly that you don't like? I thought she was a perfect Lizzie.
Jason Hunt, At
9:37 AM, October 18, 2005
I'm not hateful. Well, I'm very anti-Walmart today, but my utter repugnance for Hilary began a long time ago. To me, she's not a good actress. Did you happen to catch that movie, oh crap I forget what it's called...the one with Steve Martin in it, where he and his wife have a ton of kids? Anyway she's in that and she's terrible. TERRIBLE! And her singing. Oh, the singing. Can we say studio voice?? The fact is, she wouldn't have all of these silly endorsements or recording contracts if it hadn't been for her popularity on Lizzie McGuire, which I didn't like. So to me, she's a money making machine based on mediocrity. And that, my friend, is something that I detest above all.
The end. :-) (for a list of all people that I believe have achieved fame and fortune through mediocrity, feel free to email me!)
Anonymous, At
11:16 AM, October 18, 2005
Haha Amber you are awesome! I totally agree with you. The name of that movie was "Cheaper by the dozen" for the record that was based on a totally fantastic book which Hilary totally distroyed! Argh I hate that. I'd love the list!!
Emily, At
8:44 PM, October 18, 2005
Thanks, Emily - Cheaper by the Dozen, that's it! She ruined the movie for me. You have inspired me to make a list on my LJ, so sometime today it should be ready! :-)
Anonymous, At
10:42 AM, October 19, 2005
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