The One With the Take Out Art
Have you ever put both contacts in the same eye? It's a fun experience. I stood there in front of the mirror and put a gorgeous green contact into my right eye. Then I took another gorgeous green contact and put it into my right eye.
That's how psychotic I am. It took me a minute to realize that I was still half blind and my right eye hurt. Hee hee hee.
By the way, today when I was walking across campus, some guy was walking toward me chatting away on his cell phone when he suddenly reached up, closed off one nostril, and blew his nose. You'll notice that no where in that description did I mention a tissue or a handkerchief or even a shirtsleeve. He just blew snot through the air and onto the sidewalk so I shot him.
Do you think that was wrong? :-)
I also wanted to start a little something new. Believe it or not, I AM working on the new site and I have some fun ideas to implement, but I need your help. I'll tell you a little more after this next story.
This week, my sister came down for a visit so we went to On the Border for dinner...becuase we ALWAYS go to On the Border for dinner. MMMmmmMmmMmMM... Anyway, she did not finish all of her flautas, so we stuck them in a to-go box and went on our merry way. Now, we, being obsessed with making every little facet of life a joke, have a task when it comes to to-go boxes. No to-go box may go home without a poem or song written across the top to accompany it. They don't have to be good. In fact, we work very hard to make them utterly retarded. THIS week, the poem (penned by ME!) went something like this...

"I left the food inside the box
for weeks and weeks and weeks unstopped.
The food, it changed from red to green
to brown to grey and back again.
Yesterday brought a new surprise
when in the box, I found eyes!"
Yes, it's stupid! That's the point. :-) It's okay though because On the Border appreciated my efforts. When I got my receipt, this is what I saw...

Yup, you saw correctly. I am the #1 Guest!! It's because I'm amazing. ;-)
Anyway, here it is...The next time you are out to eat and you have to get a to go box, write a poem of your own, take a picture of it and send it to
Once I get enough, I'll put them all on their own page! WOO HOO!!! BE EXCITED!!!!
That's how psychotic I am. It took me a minute to realize that I was still half blind and my right eye hurt. Hee hee hee.
By the way, today when I was walking across campus, some guy was walking toward me chatting away on his cell phone when he suddenly reached up, closed off one nostril, and blew his nose. You'll notice that no where in that description did I mention a tissue or a handkerchief or even a shirtsleeve. He just blew snot through the air and onto the sidewalk so I shot him.
Do you think that was wrong? :-)
I also wanted to start a little something new. Believe it or not, I AM working on the new site and I have some fun ideas to implement, but I need your help. I'll tell you a little more after this next story.
This week, my sister came down for a visit so we went to On the Border for dinner...becuase we ALWAYS go to On the Border for dinner. MMMmmmMmmMmMM... Anyway, she did not finish all of her flautas, so we stuck them in a to-go box and went on our merry way. Now, we, being obsessed with making every little facet of life a joke, have a task when it comes to to-go boxes. No to-go box may go home without a poem or song written across the top to accompany it. They don't have to be good. In fact, we work very hard to make them utterly retarded. THIS week, the poem (penned by ME!) went something like this...

"I left the food inside the box
for weeks and weeks and weeks unstopped.
The food, it changed from red to green
to brown to grey and back again.
Yesterday brought a new surprise
when in the box, I found eyes!"
Yes, it's stupid! That's the point. :-) It's okay though because On the Border appreciated my efforts. When I got my receipt, this is what I saw...

Yup, you saw correctly. I am the #1 Guest!! It's because I'm amazing. ;-)
Anyway, here it is...The next time you are out to eat and you have to get a to go box, write a poem of your own, take a picture of it and send it to
Once I get enough, I'll put them all on their own page! WOO HOO!!! BE EXCITED!!!!