The One Where I Dialed 911
I am just now getting back into the swing of online community sorry about the sporadic updates! I am actually in a really good mood today for two reasons.
Really Cool Reason #1: I got all the music picked out for the music player next month and it all friggin' ROCKS!! Since I have major overhaul plans for the site this summer (be excited) I am trying to incorporate new features as early as I can. Less to do once school's out, you understand...
What. Like YOU'RE going to be doing anything this summer. Sheesh.
Yes, I do too. That's not the point. ANYWAY! Moving along, once the new site is ready, we will be switching over to a flash based music player embedded in a separate frame at the top of the page so you can navigate anywhere you want to go without having to reset the player! YEE HAWWWWW!!! (That was for you, Tim.) With that in mind, I have to start planning ahead. So....I already have the 12 songs (yup, 12 now instead of boring old 10) chosen and on a preview CD that has been bringing me MUCHAS JAMMIN' for the past few days. It is also on it's way to Diana in Houston to get a second opinion.
Not that I'm worried, I have excellent taste in music. The first three songs should be uploaded next Friday, so be paying attention!
Super Cool Mega Awesome Reason #2:
I called 911 today.
I CALLED 911! (That's the police, international readers. :-)
As I was driving up to Dallas today, I happened to drive by an SUV that had pulled off the road on the other side of the highway. As I glanced over, I noticed that there was a young guy standing off in the grass in front of the car beating the TAR out of something lying at his feet!
You know how in movies you always see the villain standing over the good guy with one hand on his shoulder to hold him down while the other comes up as far past his ear as he can get it before he brings it down as hard as he can at the guy's face?
Well, that's what I saw. I'm not kidding. I was talking to Diana when I saw it and I was all like, "Um....I think...Diana, hold on...Oh my gosh...Wait, he can't be....out here in the open?...but it looked real....should I call the cops?...What in the..." And she was all, "Jay, call the police." And I was all like, "yeah okay."
Sorry, my inner valley girl comes out in stressful situations. You should see me when the president calls.
Anyway, so I called 911 and told them what I had seen adding that it could very well have been a stunt or for a video, but I couldn't tell. She asked if I was going to keep going and I agreed to turn around and drive back by. So that's what I did. I called Diana back because I was a little weirded out, caught the next exit, and drove back.
Well, OF COURSE there was no sign of the SUV anywhere. Then the next thought I had was, " I have to look for...
A BODY???????!!!!!!" You've GOT to be kidding me.
Luckily I never found anything and the police never called me back, so I guess it was just a stunt, but still.....freaked me out.
Okay, that's it. I have some other more personal news to share, but Jenn is bugging me to come downstairs and watch Doctor Who with her, so I will bid you goodnight. GOODNIGHT!
P.S. WELCOME TO THE BOARDERS! If you are here from the message board, leave a comment somewhere and say hello! You do not have to register to comment, but please sign your name because the longstanding policy here at SHINE is that anonymous comments are deleted! DUN Dun dunnnnn...