The One With the MONSTER Update
Woooooooowwww...It's been far too long since I got to post an update! Things over here have been CRAZY busy! And, really, it's just about to get psycho-er. My friends, we are now entering the realm of the FINAL EXAM! And I am soooo looking forward to it.
NOT! Yes, Borat, that would be an example of a "Not" joke.
Anyway, I have plenty of stuff to upload, so I think I will just update as I go along.
One of my favorite things to do of late is explore the new Criswell Center at my church. Did I tell you about this new building? It's amazing. I'm talking kick-you-in-the-butt, spit-on-your-face fantastic (name the reference)? It costs something like 49 million dollars and lives up to its cost. Well, you know me...I am not one to pass up an oppo rtunity to use my spiffy little card-key.
So Alyssa and I took a little trek...this is where we ended up.
Hahahahahaha. Look! we found a place with lots of funky pipes! I don't know what they do, but pipes are always fun to play with, right? We didn't really play that much, just poured a few cokes into the pipes, etc.
Okay, no...that would be mean. But this place was pretty neat! We were trying to get to the prayer tower, which is obviously on the top floor and instead we found ourselves in the plumbing.

I like it. I like the pipes. Okay, so moving along now.
I took a picture a while ago after I decorated Sherri's whiteboard. I know that you'll share my shock and horror that someone erased it after you see it.
Can I get real on your butts for a minute here? 'Cause, you know, I like, make a lot of tall claims and stuff. But, this song.....this song is a real work of art. It hurts me deep inside that in the music office of First Baptist Church-Dallas, my genius goes unappreciated. UNAPPRECIATED! I could be the next.......I don't know....who's a famous songwriter? 'Cause I would totally be better than he is. Or she. Anyway...

Now, come on. Tell me that ain't some GOOOOOOOOOOOD stuff! That's funny, I don't care who ya' are.
Alright...maybe I didn't write it. No, that's not true. I DID write it. I simply was not the first person to do so. I don't know who wrote it, but Mrs. Kelso taught it to me in first grade. It's friggin' great!
Moving on again.
You all know where I go to school, right? I probably shouldn't write that kind of information on the internet, but seeing as how I've already crossed that bridge a number of times, might as well hop on. I go to Baylor University.
The Southern Baptist Flagship. You walk onto the Baylor campus and you automatically get "good" points upstairs. Until two weeks ago, that is. Because two weeks ago, Baylor received a new pink flamingo for the fountain mall. A new pink flamingo that, though I personally find it amusing, might show up as a blight on the perfect image of the school.
Yes, that IS a twenty foot tall marijuana leaf shadowing my proud institution. It may be for a good cause and all, but does it make its point? Anyway, I saw the statue and I just had to roll on the ground in a fit of uncontrollable laughter for a few minutes. So I thought I would share. I hope you enjoyed.
And lastly...I wanted to give you a taste of what has been my life for the past year (and sadly no longer...did I mention that I am now a Writing major? It's so I'll be done in a year instead of three.). So here is a day in the life of a music student. I recorded this video this morning in Theory. At the piano in the front of the room is Dr. Claybrook, the best professor in the entier school. You won't be able to hear much of what he says, so I'll lead you along. After a few seconds, you'll hear him start to play a little diddy on the ivories. These melodies are our assignments from Monday. We were given a figured bass (the lower notes you'll hear) and told to write a counter melody. In this clip, you'll hear a few of these (not mine. It was second - before I realized I should record it). Somewhere around 1:15, you'll hear me laugh a little bit becuase Dr. Claybrook hit a wrong chord and made a truly terrible face. He believes firmly that teachers should not make mistakes. At 1:24, if you listen carefully, you'll hear Dr. C. sing out a familiar melody... M-O-U-S-E that someone had written into their counterpoint. At which point, Stephen asked, "What in the world is the Mickey Mouse Club?" prompting my order about the corner...
And that's it! Enjoy!
P.S. I am so excited about Christmas coming up! I am putting together new music for the Christmas Template, which should be up sometime around December 1. See you then!
NOT! Yes, Borat, that would be an example of a "Not" joke.
Anyway, I have plenty of stuff to upload, so I think I will just update as I go along.
One of my favorite things to do of late is explore the new Criswell Center at my church. Did I tell you about this new building? It's amazing. I'm talking kick-you-in-the-butt, spit-on-your-face fantastic (name the reference)? It costs something like 49 million dollars and lives up to its cost. Well, you know me...I am not one to pass up an oppo rtunity to use my spiffy little card-key.
So Alyssa and I took a little trek...this is where we ended up.

Okay, no...that would be mean. But this place was pretty neat! We were trying to get to the prayer tower, which is obviously on the top floor and instead we found ourselves in the plumbing.

I like it. I like the pipes. Okay, so moving along now.
I took a picture a while ago after I decorated Sherri's whiteboard. I know that you'll share my shock and horror that someone erased it after you see it.
Can I get real on your butts for a minute here? 'Cause, you know, I like, make a lot of tall claims and stuff. But, this song.....this song is a real work of art. It hurts me deep inside that in the music office of First Baptist Church-Dallas, my genius goes unappreciated. UNAPPRECIATED! I could be the next.......I don't know....who's a famous songwriter? 'Cause I would totally be better than he is. Or she. Anyway...

Now, come on. Tell me that ain't some GOOOOOOOOOOOD stuff! That's funny, I don't care who ya' are.
Alright...maybe I didn't write it. No, that's not true. I DID write it. I simply was not the first person to do so. I don't know who wrote it, but Mrs. Kelso taught it to me in first grade. It's friggin' great!
Moving on again.
You all know where I go to school, right? I probably shouldn't write that kind of information on the internet, but seeing as how I've already crossed that bridge a number of times, might as well hop on. I go to Baylor University.
The Southern Baptist Flagship. You walk onto the Baylor campus and you automatically get "good" points upstairs. Until two weeks ago, that is. Because two weeks ago, Baylor received a new pink flamingo for the fountain mall. A new pink flamingo that, though I personally find it amusing, might show up as a blight on the perfect image of the school.

Yes, that IS a twenty foot tall marijuana leaf shadowing my proud institution. It may be for a good cause and all, but does it make its point? Anyway, I saw the statue and I just had to roll on the ground in a fit of uncontrollable laughter for a few minutes. So I thought I would share. I hope you enjoyed.
And lastly...I wanted to give you a taste of what has been my life for the past year (and sadly no longer...did I mention that I am now a Writing major? It's so I'll be done in a year instead of three.). So here is a day in the life of a music student. I recorded this video this morning in Theory. At the piano in the front of the room is Dr. Claybrook, the best professor in the entier school. You won't be able to hear much of what he says, so I'll lead you along. After a few seconds, you'll hear him start to play a little diddy on the ivories. These melodies are our assignments from Monday. We were given a figured bass (the lower notes you'll hear) and told to write a counter melody. In this clip, you'll hear a few of these (not mine. It was second - before I realized I should record it). Somewhere around 1:15, you'll hear me laugh a little bit becuase Dr. Claybrook hit a wrong chord and made a truly terrible face. He believes firmly that teachers should not make mistakes. At 1:24, if you listen carefully, you'll hear Dr. C. sing out a familiar melody... M-O-U-S-E that someone had written into their counterpoint. At which point, Stephen asked, "What in the world is the Mickey Mouse Club?" prompting my order about the corner...
And that's it! Enjoy!
P.S. I am so excited about Christmas coming up! I am putting together new music for the Christmas Template, which should be up sometime around December 1. See you then!