The One With Days 18, 19, 20, and 21
Current Mood: Sick 
Currently Watching: HEX
My apologies for this late post about this weekend. I went to College Station on Friday and stayed through Sunday. Unfortunately, due to the idiocy of Cox Communications, I was unable to access the internet, posts.
Oh, and fair warning, like I wrote above, I am a little sick today, so forgive me if this post is not quite as perky as normal.
I have been feeling a little down on the "Surprise Me, God" end of things. Nothing extraordinary has happened lately, and I guess I am just afraid that I did something to mess it up. Then, of course, one or two little things remind that God is still working behind the scenes and though I may not be able to see it, He still has a plan.
College Station was a lot of fun. It was definitely a nice little getaway from school that I needed (I know, Thanksgiving holiday starts in two days, but such is life). It was really fun to hang out with the Saylaks for a couple of days. Plus, I have missed College Station so much since moving to Waco! I got to go to my favorite restaurants and see Harry Potter! YEAH!!!! Sunday was Chris's birthday, so we went to the movie theater and then to Diary Queen for ice cream. Ahhhh...the life of a six year old. Sometimes it seems very nice. Anyway, the BEST part of this weekend was Sunday morning. I wanted to go to Kurten, but I had to be at the theater by 11, so I went to Grace with Diana instead. And I got to sing! I cannot tell you how much I miss not only leading in worship, but hanging out with the other choir members as well. They are so welcoming and honest. Any time spent with with Rob, Becca, Clayton, Rhonda, Pam, Karen, David, Bruce, Bonnie, Stephanie, Daphne, Paige, Ryan,Kristin and the oodles of new members that I don't even know yet is time WELL SPENT! For the first time since I left Grace though, I didn't feel awkward going back and I wasn't racked with sorrow over leaving again. That's a nice feeling. I guess God is helping me move on.
I think that's about it. So that brings us to today. I sleptwalked through my day today. And I mean that literally. I blinked in chapel and found that half an hour had passed by. Yeah, it was THAT bad. I am hoping that this is just a little ole cold, but my total lack of energy is nudging me toward the flu. Ugg. Major Ugg. Happy Thanksgiving.
Okay, so on to the good things. For one thing, special props go out to AMBER RIDDLE! She left a comment on the post below this one that was exactly what I needed to read. Sometimes, I get really nervous about my audition coming up next month. I know that there will be so many other students there who sing much better than I do, and I do not want to be laughed out of the hall. Not that I think they would actually laugh. You know, the last time I sang at something like this was in high school (state competition), I was DEPLORABLE! I know what you are going to say, "Oh, you couldn't have been that bad." But I was. Really, I was. I kinda wish I still had the judges' score sheets so I could put them on here. ouch. Anyway, I am a little nervous. So, thank you, Amber! You made me feel better.
Now, second thing. Because of how positively rotten I feel today, I had to skip out on Thanksgiving dinner tonight. I was crushed! I have really loved hanging out with Daniel and Julie and their friends these past two weeks, and I hated the fact that I was invite to come tonight and had to back out.
Wait, that's not the good case you couldn't guess that yet. A little while ago, I got a call from Daniel's phone. Turns out, it was Jeff, one of the guys I have been hanging out with, calling to tell me that he was hurt I wasn't there because he had made me a personalized cup. Hahahahaha. Cracks me up. Anyway, it is nice to finally have new friends after....I don't know, a long time. And now, dear friends, I am going to sleep. By the way, you REALLY need to click on Ventrilo Instructions on the right and come talk to us! We get bored extremely easily!

Currently Watching: HEX
My apologies for this late post about this weekend. I went to College Station on Friday and stayed through Sunday. Unfortunately, due to the idiocy of Cox Communications, I was unable to access the internet, posts.
Oh, and fair warning, like I wrote above, I am a little sick today, so forgive me if this post is not quite as perky as normal.
I have been feeling a little down on the "Surprise Me, God" end of things. Nothing extraordinary has happened lately, and I guess I am just afraid that I did something to mess it up. Then, of course, one or two little things remind that God is still working behind the scenes and though I may not be able to see it, He still has a plan.
College Station was a lot of fun. It was definitely a nice little getaway from school that I needed (I know, Thanksgiving holiday starts in two days, but such is life). It was really fun to hang out with the Saylaks for a couple of days. Plus, I have missed College Station so much since moving to Waco! I got to go to my favorite restaurants and see Harry Potter! YEAH!!!! Sunday was Chris's birthday, so we went to the movie theater and then to Diary Queen for ice cream. Ahhhh...the life of a six year old. Sometimes it seems very nice. Anyway, the BEST part of this weekend was Sunday morning. I wanted to go to Kurten, but I had to be at the theater by 11, so I went to Grace with Diana instead. And I got to sing! I cannot tell you how much I miss not only leading in worship, but hanging out with the other choir members as well. They are so welcoming and honest. Any time spent with with Rob, Becca, Clayton, Rhonda, Pam, Karen, David, Bruce, Bonnie, Stephanie, Daphne, Paige, Ryan,Kristin and the oodles of new members that I don't even know yet is time WELL SPENT! For the first time since I left Grace though, I didn't feel awkward going back and I wasn't racked with sorrow over leaving again. That's a nice feeling. I guess God is helping me move on.
I think that's about it. So that brings us to today. I sleptwalked through my day today. And I mean that literally. I blinked in chapel and found that half an hour had passed by. Yeah, it was THAT bad. I am hoping that this is just a little ole cold, but my total lack of energy is nudging me toward the flu. Ugg. Major Ugg. Happy Thanksgiving.
Okay, so on to the good things. For one thing, special props go out to AMBER RIDDLE! She left a comment on the post below this one that was exactly what I needed to read. Sometimes, I get really nervous about my audition coming up next month. I know that there will be so many other students there who sing much better than I do, and I do not want to be laughed out of the hall. Not that I think they would actually laugh. You know, the last time I sang at something like this was in high school (state competition), I was DEPLORABLE! I know what you are going to say, "Oh, you couldn't have been that bad." But I was. Really, I was. I kinda wish I still had the judges' score sheets so I could put them on here. ouch. Anyway, I am a little nervous. So, thank you, Amber! You made me feel better.
Now, second thing. Because of how positively rotten I feel today, I had to skip out on Thanksgiving dinner tonight. I was crushed! I have really loved hanging out with Daniel and Julie and their friends these past two weeks, and I hated the fact that I was invite to come tonight and had to back out.
Wait, that's not the good case you couldn't guess that yet. A little while ago, I got a call from Daniel's phone. Turns out, it was Jeff, one of the guys I have been hanging out with, calling to tell me that he was hurt I wasn't there because he had made me a personalized cup. Hahahahaha. Cracks me up. Anyway, it is nice to finally have new friends after....I don't know, a long time. And now, dear friends, I am going to sleep. By the way, you REALLY need to click on Ventrilo Instructions on the right and come talk to us! We get bored extremely easily!
Feel better QUICKLY! Let us know if you want a ride home rather than drive yourself. Hope to see you tomorrow!
5:48 AM, November 22, 2005
It's so cool that your mom gets on your blog and responds. My mom doesn't even know what a blog is... and she'd never be able to figure out how to write a comment! :-)
And you're welcome, glad I lift your spirits a little bit. Now GET BETTER because you'll miss the greatest food day in America if you're knocked out with the flu!
Anonymous, At
8:42 AM, November 22, 2005
Gee, thanks, Amber. I wish I thought that HE thinks it's cool for me to comment. But I do it anyway. (Moms need additional patience and instruction, but we try to be worth the effort.)
9:11 AM, November 22, 2005
OK... so I read you post. I tried highlighting, but the dots showed through, and I couldn't remember what you told me to type in... surprise surprise. So, 10 minutes later I am now done and posting a comment. I'm glad you had fun down here. I really miss all the fun times. Have a good thanksgiving and feel better! =)
And... the audition... just think about singing "gaaaaraaaaven" and it will all be good! =)
DianaS, At
6:33 AM, November 23, 2005
So glad you took the time to read, Diana! See, I KNEW you were a friend.
Jason Hunt, At
11:39 AM, November 24, 2005
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