The One With Day 10
Current Mood: Festive 
Current Music: Rosie O'Donnell and Friends A Rosie Christmas
Well, first off, let me apologize for not enabling comments on yesterday's post. The truth is, I know all of you pretty well and I knew that after reading what I wrote in World Lit, there would be some comments meant to be encouraging that I just did not want to read. So....SORRY! And secondly, Canadian Emily, I already know what you are going to say about the Christmas music, but what's a guy to do? There is a reason for it, which I will get to.
Now let me tell you about today. Today was....weird. It started at 5:45 because my registration window opened at 6:00. This is AM, mind you...not the infinitely more convenient PM. But that's okay, I made sure to get to bed a little earlier so that I would be okay with waking up (read: not sleeping through alarm).
Maybe it's time for a little insight into me. Many of you will already be acquainted with my somewhat nocturnal habits. I am ABSOLUTELY, TOTALLY, 100% a night person. The sun is just too hot and bright, give me the cool darkness of night any day! I have problems going to bed at a decent hour. I work better at night and accomplish things more quickly and efficiently, and to a higher degree of quality. However, in a world of daywalkers, my preferences are often moot. So, anyway...waking up at 6 is often difficult because I don't usually go to sleep before 2. The irony of it is, I like morning. I like to be up as the sun is rising. I like the feel of a new day beginning. Do you ever feel like you have competing binaries in your personality? I do. There is the half of me that loves night and the half of me that loves seeing the dawn burn it off.
I am a psycho. So, I registered insanely early and then got dressed and took a shower (not in that order) and apparently laid back down on my bed, because my next memory is waking up at 12:45. Seriously. Serious oops. Astronomy starts at 11:00. Oh well, not much I could do about that. The bigger dilemma is that after taking a random nap in the morning, my whole day was thrown off. I felt like it should be evening when it was barely 1:00. I HATE that.
Wow, this is a stupid entry. And has nothing to do with being surprised. Sorry. Let me get back on track. Remember how I wrote before that I was noticing a trend in the things God is doing in my life? Well, that was just a theory, but I think that I may have been right on track. I'll just come right out and say it, instead of dancing around the point like last time. It looks like God is preparing me to meet my wife. That sounds like one of those mushy-gushy, niave, wishful-thinking, project-my-desires-onto-God's-plan things, doesn't it? Because I have definitely run across people who so desperately want to be with someone that they believe in earnest that everything in their lives is God pulling them toward their mate. The thing is, I am NOT one of those people. There have been many days when I have told God that I am perfectly fine with never being married (as you'll recall from previous posts, I have trust issues). The thought that at the end of this experiment, I may be on my way to sharing my life with someone forever is....
Utterly and completely terrifying.
Well, and exciting...I don't know. Okay I do.
Today I spent the majority of my time fighting "moments" (shout out to Bethany Moon!). When I was younger, my best friend Bethany would tease me because every once in a while, I would have what we termed a "moment." A moment occurred when, out of character, I would see a movie or read a book that made me want to get married and/or have a family. But today has been nuts. At first, I thought "Well, here we go with a moment. Spectacular." But the endurance of these encounters really forced me to think - soul searching, I guess. Ug, how cliched. So, I began to have an honest conversation with God about it. Gradually, my view moved through a two minute "moment" of "That would be nice" to "I want that" to "Gosh, that's mighty strange how this feeling is not going away" to God finally pausing my thoughts and saying, "You're ready for that."
See? Terrifying. I mean, the prospect in itself is unnerving, but what makes it all the more daunting is the fact that I would NEVER think that I am ready for marriage, so I know it wasn't my thought. I am still arguing it in my head...all the while my stomach is flip flopping around. Because I DON'T think I am ready...I haven't even been on a real date in forever and I had no plans to change that. I don't like dating. So, it makes me nervous that God might just have plans of His own.
Okay, so that was what went on today. I feel better having written it down. If there are any of you out there who are thinking about or have already started this experiment, PLEASE consider keeping a journal. It doesn't have to be online where everyone can see it (sometimes I think that is one of God's biggest changes - the fact that I am openly writing how my life is being molded every day), but the results will be something you want to record. And it helps to organize your thoughts as you go through the 30 days. It can be a little overwhelming. And if any of you ARE keeping an online journal and don't mind, I would LOVE to see how God is working in your life! Just leave a comment or E-mail me (you can find my address from my main page).
So, I leave you with this last item of interest from today, as if this post wasn't long enough already. I got a random text message today from a phone number that was nearly identical to mine...down to the last digit which was two numbers off. I am posting our conversation here for your amusement...Sheesh, some people.
THEM: Hello
Me: Hello?
THEM: Uh who is this
Me: If you don't know, why did you send me a text message?
THEM: Uh maybe i did or maybe i didnt
[At this point, I figured it was just a mistake and went back to work. However...]
THEM: Im a freshmen
Me: Okay, you have my attention. What does your being a freshman have to do with it?
THEM: At wylie high school
Me: Congrats.
THEM: In texas
Me: Dude, we have the same area code. I know where WHS is.
THEM: How old are you
Me: Ah, I don't think that's information you need.
THEM: Well me being a freshmen in high school interest you i think i should know
Me: What interested me was that you thought your grade was pertinent, not your age.
THEM: Okay you still didnt answer my question
Me: You are most observant.
THEM: Look you sound like a F****** nerd
[Well, I may be sarcastic, but I am relatively good natured until you start using naughty words. Then you just show me that you are an uneducated ditz incapable of expressing yourself]
Me: Ha. And your diction makes you sound like someone of profound intelligence.
THEM: Wats profound mean
Me: You can't guess what I am going to say? Look it up.
THEM: Your very weird
Me: Maybe. But then, you barely know me.
THEM: Are you atistic
Me: I think you mean autistic. Or artistic. There wasn't much context to go with. Pick one.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Yes, yes I am autisitc. I am an autistic savant with enough social understanding to mock your poor grammar and utter disregard for punctuation with wit and class, all while ironing my freshly cleaned clothes and watching my favorite television shows just downloaded from Encodes[bot].
Atistic. They asked if I was ATISTIC! Anyway, after my last message, they apparently got fed up and moved on to better things. You know, like egging houses or getting cartilage pierced. Or maybe it was past their bedtime.
OH! And by the way...I hate the fact that all of the businesses in the country have had their Christmas decorations up for two weeks already. Whatever happened to Thanksgiving? IRRITATION! I was already prepared to RAIL on my Starbucks when I saw the Christmas deco leaking through the front windows...until I saw that they have the next batch of holiday drinks out. I mean, I love me some Pumpkin Spice Latte, but I MELT for Gingerbread! And Eggnog! And Peppermint Mocha! Hence the festive feelings and Christmas music tonight. I love Christmas.

Current Music: Rosie O'Donnell and Friends A Rosie Christmas

Well, first off, let me apologize for not enabling comments on yesterday's post. The truth is, I know all of you pretty well and I knew that after reading what I wrote in World Lit, there would be some comments meant to be encouraging that I just did not want to read. So....SORRY! And secondly, Canadian Emily, I already know what you are going to say about the Christmas music, but what's a guy to do? There is a reason for it, which I will get to.
Now let me tell you about today. Today was....weird. It started at 5:45 because my registration window opened at 6:00. This is AM, mind you...not the infinitely more convenient PM. But that's okay, I made sure to get to bed a little earlier so that I would be okay with waking up (read: not sleeping through alarm).
Maybe it's time for a little insight into me. Many of you will already be acquainted with my somewhat nocturnal habits. I am ABSOLUTELY, TOTALLY, 100% a night person. The sun is just too hot and bright, give me the cool darkness of night any day! I have problems going to bed at a decent hour. I work better at night and accomplish things more quickly and efficiently, and to a higher degree of quality. However, in a world of daywalkers, my preferences are often moot. So, anyway...waking up at 6 is often difficult because I don't usually go to sleep before 2. The irony of it is, I like morning. I like to be up as the sun is rising. I like the feel of a new day beginning. Do you ever feel like you have competing binaries in your personality? I do. There is the half of me that loves night and the half of me that loves seeing the dawn burn it off.
I am a psycho. So, I registered insanely early and then got dressed and took a shower (not in that order) and apparently laid back down on my bed, because my next memory is waking up at 12:45. Seriously. Serious oops. Astronomy starts at 11:00. Oh well, not much I could do about that. The bigger dilemma is that after taking a random nap in the morning, my whole day was thrown off. I felt like it should be evening when it was barely 1:00. I HATE that.
Wow, this is a stupid entry. And has nothing to do with being surprised. Sorry. Let me get back on track. Remember how I wrote before that I was noticing a trend in the things God is doing in my life? Well, that was just a theory, but I think that I may have been right on track. I'll just come right out and say it, instead of dancing around the point like last time. It looks like God is preparing me to meet my wife. That sounds like one of those mushy-gushy, niave, wishful-thinking, project-my-desires-onto-God's-plan things, doesn't it? Because I have definitely run across people who so desperately want to be with someone that they believe in earnest that everything in their lives is God pulling them toward their mate. The thing is, I am NOT one of those people. There have been many days when I have told God that I am perfectly fine with never being married (as you'll recall from previous posts, I have trust issues). The thought that at the end of this experiment, I may be on my way to sharing my life with someone forever is....
Utterly and completely terrifying.
Well, and exciting...I don't know. Okay I do.
Today I spent the majority of my time fighting "moments" (shout out to Bethany Moon!). When I was younger, my best friend Bethany would tease me because every once in a while, I would have what we termed a "moment." A moment occurred when, out of character, I would see a movie or read a book that made me want to get married and/or have a family. But today has been nuts. At first, I thought "Well, here we go with a moment. Spectacular." But the endurance of these encounters really forced me to think - soul searching, I guess. Ug, how cliched. So, I began to have an honest conversation with God about it. Gradually, my view moved through a two minute "moment" of "That would be nice" to "I want that" to "Gosh, that's mighty strange how this feeling is not going away" to God finally pausing my thoughts and saying, "You're ready for that."
See? Terrifying. I mean, the prospect in itself is unnerving, but what makes it all the more daunting is the fact that I would NEVER think that I am ready for marriage, so I know it wasn't my thought. I am still arguing it in my head...all the while my stomach is flip flopping around. Because I DON'T think I am ready...I haven't even been on a real date in forever and I had no plans to change that. I don't like dating. So, it makes me nervous that God might just have plans of His own.
Okay, so that was what went on today. I feel better having written it down. If there are any of you out there who are thinking about or have already started this experiment, PLEASE consider keeping a journal. It doesn't have to be online where everyone can see it (sometimes I think that is one of God's biggest changes - the fact that I am openly writing how my life is being molded every day), but the results will be something you want to record. And it helps to organize your thoughts as you go through the 30 days. It can be a little overwhelming. And if any of you ARE keeping an online journal and don't mind, I would LOVE to see how God is working in your life! Just leave a comment or E-mail me (you can find my address from my main page).
So, I leave you with this last item of interest from today, as if this post wasn't long enough already. I got a random text message today from a phone number that was nearly identical to mine...down to the last digit which was two numbers off. I am posting our conversation here for your amusement...Sheesh, some people.
THEM: Hello
Me: Hello?
THEM: Uh who is this
Me: If you don't know, why did you send me a text message?
THEM: Uh maybe i did or maybe i didnt
[At this point, I figured it was just a mistake and went back to work. However...]
THEM: Im a freshmen
Me: Okay, you have my attention. What does your being a freshman have to do with it?
THEM: At wylie high school
Me: Congrats.
THEM: In texas
Me: Dude, we have the same area code. I know where WHS is.
THEM: How old are you
Me: Ah, I don't think that's information you need.
THEM: Well me being a freshmen in high school interest you i think i should know
Me: What interested me was that you thought your grade was pertinent, not your age.
THEM: Okay you still didnt answer my question
Me: You are most observant.
THEM: Look you sound like a F****** nerd
[Well, I may be sarcastic, but I am relatively good natured until you start using naughty words. Then you just show me that you are an uneducated ditz incapable of expressing yourself]
Me: Ha. And your diction makes you sound like someone of profound intelligence.
THEM: Wats profound mean
Me: You can't guess what I am going to say? Look it up.
THEM: Your very weird
Me: Maybe. But then, you barely know me.
THEM: Are you atistic
Me: I think you mean autistic. Or artistic. There wasn't much context to go with. Pick one.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Yes, yes I am autisitc. I am an autistic savant with enough social understanding to mock your poor grammar and utter disregard for punctuation with wit and class, all while ironing my freshly cleaned clothes and watching my favorite television shows just downloaded from Encodes[bot].
Atistic. They asked if I was ATISTIC! Anyway, after my last message, they apparently got fed up and moved on to better things. You know, like egging houses or getting cartilage pierced. Or maybe it was past their bedtime.
OH! And by the way...I hate the fact that all of the businesses in the country have had their Christmas decorations up for two weeks already. Whatever happened to Thanksgiving? IRRITATION! I was already prepared to RAIL on my Starbucks when I saw the Christmas deco leaking through the front windows...until I saw that they have the next batch of holiday drinks out. I mean, I love me some Pumpkin Spice Latte, but I MELT for Gingerbread! And Eggnog! And Peppermint Mocha! Hence the festive feelings and Christmas music tonight. I love Christmas.
Your text messages cracked me up! I've had a slight variation of that problem - I've had my brother's (who is 14) friends randomly talk to me on AIM. I detest that. I don't know how they got my name, but I despise immature conversations with teenagers who use language such as, "Wat RU doing 2nite?" UGH! The English language is going to hell in a handbag if this is what the future youth of America deems appropriate.
Anyway, sorry for the long comment. :-)
Anonymous, At
9:07 AM, November 11, 2005
Hooray for long comments!! Do these kids not realize how idiotic they look when they get messages back in complete sentences, spelled correctly and with a period here and there? Whatever, it was my entertainment for the evening. :-)
Jason Hunt, At
11:29 AM, November 11, 2005
ok, so i must admit, i am one of those "ditzy" teenagers that writes "u" instead of "you", and "bc" instead of "because", but only because it's faster when i'm trying to type quickly. Sorry if that annoys you. (see i'm working on my skills already)Good luck with your continuing journey with God! :D
Suzy, At
8:11 PM, November 11, 2005
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