The One With Day 7
Current Mood: Bouncy 
Current Music: Apotheosis A Little More Runway
Well, let me start by filling you in a little more on yesterday's happenings. If you didn't know already, Sunday is my FAVORITE day of the week! Well, it was...I might just have to switch it over to Mondays...but that's getting into today and I am supposed to be telling you about YESTERDAY! Oops. Back on track.
Anyway, Sunday is my favorite day because I get to go to choir! I am such a geek that I usually arrive there an hour early just because I can't stand waiting around at home thinking, "I get to go to choir today!" I am a dork. And I am good with that. So, I love going to choir. There is something enriching about helping a bunch of high schoolers be the BEST church choir in the world! You don't even understand. In know what I am going to do? For ONE DAY ONLY, I am going to put the choir's most recent CD in the Top 10 Player. Enjoy! So, I went to choir and had a blast praising with da tenors! Then my dad and I went to see Jarhead...which *SHOCKER* I liked! I am not a war movie kind of guy, but this one was interesting. Now, on to what God worked yesterday!
Firstly, I got a fun comment from a guy named Randall in Day 5 that I read on Day 6. I think I forgot to tell you, but not too long ago, I received an E-mail from someone wanting to use one of my pictures in a website for a new hotel opening in Israel. Click here to see the site. After you click English at the top of the screen, watch for one of my dolphin pictures to scroll by on the left. Anyway, Randall wants to talk to me about a project he is working on and it sounds interesting! It is very flattering to have people say that they like what I have worked on.
In addition to the comment yesterday, I had a little epiphany about my choice in careers. For three years, I was studying chemistry and I just moved into music education. Quite a jump. I really believe that this is where God wants me, but there is always something else out there I want to do. My problem is that I want to do EVERYTHING! In the past year of so, I have started planning and writing stories and scripts about all kinds of things. I just love to tell stories! Anyway, yesterday it felt like God was tapping my on my shoulder and saying, "You know, I created you to excel in many different things. I did not give you a single talent upon which to base your life. You CAN do everything, and I want you to. I want you to use your talents for me." So, I am going to really work on some of my writing and see if I can't finish something (new ideas pop up so quickly, that I rarely finish each project). Then I will see about getting some of it published here in Waco. We'll see how that goes.
Okay, that was yesterday. Here's today.
First off, you should know that I woke up in a bad mood. When that happens, I don't get mean or anything, but my patience is out the window. All of the little inconsiderate actions of others in the city that I would normally overlook suddenly become show-stopping personal vendettas against me. That's how I spent my morning. Planning violent beheadings of most of the city's population. Then I went to chapel and for the second chapel in a row (NO WAY!!!), it was amazing! A young gentleman named J.R. Baker spoke about a number of things. He really just paced across the stage and ranted about the parts of the Christian life that irritate him. He made one point that really stuck with me. He pointed out that God wants our hearts. That is all. Yes, following his call is good. So is living a holy life. So is bringing others to Him. But that's not what He wants. He wants US! Sometimes I think that's absolutely amazing. And sometimes, I imagine how I will feel toward my kids. No matter what kind of person they become, I will want to spend time with THEM, regardless. Then it makes perfect sense. Chapel was interesting. As we started singing the songs in the worship set, I was standing at the back of the auditorium (a HUGE blessing because then I would not have to fight my way out to be in my next class on time) not really singing because I TOTALLY didn't feel like it. I remember telling God that I WANTED to praise Him and fill my thoughts with images of Him, but I just wasn't feeling it. All of a sudden, it was like He was standing next to me encouraging me and lifting my bad mood out of the back of my head. I had no problem singing after that. In fact, the rest of my day went considerably better! That was a big deal because it is rare that God feels like a physical presence that I could reach out and touch, but today, I didn't feel alone in chapel.
Now, as for why Monday may now be my favorite day. For those of you who know of or went to FBA, the friend that I ran into last week was Daniel Hampton - a friend that I have not seen in over four years. Tonight I went with him and his wife to one of their friend's house to eat dinner and hang out. It was GREAT! I have prayed for a very long time that God would introduce me into a group of Christians my age that I can have fun with. Well, the guys (and girls) tonight were a blast and my Sims style Social Meter is completely full! The best part is that they meet every Monday, so now I have friends to look forward to every week. YEAH! I cannot tell you how peaceful I feel knowing that I am not the only Christian in this ridiculously non-Baptist school. Hooray!
Last, but not least, God showed me today how He is using my expereinces with this experiment to reach out to other people. I have two friends who mentioned today that they are intrigued by "Surprise Me, God" and one of them has even started the experiment on her own! That's awesome! I would love to see all of my friends try it out because it is amazing to see what God does...even though it has only been a week for me. Three more to go!!

Current Music: Apotheosis A Little More Runway

Well, let me start by filling you in a little more on yesterday's happenings. If you didn't know already, Sunday is my FAVORITE day of the week! Well, it was...I might just have to switch it over to Mondays...but that's getting into today and I am supposed to be telling you about YESTERDAY! Oops. Back on track.
Anyway, Sunday is my favorite day because I get to go to choir! I am such a geek that I usually arrive there an hour early just because I can't stand waiting around at home thinking, "I get to go to choir today!" I am a dork. And I am good with that. So, I love going to choir. There is something enriching about helping a bunch of high schoolers be the BEST church choir in the world! You don't even understand. In know what I am going to do? For ONE DAY ONLY, I am going to put the choir's most recent CD in the Top 10 Player. Enjoy! So, I went to choir and had a blast praising with da tenors! Then my dad and I went to see Jarhead...which *SHOCKER* I liked! I am not a war movie kind of guy, but this one was interesting. Now, on to what God worked yesterday!
Firstly, I got a fun comment from a guy named Randall in Day 5 that I read on Day 6. I think I forgot to tell you, but not too long ago, I received an E-mail from someone wanting to use one of my pictures in a website for a new hotel opening in Israel. Click here to see the site. After you click English at the top of the screen, watch for one of my dolphin pictures to scroll by on the left. Anyway, Randall wants to talk to me about a project he is working on and it sounds interesting! It is very flattering to have people say that they like what I have worked on.
In addition to the comment yesterday, I had a little epiphany about my choice in careers. For three years, I was studying chemistry and I just moved into music education. Quite a jump. I really believe that this is where God wants me, but there is always something else out there I want to do. My problem is that I want to do EVERYTHING! In the past year of so, I have started planning and writing stories and scripts about all kinds of things. I just love to tell stories! Anyway, yesterday it felt like God was tapping my on my shoulder and saying, "You know, I created you to excel in many different things. I did not give you a single talent upon which to base your life. You CAN do everything, and I want you to. I want you to use your talents for me." So, I am going to really work on some of my writing and see if I can't finish something (new ideas pop up so quickly, that I rarely finish each project). Then I will see about getting some of it published here in Waco. We'll see how that goes.
Okay, that was yesterday. Here's today.
First off, you should know that I woke up in a bad mood. When that happens, I don't get mean or anything, but my patience is out the window. All of the little inconsiderate actions of others in the city that I would normally overlook suddenly become show-stopping personal vendettas against me. That's how I spent my morning. Planning violent beheadings of most of the city's population. Then I went to chapel and for the second chapel in a row (NO WAY!!!), it was amazing! A young gentleman named J.R. Baker spoke about a number of things. He really just paced across the stage and ranted about the parts of the Christian life that irritate him. He made one point that really stuck with me. He pointed out that God wants our hearts. That is all. Yes, following his call is good. So is living a holy life. So is bringing others to Him. But that's not what He wants. He wants US! Sometimes I think that's absolutely amazing. And sometimes, I imagine how I will feel toward my kids. No matter what kind of person they become, I will want to spend time with THEM, regardless. Then it makes perfect sense. Chapel was interesting. As we started singing the songs in the worship set, I was standing at the back of the auditorium (a HUGE blessing because then I would not have to fight my way out to be in my next class on time) not really singing because I TOTALLY didn't feel like it. I remember telling God that I WANTED to praise Him and fill my thoughts with images of Him, but I just wasn't feeling it. All of a sudden, it was like He was standing next to me encouraging me and lifting my bad mood out of the back of my head. I had no problem singing after that. In fact, the rest of my day went considerably better! That was a big deal because it is rare that God feels like a physical presence that I could reach out and touch, but today, I didn't feel alone in chapel.
Now, as for why Monday may now be my favorite day. For those of you who know of or went to FBA, the friend that I ran into last week was Daniel Hampton - a friend that I have not seen in over four years. Tonight I went with him and his wife to one of their friend's house to eat dinner and hang out. It was GREAT! I have prayed for a very long time that God would introduce me into a group of Christians my age that I can have fun with. Well, the guys (and girls) tonight were a blast and my Sims style Social Meter is completely full! The best part is that they meet every Monday, so now I have friends to look forward to every week. YEAH! I cannot tell you how peaceful I feel knowing that I am not the only Christian in this ridiculously non-Baptist school. Hooray!
Last, but not least, God showed me today how He is using my expereinces with this experiment to reach out to other people. I have two friends who mentioned today that they are intrigued by "Surprise Me, God" and one of them has even started the experiment on her own! That's awesome! I would love to see all of my friends try it out because it is amazing to see what God does...even though it has only been a week for me. Three more to go!!
Wow! Bouncy is exactly the description for you today. Having fun?
4:09 AM, November 08, 2005
hey jay! i'm not sure if i told you, but i've started the experiment as well. So far so great! a while back, like ur day one, i thought i would start, but i kept forgeting about it, but this is my day 2.
Suzy, At
5:00 AM, November 08, 2005
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