The One With Day 2
Current Mood: Hopeful 
I realized yesterday that I never really went into any detail about what God was doing on Day 1. Sorry about that! I have noticed today that my entire attitude has changed. I have been in a stellar mood all day and...I don't mind keeping you up to date on my experiment! As someone normally intensely private, that is a big deal!
So, here go. Yesterday morning I asked God to surprise me. Then I had a dreadful day! By the time I got out of school, I was in a truly deplorable mood. As soon as I got in my car to go home, Diana called and asked if I wanted to go to dinner with her and suzy and their mother (the illustrious VTC Champion!). Well, OR COURSE! So, that put me in a better mood, but I didn't really think anything of it. Then, I decided to check out this thing called MySpace...which is like Blogger and Facebook combined. I don't really use it, but I wanted to browse through the people who went to my high school.
This is where God stepped in. Half way down the page, I ran across a MySpace that looked like a friend of mine from long ago. When I checked into it, it was indeed! His MySpace was relatively empty, but it held a link to his Xanga. Once there, I felt like searching for a phone I did. And there, staring at me on the page was something he had written that could have a personalized message to me direct from God. All that was missing was my name before the first sentence.
Well, I sat there completely stunned for a minute, then wrote down the number on a whim. Anyway, that was when I posted my post last night. Then....along came today...
So, first of all, chapel today was AMAZING! Not that it takes much for chapel to be amazing, but it was great! The whole thing was a concert by local band, Dutton. And they were spectacular. if Coldplay and Collective Soul had a Christian band child, it would be Dutton. It is nice to get to praise without having to sing the same songs repeatedly. Yeah, so that was cool. THEN, things got interesting.
I decided to call the phone number that I wrote down last night. The voice on the answering machine SOUNDED like my friend, but I wasn't sure, so I stuttered my way through a "Um...I don't know if you remember me but..." and hung up. A few minutes later, I got a call back and was shocked to learn that this guy (and his wife---urg. More married people) LIVE IN WACO! So, before I knew it, I was on my way over to their apartment (thankfully, God say fit to cancel my class this afternoon. Otherwise, it wouldn't have happened) which we promptly deserted in favor of a quiet shooting range.
I SHOT A GUN!!!! I SHOT A GUN!! Are you paying attention to me? I SHOT a GUN!!! If you don't know me, then hear this. As a rule, I am not a gun person. At all. The last time I even picked up a gun, all these images of what it could do flashed through my head and I nearly dropped it. But today, I managed to keep that under control and, after the initial terror, had a great time! I shot two different handguns and the equivalent of a M-16!! Oh my goodness! Are you impressed? You SO should be!
So, anyway, this guy invited me to hang out with him and his friends this week, and I am very excited about it. FINALLY! Nice people in Waco! I am unbelievably grateful that God is leading me to Christian friends...that just changes my whole outlook!
Then, on top of that...I think I fell God calling me to a church. Which is not something I expected. In the past, the churches I have attended have been sortof defaults. I went to Grace because it was across the street and I knew someone who went there. I went to Kurten because I couldn't stand to go to Grace anymore and Kurten opened up and welcomed me. This is the first time I have felt drawn to a particular place. This both excites me and scares me. It means that God has something in mind for me to be doing. He is leading me for a purpose, and I curious to see what it is? Anyway, more to come on that front later. Still testing the waters.
So that brings us to the end of Day 2. I can't believe how quickly this is progressing. Sheesh, by Day 30, I will be a missionary in six countries with my loving wife, Bethany Joy Lenz, by my side....wait, I think I drifted...

I realized yesterday that I never really went into any detail about what God was doing on Day 1. Sorry about that! I have noticed today that my entire attitude has changed. I have been in a stellar mood all day and...I don't mind keeping you up to date on my experiment! As someone normally intensely private, that is a big deal!
So, here go. Yesterday morning I asked God to surprise me. Then I had a dreadful day! By the time I got out of school, I was in a truly deplorable mood. As soon as I got in my car to go home, Diana called and asked if I wanted to go to dinner with her and suzy and their mother (the illustrious VTC Champion!). Well, OR COURSE! So, that put me in a better mood, but I didn't really think anything of it. Then, I decided to check out this thing called MySpace...which is like Blogger and Facebook combined. I don't really use it, but I wanted to browse through the people who went to my high school.
This is where God stepped in. Half way down the page, I ran across a MySpace that looked like a friend of mine from long ago. When I checked into it, it was indeed! His MySpace was relatively empty, but it held a link to his Xanga. Once there, I felt like searching for a phone I did. And there, staring at me on the page was something he had written that could have a personalized message to me direct from God. All that was missing was my name before the first sentence.
Well, I sat there completely stunned for a minute, then wrote down the number on a whim. Anyway, that was when I posted my post last night. Then....along came today...
So, first of all, chapel today was AMAZING! Not that it takes much for chapel to be amazing, but it was great! The whole thing was a concert by local band, Dutton. And they were spectacular. if Coldplay and Collective Soul had a Christian band child, it would be Dutton. It is nice to get to praise without having to sing the same songs repeatedly. Yeah, so that was cool. THEN, things got interesting.
I decided to call the phone number that I wrote down last night. The voice on the answering machine SOUNDED like my friend, but I wasn't sure, so I stuttered my way through a "Um...I don't know if you remember me but..." and hung up. A few minutes later, I got a call back and was shocked to learn that this guy (and his wife---urg. More married people) LIVE IN WACO! So, before I knew it, I was on my way over to their apartment (thankfully, God say fit to cancel my class this afternoon. Otherwise, it wouldn't have happened) which we promptly deserted in favor of a quiet shooting range.
I SHOT A GUN!!!! I SHOT A GUN!! Are you paying attention to me? I SHOT a GUN!!! If you don't know me, then hear this. As a rule, I am not a gun person. At all. The last time I even picked up a gun, all these images of what it could do flashed through my head and I nearly dropped it. But today, I managed to keep that under control and, after the initial terror, had a great time! I shot two different handguns and the equivalent of a M-16!! Oh my goodness! Are you impressed? You SO should be!
So, anyway, this guy invited me to hang out with him and his friends this week, and I am very excited about it. FINALLY! Nice people in Waco! I am unbelievably grateful that God is leading me to Christian friends...that just changes my whole outlook!
Then, on top of that...I think I fell God calling me to a church. Which is not something I expected. In the past, the churches I have attended have been sortof defaults. I went to Grace because it was across the street and I knew someone who went there. I went to Kurten because I couldn't stand to go to Grace anymore and Kurten opened up and welcomed me. This is the first time I have felt drawn to a particular place. This both excites me and scares me. It means that God has something in mind for me to be doing. He is leading me for a purpose, and I curious to see what it is? Anyway, more to come on that front later. Still testing the waters.
So that brings us to the end of Day 2. I can't believe how quickly this is progressing. Sheesh, by Day 30, I will be a missionary in six countries with my loving wife, Bethany Joy Lenz, by my side....wait, I think I drifted...
lol your drifting at the end cracked me up. Although who knows, God works in mysterious ways! but this is awesome, I'm glad He's revealing himself to you. It's always nice to get up close and personal.
Anonymous, At
6:41 PM, November 02, 2005
Jason - I am so excited for you! I love that God is doing such great things in your life! YOU SHOT A GUN?! That is so totally cool. I shot a gun once. It was fun. I can't wait to see what God is going to do in your life by day 30! It's going to be an stellar 30 days.
Emily, At
9:44 PM, November 02, 2005
I think you and Bethany will make a lovely couple ;)
Kristin, At
5:56 AM, November 03, 2005
Kristin, YOU ARE MY FAVORITE PERSON IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!!!! That being said, thanks to everyone for being so supportive! If you haven't been able to tell from the posts, I am really excited as well! MMmmMMmMmmm...Woo HOO!
Jason Hunt, At
1:01 PM, November 03, 2005
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