The One With Day 11
Current Mood: Laughing ----> 
Current Music: The music of SHINE: the Blog!
So, I couldn't think of a single time when I would ever use the picture of the dancing chick. I decided that today was as good a day as any! Hee hee hee. It makes me. With this web browser, I can enlarge the screen and the image of that chick dancing full screen CRACKS ME UP!
I wanted to apologize for belaying this entry. I try very hard to write about each day in the experiment as it happens, but sometimes that is just not possible. Yesterday ended up being a much later day than I anticpated! Last night, I went to the charity auction for my sister's high school and had a really good time! The auctioneer is a friend of my dad, so the live auction was a blast! Rocky (the auctioneer) and my dad have it rigged. Hee hee hee. It is muchas fun to watch them drive the bidding price up just for kicks (and for a good cause). Well, usually....We kinda went too far with the last lot and the other bidder dropped out. Poor Rocky must have tried to get him back in the running for a good five minutes, but, alas, it was not to be. Although, I have to say that I was a mite torn...because it was a really good lot! And we got stuck with it. But it's all good because now I am going to a Stars game in January in row F! Yeah!! Anyway, after that, I watched a movie with my parents and went to bed. Dude, it was LATE! Today we are.....wait, NOOOOO!!! I will write about today later. Back on track!
As far as the experiment goes, I still feel a little........weird. I don't really have a better adjective. I am still very nervous to see where all of this is going. It's interesting because the more I see changes in myself, the more disconcerted I feel. That doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I mean, I like what God is doing in my life, but sometimes I worry about becoming a new person. Plus, have you ever decided to make a change in your life only to have your friends scoff? You know, they say things like "Oh, OHkay. Sure, you've changed. I believe it. Just let me know when you are back to normal again." I guess those aren't really the best friends to have around, but still. Part of my knows that the changes GOD makes are more permanent and more readily identifiable, but still...Why are we as people not more supportive of those close to us? I am just as guilty as anybody. Mostly because I have known too many people who said they were changing who they were, yet they gave up after a few days. I do not want to be like that. I hope that throughout this month and the rest of my life, people will see Jesus reflected in me. That's really my goal through all of this. So, if you see me slipping, KNOCK ME UPSIDE THE HEAD! You have my permission.
Okay, that's all. I hope that you all have a GREAT weekend! And for those of you doing your own experiment, I am praying for you!

Current Music: The music of SHINE: the Blog!
So, I couldn't think of a single time when I would ever use the picture of the dancing chick. I decided that today was as good a day as any! Hee hee hee. It makes me. With this web browser, I can enlarge the screen and the image of that chick dancing full screen CRACKS ME UP!
I wanted to apologize for belaying this entry. I try very hard to write about each day in the experiment as it happens, but sometimes that is just not possible. Yesterday ended up being a much later day than I anticpated! Last night, I went to the charity auction for my sister's high school and had a really good time! The auctioneer is a friend of my dad, so the live auction was a blast! Rocky (the auctioneer) and my dad have it rigged. Hee hee hee. It is muchas fun to watch them drive the bidding price up just for kicks (and for a good cause). Well, usually....We kinda went too far with the last lot and the other bidder dropped out. Poor Rocky must have tried to get him back in the running for a good five minutes, but, alas, it was not to be. Although, I have to say that I was a mite torn...because it was a really good lot! And we got stuck with it. But it's all good because now I am going to a Stars game in January in row F! Yeah!! Anyway, after that, I watched a movie with my parents and went to bed. Dude, it was LATE! Today we are.....wait, NOOOOO!!! I will write about today later. Back on track!
As far as the experiment goes, I still feel a little........weird. I don't really have a better adjective. I am still very nervous to see where all of this is going. It's interesting because the more I see changes in myself, the more disconcerted I feel. That doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I mean, I like what God is doing in my life, but sometimes I worry about becoming a new person. Plus, have you ever decided to make a change in your life only to have your friends scoff? You know, they say things like "Oh, OHkay. Sure, you've changed. I believe it. Just let me know when you are back to normal again." I guess those aren't really the best friends to have around, but still. Part of my knows that the changes GOD makes are more permanent and more readily identifiable, but still...Why are we as people not more supportive of those close to us? I am just as guilty as anybody. Mostly because I have known too many people who said they were changing who they were, yet they gave up after a few days. I do not want to be like that. I hope that throughout this month and the rest of my life, people will see Jesus reflected in me. That's really my goal through all of this. So, if you see me slipping, KNOCK ME UPSIDE THE HEAD! You have my permission.
Okay, that's all. I hope that you all have a GREAT weekend! And for those of you doing your own experiment, I am praying for you!
ok, so i know exactly what you mean! that's what's been happening lately... like why everyone's kinda been like mad at me, and hates me all the time. So yeah, i'm trying to be a good person, and change myself, but the people i was closer to in my old self now hate me. Hopefully they'll understand that i'm not changing back! I enjoy being a more open-minded person, and if they can't handle it, then poop on them!(i know harsh, but still)... have a nice day!
Suzy, At
2:33 PM, November 12, 2005
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