The One With SCHOOL!
Current Mood: Happy 
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Hello, everyone! My, my, my....what is going on?! Let me tell you what is going on with me, okeeday?
SCHOOL HAS STARTED!!! In case you missed that, SCHOOL HAS STARTED! And I am actually happy about it. Mostly. I have to admit that it is very hard to walk past the music school and think about my old friends flunking musicanship without me...But it's okay.
Funny story. On the first day, I parked on the street behind the music school because I didn't haven't have a parking sticker yet. Anyway, I had to walk right past the building and I was a little sad. And then I heard cheering....All of my friends were hanging out of the second floor windows with signs cheering for me!
It was amazing! I felt like I was walking down the red carpet!
Okay, so maybe I made that up. But I had you going there for a minute, didn't I? Hee hee hee. Actually, here is the primary reason I am marginally unhappy with school...

Why yes, yes those ARE all of my textbooks. No, that's not true. I still have three more on order. INSANE!!! One of the books is a comic book anthology. Really, now. REALLY! Comics? This is why I pay the big bucks, to read the Sunday comics.
Maybe I am being a little cynical. Maybe. The class looks interesting, I suppose. One of my classes is professored by this absolutely nutty woman who spent the first day telling us how she married the best man on the planet at the ripe old age of 53. It was cute. At least she kept things interesting. I think she's on something. Unfortunately, I do sit behind tight t-shirt, saggy jeans, no underwear boy. Well, that's his full name. He prefers to go by Butt-crack Billy.
Was that too much information? Sorry. :-)
OH!!!! I forgot to tell you my sad news. In fact, I don't think I can even describe it. I just have to show you the picture.

Are you sad? You SHOULD be sad! I'm sad!!! I don't know what's wrong with it yet. My poor car.
Okay, I have to get ready to go to work now. Today, we are PAINTING! WOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!
Talk to you later!
P.S. Um.....cutest video in the entire world!!!! Watch it over and over again.
P.P.S. So today is the NEW ARTIST PARADE!! We'll start at the bottom and work our way up.
"Just a Little Girl" by Stephen Speaks - Okay, Stephen Speaks is far from a new group, but for some reason, the world refuses to let them into the light. Have you ever run across a group that has lived in the background for YEARS and is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING?? Maybe that's overselling a bit. Anyway, I have been a Stephen Speaks fan for three or four years now and you should definitely check them out if you haven't yet. This is a great song. Then go download "Out of My League" one you are finished.
"I Won't Let Go of That Promise" by Michael B Allen - Bit of interestingness...I am jogging through iTunes today looking for new music and I run across this new artist...Michael Allen...and I think to myself, "Gosh, he sounds familiar." Turns out, it's one of my choir kids who graduated last year! So, of course, I have a listen and I find that he is acutally not bad. Has a way to go yet, but there is definitely potential there. Please listen to this song and them comment back your honest opinion. I would love to be able to send him a message telling him what my friends thought (unless we all hate it, in which case I will pretend like it didn't happen). Vocally, he needs a little work, but I think the songwriting is sound. The song REALLY picks up around 3:50. Check it out!! Oh, sidenote. Another one of my choir kids has started playing with Played by the Hour (now called Manodestra) in the past month. They are poppin' up all over the place!
"Hit Me Up" by Gia Farrell - This song is from Happy Feet and has a very addictive beat! Gia is only 17 years old and this is her first release. Actually, it hasn't even been released yet, I pulled it from the soundtrack. Check it out and tell me what you think!

Currently Watching:

Hello, everyone! My, my, my....what is going on?! Let me tell you what is going on with me, okeeday?
SCHOOL HAS STARTED!!! In case you missed that, SCHOOL HAS STARTED! And I am actually happy about it. Mostly. I have to admit that it is very hard to walk past the music school and think about my old friends flunking musicanship without me...But it's okay.
Funny story. On the first day, I parked on the street behind the music school because I didn't haven't have a parking sticker yet. Anyway, I had to walk right past the building and I was a little sad. And then I heard cheering....All of my friends were hanging out of the second floor windows with signs cheering for me!
It was amazing! I felt like I was walking down the red carpet!
Okay, so maybe I made that up. But I had you going there for a minute, didn't I? Hee hee hee. Actually, here is the primary reason I am marginally unhappy with school...

Why yes, yes those ARE all of my textbooks. No, that's not true. I still have three more on order. INSANE!!! One of the books is a comic book anthology. Really, now. REALLY! Comics? This is why I pay the big bucks, to read the Sunday comics.
Maybe I am being a little cynical. Maybe. The class looks interesting, I suppose. One of my classes is professored by this absolutely nutty woman who spent the first day telling us how she married the best man on the planet at the ripe old age of 53. It was cute. At least she kept things interesting. I think she's on something. Unfortunately, I do sit behind tight t-shirt, saggy jeans, no underwear boy. Well, that's his full name. He prefers to go by Butt-crack Billy.
Was that too much information? Sorry. :-)
OH!!!! I forgot to tell you my sad news. In fact, I don't think I can even describe it. I just have to show you the picture.

Are you sad? You SHOULD be sad! I'm sad!!! I don't know what's wrong with it yet. My poor car.
Okay, I have to get ready to go to work now. Today, we are PAINTING! WOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!
Talk to you later!
P.S. Um.....cutest video in the entire world!!!! Watch it over and over again.
P.P.S. So today is the NEW ARTIST PARADE!! We'll start at the bottom and work our way up.
"Just a Little Girl" by Stephen Speaks - Okay, Stephen Speaks is far from a new group, but for some reason, the world refuses to let them into the light. Have you ever run across a group that has lived in the background for YEARS and is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING?? Maybe that's overselling a bit. Anyway, I have been a Stephen Speaks fan for three or four years now and you should definitely check them out if you haven't yet. This is a great song. Then go download "Out of My League" one you are finished.
"I Won't Let Go of That Promise" by Michael B Allen - Bit of interestingness...I am jogging through iTunes today looking for new music and I run across this new artist...Michael Allen...and I think to myself, "Gosh, he sounds familiar." Turns out, it's one of my choir kids who graduated last year! So, of course, I have a listen and I find that he is acutally not bad. Has a way to go yet, but there is definitely potential there. Please listen to this song and them comment back your honest opinion. I would love to be able to send him a message telling him what my friends thought (unless we all hate it, in which case I will pretend like it didn't happen). Vocally, he needs a little work, but I think the songwriting is sound. The song REALLY picks up around 3:50. Check it out!! Oh, sidenote. Another one of my choir kids has started playing with Played by the Hour (now called Manodestra) in the past month. They are poppin' up all over the place!
"Hit Me Up" by Gia Farrell - This song is from Happy Feet and has a very addictive beat! Gia is only 17 years old and this is her first release. Actually, it hasn't even been released yet, I pulled it from the soundtrack. Check it out and tell me what you think!
I LOVE the baby video!!! I saw it a few weeks ago and fell in love. It ALMOST made me want to have kids. Not quite. :-)
Anywho, I listened to your friend's song. I will give you my long drawn-out opinion:
In general I give it a thumbs down, but I have very specific reasons though - for one, there are tempo problems all through the song. In general, I think it needs to be faster because the song seems to drag, esp. during the verses. The bridge didn't fit the song AT ALL - in fact, I felt like it had been cut and pasted from another song and thrown in to this one. Obviously that isn't the case, but the tune just does not fit here. I'm not sure if this was a professional recording, who played the instruments, etc., but I think the musicianship is weak all around. Esp. vocals! He doesn't have good pitch or tone. Maybe that's something that could be corrected in studio, I'm not sure. I DO think that the song has potential though! The lyrics are really good - it just needs some professional musicians who can speed things up a bit and set a tempo, and professionally recorded (and perhaps enhanced) vocals.
So there ya go, that's my critique! :-)
Anonymous, At
5:03 PM, January 13, 2007
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