The One With the Blooper
Current Mood: Hopeful 
Current Music: Architecture in Helsinki In Case We Die
So, what's been going on, everybody? I have to admit that I FORCED myself to wait until today to update the music player...I am that excited about all the music for this month. The first three songs are up now, but I will tell you more about them in the P.P.S.
Exams are well under way. Weeeeellll, I don't know about the WELL part. :-) Thus far, I have turned in my Technical Research Project for Technical and Professional Writing and it was okay. It wasn't the best I've ever seen, but that is the nature of group projects. Compromise means that it will not live up to the standards of any one person in the group. I also presented my research study entitled, Conversive Style: Reading as Speaking (Malinda, this is the one in which I use one of your ought to check it out!). The presentation went very well! The paper itself is still not quite ready for submission, but hopefully I'll get to it before the end of the summer.
That's not lazy. Whatever, like you've never put anything off.
Now, I have a 1000 paper final to write for tomorrow, a ten pager for Monday, and two actual, honest-to-goodness final exams on Tuesday. *sigh* It's so close, but we're so far away.
Oops, that song goes up NEXT week! SO EXCITED! I am such a dork, I already have a bunch of songs that I want to add, but they will have to wait until June. JUNE!! I may have to revamp, I don't know if I can wait that long.
Okay, let's move on to something more entertaining, shall we? In January, if you'll recall, some weird weather floated through the country. Dallas froze. It was loads of fun and the morning that it happened, my dad and I were headed off to Starbucks, so I hopped out and filmed a little video post for you guys. Here it is...
Now, the video itself never made it onto the site (I don't remember why), but I am sure I have mentioned what happened that morning to some of you. I, of course, dropped into a bad British accent for a few sentences at the beginning and might have muddled up the words somewhere along the way...
Now, I can't imagine that my little flub will offend anyone, but I suppose that I should warn you that though I would NEVER conciously say anything remotely naughty on slip-up was just that, remotely naughty. Here ya' go:
I know, I know. I am a bad person. Sorry!
Anyway, I always get to this point in a post and realize that I have lots more to say, but it's really getting kinda long. Grrrrr.... It's okay. My other thing is more serious and not only would it not fit with the current topic, I'm not sure I'm in the mood today. So, have a great weekend! Good luck to everyone taking finals, I'm praying for you!
P.S. Just DYING to know if this would actually work, you guys test it out and let me know. Not on me. Don't test it on me.
P.P.S. WOOT! for new music!
Daniel Kirkley is a new CCM artist and this song is GREAT! This was Diana's favorite song of all off of this month's preview CD; I think you'll like it too. Kirkley's voice is great because it sounds like it's got a little bit of training behind it and he creates vibrato by modulating his breath support, not the pitch, something you don't hear done well very often. RIGHT ON!
Did I just write "right on?"
This one goes out to Tiffany, who was asking for new artists. Well, I HAD to reccomend the Corrs, didn't I? This is one of their slower instrumental pieces that I love! It's got a great misty, foreboding tone to it. Enjoy! That is an order!
And finally, what's a playlist without a little of the Beach Boys in it? This song is not like most of their stuff that you've heard. It's got a little more rock in it than normal...that's what we're talkin' 'bout!

Current Music: Architecture in Helsinki In Case We Die

So, what's been going on, everybody? I have to admit that I FORCED myself to wait until today to update the music player...I am that excited about all the music for this month. The first three songs are up now, but I will tell you more about them in the P.P.S.
Exams are well under way. Weeeeellll, I don't know about the WELL part. :-) Thus far, I have turned in my Technical Research Project for Technical and Professional Writing and it was okay. It wasn't the best I've ever seen, but that is the nature of group projects. Compromise means that it will not live up to the standards of any one person in the group. I also presented my research study entitled, Conversive Style: Reading as Speaking (Malinda, this is the one in which I use one of your ought to check it out!). The presentation went very well! The paper itself is still not quite ready for submission, but hopefully I'll get to it before the end of the summer.
That's not lazy. Whatever, like you've never put anything off.
Now, I have a 1000 paper final to write for tomorrow, a ten pager for Monday, and two actual, honest-to-goodness final exams on Tuesday. *sigh* It's so close, but we're so far away.
Oops, that song goes up NEXT week! SO EXCITED! I am such a dork, I already have a bunch of songs that I want to add, but they will have to wait until June. JUNE!! I may have to revamp, I don't know if I can wait that long.
Okay, let's move on to something more entertaining, shall we? In January, if you'll recall, some weird weather floated through the country. Dallas froze. It was loads of fun and the morning that it happened, my dad and I were headed off to Starbucks, so I hopped out and filmed a little video post for you guys. Here it is...
Now, the video itself never made it onto the site (I don't remember why), but I am sure I have mentioned what happened that morning to some of you. I, of course, dropped into a bad British accent for a few sentences at the beginning and might have muddled up the words somewhere along the way...
Now, I can't imagine that my little flub will offend anyone, but I suppose that I should warn you that though I would NEVER conciously say anything remotely naughty on slip-up was just that, remotely naughty. Here ya' go:
I know, I know. I am a bad person. Sorry!
Anyway, I always get to this point in a post and realize that I have lots more to say, but it's really getting kinda long. Grrrrr.... It's okay. My other thing is more serious and not only would it not fit with the current topic, I'm not sure I'm in the mood today. So, have a great weekend! Good luck to everyone taking finals, I'm praying for you!
P.S. Just DYING to know if this would actually work, you guys test it out and let me know. Not on me. Don't test it on me.
P.P.S. WOOT! for new music!
Daniel Kirkley is a new CCM artist and this song is GREAT! This was Diana's favorite song of all off of this month's preview CD; I think you'll like it too. Kirkley's voice is great because it sounds like it's got a little bit of training behind it and he creates vibrato by modulating his breath support, not the pitch, something you don't hear done well very often. RIGHT ON!
Did I just write "right on?"
This one goes out to Tiffany, who was asking for new artists. Well, I HAD to reccomend the Corrs, didn't I? This is one of their slower instrumental pieces that I love! It's got a great misty, foreboding tone to it. Enjoy! That is an order!
And finally, what's a playlist without a little of the Beach Boys in it? This song is not like most of their stuff that you've heard. It's got a little more rock in it than normal...that's what we're talkin' 'bout!
Check out your "God Speaks" comments...
Anonymous, At
8:46 PM, May 04, 2007
You absolutley made my day! Thanks from Minnesota! (Not that you can read this, seeing that Internet access isn't generally a privilege when locked in a dungeon ;)) Oh well, I guess there is always the fried leather to look forward to. ;) Maybe at some point you can throw out the idea that rather than frying your leather, Tim could just drop you the strips, and unkown to him, you could fancy a plan to break into society. Just a thought ;) Oh, and I am officially complete: "newest member of the best friends club!!" Thanks man.
All my sincerity,
Anonymous, At
12:51 PM, May 05, 2007
LOL! Jason, on that second video I heard either:
a) wonking knockers
b) knocking wankers
Neither of which I'm thinking are very appropriate. LOL! hahahaha you make me giggle. Hope you're having a good one. I love your playlist, as usual. You're my muse. :-)
Anonymous, At
7:36 PM, May 07, 2007
Hahahahahahaha. Amber, let's go with option a, shall we? I am glad that I made you giggle though. AND I am glad to be your muse. I am very a muse ing. :-)
Jason Hunt, At
1:36 PM, May 12, 2007
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