The One with the SUB
So, today has not been the best of days. It hasn't been the worst, but definitely not the best. To begin, I slept through my first class. I set my alarm clock for 8:00 this morning and I remember it going off, but that's it...the next thing I knew, it was 10:00.
I hate when that happens. So now it is possible that I missed a quiz (which is what this guy calls tests). I sent an E-mail in a few minutes ago, so we'll see. It's not really that big of a deal because the lowest quiz grade is dropped at the end of the semester, but it is frustrating nonetheless. I HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS! Then, I find out that one of my favorite people in the whole of the Chapel Choir is leaving (a sponsor, not a student). This particular sponsor, who I will describe cryptically in case this knowledge is not meant to be shared, is one of the funniest people I have ever met and a Chapel Choir STAPLE! Oh, the TRAGEDY! *wipes tear*
On the upside, we are reading the Inferno by Dante Aligheri in my World Literature class, which is one of my favorite old books. For those of you who do not know, I am a big "let the punishment fit the crime" kind of guy, so I like the creative punishments Dante comes up with for the occupants of hell. I know, that's kind of morbid and a little weird..but I am not normally like that, I promise!
So...I noticed that nobody commented about the pulsars yet. I think it's because everyone who read the whole is still recovering from the coma. :-)
Anyway, nothing of real substance to write, just sitting here in the Student Union Building (SUB) and I don't want to give up this computer yet. The SUB is where all the geeky freshman hang out. It's actually pretty cool. Right now, there are three different television shows on the the three big screen tv's. Of course, two of them are soap operas...Grrrrrrr....silly freshman girls.
And Julia.
I don't think she reads this...that's probably for the best, but just in case. HI, JULIA!!! Yeah!! You're my FAVORITE! Really!
I hate when that happens. So now it is possible that I missed a quiz (which is what this guy calls tests). I sent an E-mail in a few minutes ago, so we'll see. It's not really that big of a deal because the lowest quiz grade is dropped at the end of the semester, but it is frustrating nonetheless. I HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS! Then, I find out that one of my favorite people in the whole of the Chapel Choir is leaving (a sponsor, not a student). This particular sponsor, who I will describe cryptically in case this knowledge is not meant to be shared, is one of the funniest people I have ever met and a Chapel Choir STAPLE! Oh, the TRAGEDY! *wipes tear*
On the upside, we are reading the Inferno by Dante Aligheri in my World Literature class, which is one of my favorite old books. For those of you who do not know, I am a big "let the punishment fit the crime" kind of guy, so I like the creative punishments Dante comes up with for the occupants of hell. I know, that's kind of morbid and a little weird..but I am not normally like that, I promise!
So...I noticed that nobody commented about the pulsars yet. I think it's because everyone who read the whole is still recovering from the coma. :-)
Anyway, nothing of real substance to write, just sitting here in the Student Union Building (SUB) and I don't want to give up this computer yet. The SUB is where all the geeky freshman hang out. It's actually pretty cool. Right now, there are three different television shows on the the three big screen tv's. Of course, two of them are soap operas...Grrrrrrr....silly freshman girls.
And Julia.
I don't think she reads this...that's probably for the best, but just in case. HI, JULIA!!! Yeah!! You're my FAVORITE! Really!
Inferno... hmmm. I see a future book in store for me. I haven't read that classic. Is that the one where the guy goes through the seven layers of purgatory by boat and sees all these famous people along the way? Maybe that's a different one but it sounded pretty cool too. I like punishments that fit the crime. Muahahahaha.
Anonymous, At
12:15 PM, September 28, 2005
Right on the money! Inferno is actually part one of The Divine Comedy and it is indeed a journey through hell. Very interesting! Did you know that Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates are all in Circle One of hell?
Jason Hunt, At
3:07 PM, September 28, 2005
Huh! I didn't know that. I might have to read that one, one day as well. And yeah hanging out in the SUB. I love the SUB. It's the best place to hang out. All the cool people hang out there!
Emily, At
9:25 PM, September 28, 2005
Yeah, I remembered there was a bunch of famous Greek dudes down there. Is Circle One of hell really bad compared to the others?? Man, I must get this book.
Anonymous, At
1:08 PM, September 29, 2005
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